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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. COG, Thank you very much. As always, the very best to you and your wife. DavidI
  2. Painfbat What time period does the Sealion game play on? North Africa, mid war or late war? So you want some in flieger bluse and others in jump smocks. Kinda like I did with my late war fallschirmjager but without the tropicals? David
  3. Getting away from Normandy for a minute, I rediscovered this one on the shelves, so to speak. Using AndrewTF's excellent mod this one features netted FJ helmets and Squad leaders in Tropical tunics. Options include Squad leaders in camo and helmets with no netting. They look like this: Enjoy, DavidI
  4. Junk, The delay used to be one of hours, not days. Everything up to 1/21/06 has editing and bmp #s, everything after 2/06/06 does not (including MikeyD's Arid Rocks - I bet he can't edit either). So my guess is something went ammis when COG brought CMMODs back up. DavidI [ February 12, 2006, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: David I ]
  5. COG, I was trying to explain this on the CMMODs Forum, but I am afraid that I was not clear. Here then may some pictures say a thousand words: Old Mod Info Page: New Mod Info Page: Also in a related problem your "Download Page" no longer displays BMP #s. An important feature. Old Download page: New Download Page: Anyway I hope that explains what I was trying to tell you. Thanks, DavidI
  6. Zwolo, In the "German Artillery" one they are wearing Late War Mech Water pattern smocks, in the 88 and Pak 38 pictures they are Luftwaffe Ground Troops wearing splinter ground combat jackets, and lastly the 76 has an infantryman wearing late war pattern field grey uniform. These are all the work of AndrewTF (The Great and Powerfull) and can be found at CMMODs. David
  7. Puts eye on where this thread is going. About what was expected. Grunts. Rolls over. Tries to go back to sleep. DavidI
  8. I have uploaded the Real Pak 43 88mm AT gun to CMMODs, sorry about the mistake. I hope that it did not cause anyone any inconvenience. DavidI
  9. KG-Jag, I saw that too. Doh. Unfortunately CMMODs won't let me edit my recent uploads. I can edit the ones prior to the last crash, but not the ones thereafter. I notified COG of this problem and he is no doubt working on it. DavidI
  10. Yep that's right, even more Normandy stuff. This time it's German guns, they look like this: and this, and this, and finally; Almost done. All I've got left is some SP guns and some odds and ends. Enjoy, DavidI
  11. I really like Dey's snow terrain (his ww vehicles look outstanding on it) and I really like MikeyD's snowy roads. But I don't like them together. This is my humble attempt at reconciling these differances. They look like this: Enjoy, DavidI
  12. Continuing with my Normandy series, here's stuff that shoots down planes (not that they ever have when I'm playing). Oh yeah, they look like this: and and and and finally Hope you Enjoy, DavidI [ February 10, 2006, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  13. Oopps, I posted a picture of the SPW 251/2 instead of the 251/1. Not quite sure how I managed that. Will attempt to fix when I get home. David I Fixed. di [ February 08, 2006, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  14. Chainsaw & John, You learn something new every day. I've seen pictures of them, but never really knew what they were. Fairly obscure, I assume. I'm kinda hoping that the WWII version of CMX2, with it's limitted scope per game will provide more diferation between vehicles within a given area. For example, it would be nice to see 20mm guns on the SPW 251/17 and the Flaktracks, etc. DavidI
  15. Normandy SPW 251 series and a Truck, A continuation of my Normandy series. Thanks to AndrewTF (The Great & Powerful), Patboy, George McEwan and BFC. They look like this: and this: and this: and this: and this: and this: and this: Well there are more to come... DavidI [ February 08, 2006, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  16. Chainsaw, OK, I'll bite; what is a Raupenslepper Ost? DavidI
  17. Navy, Thanks. Hetzer - probably not, but they appear in scenarios from time to time. DavidI
  18. Normandy Stugs and JagdPanzers, A continuation of the series. And they look like this: and and and and and and and the unforgettable: More to come, Enjoy, DavidI
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