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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. RHZ, Not excactly the response I was looking for. I was hoping for more of a "Oh yeah, I've got it right here in my hard drive. I'll upload it today. Thanks for reminding me".. sort of thing. Alas. I will be patient and wait for you to turn out a masterpiece instead of the hack job I would make of it. DavidI
  2. MikeyD, Thanks. I look forward to seeing it on screen. DavidI
  3. Painfbat, Now days it would get him a seat at the State of the Union Address. DavidI
  4. COG, Gone for the weekend, lot's o'Normandy stuff waiting to be uploaded. David
  5. Civdiv, ALWAYS check your LOS with the Line of sight indicator not your eye. David
  6. RHZ, Remember you were going to winterize your broken trees/rough terrain mod? Early in the new year? Well....? DavidI
  7. Junk, Maybe we can give it a go after you have killed off all my Pz IV's. Bang. Penetrating hit Turrent. Kaboom. DavidI
  8. UXcva, Thanks, worked like a champ. David
  9. Gautrek, Great! It's the little touches I love best. David PS. Link doesn't work. Is that CMMOD's, cause it won't be up till Friday. di
  10. zimorodok@zimorodok.org Lot's of cool stuff by Gurra, MikeyD, Dey, UncleTgt, Patboy and Zimorodok. Gurra's Panthers are not to be missed. David
  11. COG, It's OK. (Wipes away tears) I understand. (Falls to floor, assumes fetal position). DavidI
  12. In George Mc's "Railyard Blues" I was attacking the Soviet held Railyard. I was able to support an Infantry Platoon's assault on a building complex with a Platoon of Pz. Engineers who rolled up in their SPW, dismounted, and provided the muscle to force the Soviets out and into the flanking MG fire from SPWs. Leaving the Infantry to hold the buildings, I reloaded the Pz. Engineers into their SPW's (minus their Flamethrowers who I managed to get killed off) race them over to the far side of the battlefield and they again provided the umph to force the issue. The supporting fire from the Heavy Weapons Platoon (SPW 251/9's and 251/2's) added a great deal to the success. So, in the right circumstances Half Track carried Pz Grenadiers/Engineers can be very useful. DavidI
  13. But CMBO players will miss the sonic cannon effect. DavidI
  14. On the defense I have found them to be very deadly, on the offense I have found them to be very dead. DavidI
  15. Tankibanki, I can barely spell in English (my native language) much less German. Abteilung = Battalion, does it not? So the 1st Hermann Goering Armored Recon Battalion would be 1 HG PanzerAufklaerung Abteilung, no? DavidI [ January 24, 2006, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  16. Tankibanki, Thanks for the correction. No umlauts so... Kinda like Goring and Goering? DavidI
  17. Zwolo, Check out Gurra's excellent Panthers at Zimorodok's site. DavidI
  18. COG, Go gettem tiger. 2 weeks heh? I'll hve a bunch of Normandy stuff ready by then. Good to hear you are on it. DavidI
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