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Everything posted by Shmavis

  1. *BUMP* Throw me a frikkin' bone here, people.
  2. I thought this might be a good place to ask if anyone lives near/works at the Imperial War Museum Duxford as I'm applying to be a volunteer and will attend the "Welcome Day" there this Sunday, October 30th. So, is anyone going to be there, too?
  3. Wow! It's amazing to see this topic go from discussion to a beta scenario within a thread. I'll head over to the PG and get back to you, Renaud. Thanks for your work!
  4. As this is the best place that I could post the message, Happy Trafalgar Day, Brits! I suppose I could go to Les Grognards...maybe not.
  5. Mazex, it has been stated that if CMC is successful enough sales-wise, BFC will then produce a CMC/CMBB bundle.
  6. Hmmm. This must be the famous "Eau de Cologne" division mentioned by Gottlob Bidermann in his book "In Deadly Combat", as it "came from the West and evaporated quickly." I had wondered which division it was. Thanks.
  7. They're assessing us for organ harvesting. As a preventive measure, I have already set about destroying my liver. I'm 26. So, I have a lot of work to do.
  8. For all BBC viewers, there's a program about British cavalry(and other) units just now. It might interest some as it focuses on regimental combined arms combat.
  9. While I believe TCP/IP would be the best way to speed tactical battles along, if they're going to be 60+ turns, the players will be fairly frazzled(for lack of a better term) by game's end, especially with a turn timer. I suppose players could agree to take breaks. That type of stress might just be what the hard-core crowd wants. Incidentally, isn't "serious gamer" an oxymoron?
  10. I have already bid farewell to my friends and family, and my will has been updated.
  11. Excuse my late response, but after some discussion and searching, the phonetic translation of the phrase is, "La Ilaha Illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulu Allah." This can be taken to mean "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the prophet of God." or "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah." It can be translated in a few other ways, but I offer these two versions.
  12. "Mrs. B.J. Smegma" Oh, bad, wicked, naughty, awful MP.
  13. According to this, one was tested at Eglin. Man, I had no idea they tested munitions of that magnitude along the Florida panhandle. I wonder if anyone saw the fireball.
  14. Yes, and I believe that was the last time they were in combat. The Arabs involved in the Arab-Israeli wars never exactly distinguished themselves in the use of AFVs...at least, not in a good way.
  15. I think your option 2 would be the better way to go, as the various combined arms branches would not have to be constantly reassigned. The battlegroup commanders would have all the tools necessary for victory at their disposal, and there wouldn't be any quibbling over who would get to play each engagement, all things being equal.
  16. Securityguard, if you'll excuse my asking, do you work for Amana? Heehee. I'm not too keen on this PBEM stuff either.
  17. Oooooooh! Just give me the brass section with their handy panzersaxophonebuchse and I would rule the battlefield!
  18. You know, I never could figure out what the hell a "pram" was, until I came to the UK.
  19. I'm curious about this, too. If one human player leading a German inf platoon requests support from, say, another human player-controlled assault gun battery, does the high commander, or just a company commander in that particular unit, have to decide who will then command the combined force in the ensuing battle?
  20. Very intershtink feature. Man, the wife kicks me off the 'puter for a day and I miss all this. Thanks, though!
  21. Let me try to clarify: Does this delay apply to Human maneuver element players who want to send a message to the overall commander on their side?
  22. A big difference. Your 6 man squad against his 5 man crewed weapon and his experience advantage doesn't put the odds very much in your favor.
  23. E's pinin' fo' the fee-yords.
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