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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Altho, I still think Rifle fire works pretty good as is, and only automatics need nerfed down ( I've seen a few instances in CM where a single Rifleman hit two troopers within two turns )...But, anyways. There are other good resaons to consider the idea for Automatics having say 5 bullets out of 10 for registering hits in an AS: bullets will pass through units ( as you mention ), bullets might have 1-2 hits on a single troop ( not sure if modeled ), prone troops may use other dead buddies or indulations in the ground for cover ( not sure if modeled ), troops sense where bullets are whizzing by and take appropriate cover, Troops peaking around a corner of a building instead of having to be in open AS to spot, etc, etc. Basically, Troops in RL are doing alot more ( then just the static animations you see in CM ) then just sitting in one place for any amount of time within an AS...Thus, giving overall less causualties.
  2. Your Good, Michael, Real Good...Yeah, figured I would mispell my meaning, lol.
  3. As a follow-up on my above post... I know that this has been discussed before in previous Posts & Threads over time, but will illiterate again... I always thought the lethality of Small-Arms & HE in CMx2 are alittle to much and needed to be toned down abit to better reflect RL. And I don't mean how aggressive we as players use our troops in a game, but rather the actual Combat effects that Small-Arms & HE cause at the micro-level...This is where JC explains it. At the moment, I think SMG's are alittle to lethal, the use of Hand-Grenades are to liberal ( tossing a couple nads per squad per turn would seem better ). I do think, however, that Rifles ( Bolt/Semi ) seem to work well ( could use alittle nerfing, but maybe not ), and the toned downed effect of HE is better.
  4. Thanks, JC, for that detailed and in depth analysis of what may be needed to make the AS system alittle better. CMx2 is built around this AS System, and anything that a member can contribute is always a good thing. As I was reading your post I had similar thoughts & ideas awhile back, but never could figure out how I would format it in a Thread or Post...I for one, would probably discombobulate things and frustrate the reader.
  5. Yes, I was thinking of adding that implication in previous post and figured someone would end-up mentioning it. In a situation like that, once forced to dismount, then Crews have the ability to do whatever they want during the game...embark ( ofcourse, once embarked they must remain so ), move about, enter objective by games end, etc...I say this, becuase a unit's hand has been forced by the Game ( not fault of player ), and thus most restrictions are voided. Anyways, like you said, things can get complicated and players need to discuss these sort of things before a game.
  6. All Good Comments... Which one of these below would be a more appropriate choice to consider, wither against an Opponent or Computer AI. This could also be applied in the CM: House Rules Thread I posted. - Vehicle crews can disembark/embark at any given turn, but must embark before the last turn of a game...This way Vehicle & Crew are legally one by games end. - There will be no disembarking of Vehicle Crews.. Are there any other considerations to add ? I would think the last choice would be more appropriate since it goes in tandem with Heavy Weapons crews not be able to un-crew if need be (except by being destroyed ).
  7. Yes, and I got my CM Games on Sale...In the form of a 'Bundle :-)
  8. Not even looking to find your own objectives...Now, that's Hard Core.
  9. Actually Slim, I do about the same procedures as you do against the AI. Basically, I will move my troops until they get to their desired locations, then wait a min of one full turn, rinse and repeat. Also, I will never advance Troops who are worse then 'Tired' ( anything that's in Red ). I also think players should follow same or similar procedures as thier normal form of Combat, not only against the AI, but other players...This will closer represnet RL Combat situations where HQ's evaluate the situation, give orders, etc.
  10. Vanir, I know it applies to Weapons Units...HMG/Mortar with Tripods & Ammo, etc will move slower & Fatigue faster then Regular Infantry. However, does this also apply to units that 'Acquire' extra Ammo, Zooks, etc at any point during the game...I would amagine if a Team/Squad acquired additional Ammo from a Truck it would have some detrimental effects to performance.
  11. Thanx for sharing that info, MOS... Joe
  12. Yes, you can Target or let the AI eventually auto target disembarked Vehicles as if they were active. I won't worry about been Off-Topic to much since half the Posts within a Thread will eventually do that.
  13. Actually, I think it's realistic enough and simplistic all at the same time.
  14. In regards to Troop effectiveness when under load ( additional Ammo & equipment ); I really hope that troop performances are degraded under these situations, but haven't payed enough attention to see for myself...This would be a big issue for me if there were no such limitations on performance. In regards to last paragraph; True, but I think 'Battlefront' wants Players to be immersed in the visible layer of CM, rather then worry about what's going on behind the scenes...However, Im with you and want some understandings of why things happen the way they do.
  15. Reinforcements arriving would be treated as if it was the 1st turn of the game for them. In regards to the Bazooka comment; Troops simply must prepare themseves before going into battle. Atleast for me all the above would be a simplistic method of the 'Acquire' feature.
  16. Yes, and I understand that, but my post still stands...You have the opportunity to get your Ammo & other equipment at beginning of game or the turn that Reinforcments arrive.
  17. Reduce the effectiveness of SMG's & Grenade's with that of other Small Arms...Oh, nevermind, this thread is about Non-Gameplay improvements. Joe
  18. IMHO, I think the 'Acquire' feature should only be used at beginning of game ( setup ), or when 'Reinforcments' arrive, and not during mid-game as stated above...Great for multi-Scenario's in a Campaign. I think the current 'Buddy-Aid' system seams to work fairly well. I would amagine that the Moral & Motivation levels play an important role in wither or not a squad uses 'Buddy-Aid' or how effective. I do find some situations 'Odd'. One example is when a 2-man LMG team is running, and the LMG'er gets hit, then instatanously the Rifleman automatically has the LMG in mid-stride...Thought I was seeing a 'Bug' ( I couldn't believe my eyes, and had to re-run the turn just to make sure ), but now it seems it's built-in the 'Buddy-Aid' system...Sigh. Joe
  19. What 'House Rules' does everyone use, wither against the AI or Human Opponent to make CM alittle more realistic in your opinion. Joe
  20. Yeap, it takes 60 secs to unload each box, and another 5 minutes to open and distribute...Oh, game is already over. I think the 'Acquire' feature should only be used at the beginning of Scenario ( setup ). Joe
  21. Yeah, I Umm, Umm taking my Crew to Scout-out the next Crossroad...using the building for cover :-) Actually, that does sound Gamey, and think CM should not have Crews ( Tanks, HT's, AC, etc ) be allowed to disembark, and think only Passengers should be allowed...Think CMx1.
  22. What effects do Embarked or Destroyed Crews from Vehicles, Field Pieces, etc have on holding Objectives. Ex; I have an instance where there are only a few turns left in a QB Game. I want to hide my Tank somewhere safe outside objective, and have my Crew dismount and enter an Objective and hide in one of the buildings. Joe
  23. -Or- just use some Infantry Grenades to take down a Bridge...Just 1-2 of them Sure does a job immobolizing Tracks on Armor near %100 of time...Sigh. Joe
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