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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. To those of you who only frequent the CMBB side of the forum - Merry Christmas! Your Christmas present is hiding in the CMAK forum. DavidI
  2. Merry X-Mas to all the members of this forum. A gift to all of you on this wintery season. Inspired by Gurra's diry winter camo, I offer the following: Dirty White Vehicles Dirty White Guns Enjoy, David
  3. Hurray! Vossie, I apologize for calling you a bastard for killing CMMODs. You will be pleased to note that you have been elevated to SOB for only trying to kill CMMODs. Keep up the good work and you will be basking in Jerk status. DavidI
  4. Vossie, You killed CMMODs! You bastard! DavidI
  5. Am I the only one that can't get on to CMMODS? DavidI
  6. RockinHarry, Great, I look forward to it. DavidI
  7. John-d, Got a good laugh. Thanks for the post. DavidI
  8. JasonC, Good points all. Can you point out where your scenarios are? Or just name the titles, I have all the not-quite-so-new-ones from TSD. DavidI
  9. RockinHarry, Can you make a winter with snow version of your Rough Terrain? David
  10. Darkmath, Thanks. I did not do a winter version of the medium buildings since I conceived of them for Normandy only. However, you or anyone else is welcome to do so. DavidI
  11. MikeyD, I can dig it! I'll dig it even more when I'm not at work. DavidI
  12. Dey, The fact that a whopping 50 of them were made probably accounts for you not seeing them before. Certainly before this post I had never seen them. They do look cool though. DavidI
  13. The atmosphere with RHZ's pines and my modded muddy roads looks cool. Looks a little less dark in game. DavidI
  14. Tooz, The CMAK and CMBB Marders are not compatable, not only different bmp numbers but different bmps altogether. Did you check CMMODS, by designer, Daffy? David
  15. You were very bad in a previous life. DavidI
  16. Gen Von Television, Make yourself a seperate CMETO Fall game, I did. Works great. So I play CMNormandy (june - august), CMETO (sept), CMETO Fall (Oct - Nov), then back to CMETO (December - April). But then I am fanatical. DavidI
  17. Simon, Oops. Gurra only has his Panthers at Zimorodok's. His Tiger must be at CMMODs, ergo one you didn't like. Sorry about the bumb steer. DavidI
  18. Simon, Oops. Gurra only has his Panthers at Zimorodok's. His Tiger must be at CMMODs, ergo one you didn't like. Sorry about the bumb steer. DavidI
  19. Simon, Go to Zimorodok's site and look at Gurra's Tigers and Panthers. DavidI
  20. Simon, Go to Zimorodok's site and look at Gurra's Tigers and Panthers. DavidI
  21. Playing "Bidberg" meeting engagement, 1944 Fall, rain. I lead with a Greyhound and two Stuarts. The second Stuart bogged down, and then immobilized on a ROAD! Right at a key intersection. This on turn two. Whatabitch! David
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