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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. I might add that AC recon is also dependent on your force mix. If you haven't any infantry and you have AC's well then.... DavidI
  2. Stratos, You bet! There are many scenarios both at the Proving Grounds and at Scenario Depot specifically for Normandy. There is even an ubermod for CMNormandy and I will bump the thread for you. DavidI
  3. PSW 221, 222, 231, 232 & 233. Panzer IIL Lynx. SPW 250/1, 7, 8, 9 & 10. All done up in my "Normandy" camo. I will release more vehicles in the near future. They look like this: At CMMODs of course. Enjoy, DavidI [ January 23, 2006, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  4. Solution, Area fire is key! Placing 75mm HE next to a target is as good as, or sometimes better than, targeting the unit directly. DavidI
  5. TC's will unbutton automatically to a default unbottoned status. You should button every plot for tanks that you want to remain buttoned up. David
  6. The two most likely to run into Panthers in Normandy. Done with BG's plain yellow Panthers and BFC's modded camo. Alternates include spare tracks on the turrents. I am not particularly happy with these spare tracks so if anyone can do better, please do. Oh yeah, they look like this: Enjoy, DavidI
  7. Junk, Nope. Italy Winter 43-44 give me rain, and lots of it. DavidI
  8. Patboy, And a belated Happy New Year to you to. Thanks, DavidI
  9. Well I got it in my head that the Normandy Campaign was of pretty short duration and that most of the vehicles in a given Division would have had camo schemes of a pretty similar pattern. That's how I got into, what I am calling, my Normandy series. Made specifically for CMNormandy I hope you like the end results. It is my intention to do the most likely to run across tanks and vehicles in this pattern. Anyway here are the Panzer IV's: Special thanks to MikeyD and Dey. Enjoy, DavidI
  10. E, Have you tried downloading the mod again? Did you heed the artists statement that you need to have his other mod as well or "it will look funny"? DavidI
  11. George, Sometime the edit option doesn't kick in for a little while. Try again. DavidI
  12. George, Well done. If it's nae Scottish, tis crap. DavidI PS. Gas cans, bag and netting on the SPW 250/1 is from Gurra. di
  13. Bert, Well I killed alot of T-34's in Battle 1. Just managed to have some units on map at end of Battle 3. It is amazing how deadly Tigers are at this stage of the war and with relatively open terrain. David
  14. Painfbat, Fortunately the defibulator was nearby. Clear. Zap. A brief wiff of ozone. I'm OK now. Yeah, come on back. Just don't do it again. Tom just dissapeared and I fear the worst. He was the insperation for my CMETO and CMNormandy. I would have loved to see his CMGreece. DavidI
  15. Aragorn, That's the way MikeyD's original mod was put out, Dey and I only painted what we were given. DavidI
  16. Gen Von television, Confession is good for the soul. DavidI
  17. Snafu, You're in for a treat! DavidI
  18. MikeyD, Sorry it took so long... Thank you, Thank you for the totally cool artwork. I only hope I did you justice. DavidI
  19. Bert, End results of "Tank Warning". Tally includes the 12 (+-) SPW's and 3 tanks I withdrew in 3rd battle (didn't realize they would be counted as dead when I withdrew them - otherwise would have hid them). Here's the stud of the game: DavidI
  20. MikeyD, Loverly! Can't wait to ruin your bitchin early model with one of my camo jobs! 'Course I'll have to wait until I get home. :mad: DavidI
  21. G..ddamn it Painfbat you made my heart skip a beat. I thought Tom had come back from where-ever-it-is he went to. Man! Jeez! DavidI
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