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Everything posted by Shmavis

  1. "Negative, Ghost Rider. The pattern is full" -"Goose, it's time to buzz the tower." *whooooooooooosh*
  2. Hmmm. Yeah. I thought it was closer to 400 billion. *sigh*
  3. It's what I had to do. I recommend naps when cranky. They work for my kids...and me.
  4. I thought here would be a good place to link these. I'm not a Nickelback fan. I think the other song is Sarah Maclachlan(sp?). The footage is interesting, even if a good bit of it looks like propaganda(of the era. Not the intention of the author). The 3rd one is a Finnish newsreel. *Ahem* Sergei. The last one is best, though! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI4PoPL7BxQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZSloZDBfkY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95Cm9JEwoqQ
  5. Yeah, I discovered it by accident. I figured that I had not RTFM. It's on page 33 in mine, or the "action replay" section.
  6. Painfbat, I guess I'm cranky because she had to leave for a six-week NCO Academy course in Germany. I'm not worried about infidelity. MeatEtr, she has an older sister, but she and I don't get along because she's a horrible nag. Driving with her is unbearable. Plus, she's always asking my in-laws for money, which irritates me greatly. She's married, anyway. However, my wife has a half-sister from her father's second marriage who's a nice, young lady, but we don't see her often because she lives in the backwoods of Arkansas. Sorry!
  7. Andreas, is that "heaving" or "having"? The Luftwaffe counted aircraft destroyed on the ground toward kills, in case it hasn't been mentioned. Wow. This thread has gone far off-topic.
  8. If I hadn't done a search of your recent posts, I would have thought you were trying to sell us penile enhancements or something. As it is, welcome! You should try the Opponent Finder forum, by the way.
  9. I resent all of these negative references to vanilla. It is a fine flavor. Use rainbow sherbet or something.
  10. I'll see if I can find an opponent for it, and keep you posted.
  11. Hah. No, I was just wondering how long it will take someone to get cranky about the question.
  12. I wonder how long it will take for...
  13. Jason, thanks for the heads-up. Lucero, that sounds good. Did you want to PBEM 1SS Breakthrough?
  14. Hey, Gary. If you don't hear back from Stoffel, I'm looking for an opponent for 1SSBreakthrough.
  15. Jason, I just checked the scenario discussion section for your reply, but I don't see anything there. Did you delete it by mistake or something? I'll check again.
  16. Whoa, Lucero! Type a spoiler warning with asterices or something, will you? I had to close my eyes and scroll down with my mouse roll-bar until I'd reached the bottom of the page. Heh.
  17. Uhhh. I met mine in the military. Maybe you should enlist, or try to pick up women in military museums. Hmmm. I got nothin'.
  18. In an effort to relate some personal experiences and to discuss a topic that I hope will be more pleasant than other recent ones, I'd like to talk about how much my wife rocks: She's grown accustomed to my Second World War interests and general gaming habits over the years. The eye-rolls are mostly gone. Now, her usual comment when she sees me playing CMBB(which she calls "that war game") is, "Saving the free world, honey?" She never does hang around for my summary of the Eastern Front's history. I get a kiss on the forehead and "Okay. You have fun, honey." as she walks away. Heh. I know this doesn't make her seem like a great wife for a CMBB player. Bear with me. She's a great lady(among other reasons, but particularly regarding WW2 and CM) because she does things like buy me CMBB SE when she noticed that I was reading the box in a store. For my birthday, she bought a large print of the engagment at St. Aignan de Cramesnil, where Michael Wittman was supposedly killed in battle with British tank destroyers. I'll let others debate the historical accuracy. Also, for Christmas she got me a miniature, remotely-controlled Tiger tank. When we go on road trips(for example, the last one we took to Dover) she'll read Glantz or articles from World War II magazine(a year's subscription bought as a gift) to me. She doesn't know a great deal about Second World War history, except that the Germans, Japanese and (for a while, at least) Italians were the "bad guys". It's just the fact that she humors the geek that she married that makes me love and appreciate her all the more. Can anyone else relate similar experiences? I'm interested in them.
  19. Well, this thread has certainly touched a nerve with people. *Ahem* Jason, I've posted a review of 1SS Initial Assault at TPG. I now return you all to your spirited debate.
  20. Hello, all! I just got back from a 2-day trip. So, I'm just getting back to responding to thread posts, e-mail, etc. Juan, I didn't realize that was a trend. Interesting. Kingfish, thanks for the kind words, and(again) your comments at TPG. Aragorn2002, I appreciate the compliment, but I would hardly consider myself "great" at scenario design. I've learned quite a bit after this first posted scenario, though. Since I have just now returned, I'm a bit tired to make any changes to it tonight. I didn't have anything big planned anyway. Later, Shmavis
  21. Why don't you do all of us a favour and play Jason C's battles and leave those of us who like bigger battles in peace? And try to remember the manners your mother must have tried to teach you. </font>
  22. Thanks, Aragorn2002! After some problems were spotted with the AI's handling of the flag layout, I'm considering making two separate versions, one for H2H and the other against the AI. More to follow!
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