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Blazing 88's

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Everything posted by Blazing 88's

  1. You could use this one for the time being: David Ingletts CMAK European Theater Mod: http://www.tspindler.de/cmak_mod/ This predates Streety's compilation, some of David's stuff may be in Streety's compilation I am not sure. Scenarios /Operations available at: The Scenario Depot II, CMAK: http://the-scenario-depot.com/index.html The Proving Grounds, CMAK: http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/discussions_topics.html?game=cmak You would have to search for the location and date for scenarios and operations for the CMAK Europeon Theater Mod.
  2. Agree with the op. Thinking about making my win 7 laptop a dual boot (xp), just so FC2 can run on it.
  3. I would like to know if this was ever created for CMSF. With the Road To Bagdad mod, I would like to have this as an option for a scenario or operation.
  4. CMx1 on Win 7 64bit Home Premium works on my modern systems. You don't get fog effects however with Win 7. Maybe have a duel boot system, this way fog effects would still work with Win XP boot up. Just a suggestion.
  5. In regards to Mods and user made scenarios... I assume you are aware of these sites: For the older CMx1 series and the new CMx2 series, Mods: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/ Scenarios for CMBO, CMBB and CMAK (& CMETO): http://the-scenario-depot.com/index.html and http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/discussions_topics.html?game=cmak Then of course to get another "free" game out of CMAK, there is this mod that modifies CMAK to CMETO: http://www.tspindler.de/cmak_mod/ As well, at the greenasjade mod site that I provided above (first link), as long as you have signed up at the site already, these two links (below) from that web site will direct you to downloads made by RobO that provide a campaign layer for CMAK and CMBB. It is called ROQC or Robert Olsen's Quick Campaign generator. It uses Excel to automate mostly everything (no paperwork) to carry on a campaign with a core force of your choosing. CMAK version: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=20&game_type=2 CMBB version: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=20&game_type=3 Enjoy.
  6. No problem. It's nice when things work out so quickly like that.
  7. Tchoup PM sent with a dropbox link for you. Hope this will get you going. I have run both CMBB and CMAK on my Cyberpower Workstation, AMD 8150 FX eight core, GeForce GTX 650 Ti, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, Win 7 64bit OS. I have to set my monitor to run in 4:3 aspect ratio to prevent stretching of the graphics. Running in 4:3 will give you two black bands on both sides of your monitor. If you don't mind stretching of the graphics (it's not that bad) then stick to the resolution you pick without adjusting your monitor. Another issue that takes away from some of the immersion value of the CMx1 series is that fog effects will not work, I think it has something to do with Win 7 or something I can't remember.
  8. Before making the purchase see if this might help: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html I found out about Razor Game Booster at another site Wings: Over Flanders Fields (a great WWI air combat simulator). To fly properly you need good FPS to run it. Game Booster supposedly helps for FPS, shutting down background programs the eat away at cpu power (FPS). I haven't tried Game Booster for CM2 as I haven't needed to tweek CM2 to run properly. I think I will give it a try with CM2 though just to see what it will do for me. My rig is a Cyberpower Workstatiom 16 gb DDR3 RAM, GTX 650 Ti, Asus motherboard AMD 8150MX eight core. (I use to have a GTX 550 Ti card on this system and it ran CM2 fine). Heck, my Samsung gaming laptop i7-2630QM cpu @ 2.0GHz 2.0GHz, 6GB RAM, GeForce GT 540 M runs CM2 just fine as well (very large maps with lots of units does stutter a bit, usable though). I haven't tried Game Booster on it yet though... gonna give it a go and see what it does for me on my laptop. Have you also tried running in Windows Basic, this supposedly helps with getting more cpu power and FPS as well. It does for WOFF which I mentioned above.
  9. WWI Air Combat Simulator called Wings: Over Flanders Fields. Awesome simulator.
  10. Great mods as always Fuser. OT, I noticed that you have posted at SimHQ in the Wings: Over Flanders Fields (WOFF) forum. What a great WWI air combat simulator that is.
  11. At least Gazala to Tunisia 42 - 43 or even earlier would do for me.
  12. Thank you all... I am going to try a scenario design at some point. I want to recreate the Wargamers Digest "Battle Stations" scenarios that take place in Western Europe. Eastern Front will have to wait obviously.
  13. Touchy aren't we... I guess that is what MAC peeps get for all the years of bashing PC's. 12 year olds.
  14. eniced73, personally I have a backup of my Z folder's on an external HD, no need to have to search for all the mods you like by doing that.
  15. Which is one of the main reasons I do not partake in games that require them to be posted... No time for that.
  16. I thought of mentioning this, as several years ago he corrected a spelling error (typo) I made in one of my posts. Then I thought to myself... nah it's just a message board.
  17. I am going to venture a guess... A FatherOfNoneMod CMBN style sound mod.
  18. jZip and WinRar are other free options.
  19. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9uwro7wuvq6kcwj/TOM_ROCKS.ZIP Enjoy.
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