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Everything posted by Shmavis

  1. Nevermind. I can't back that up. [ March 12, 2005, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: Shmavis ]
  2. Yeah, I really should have thought of that, but I'd never been stung by friendly fire that badly, either.
  3. Alright, Patboy. Let me set the scene: I'm playing "Opening Moment" and haven't even gotten a chance to commit this Tiger platoon to battle(they're bunched together in a rear area). On the previous turn I observed a Stuka attack some Soviet positions and thought, "Yay! Air Support!" The next thing I know a Stuka has planted a bomb smack in the middle of the most powerful platoon I have, immobilizing or destroying most of it. Yay...air support.
  4. I just have a question about the TacAI for these units: Will an AA gun engage an enemy aircraft that is outside of its assigned covered arc? For example, if an AA unit is covering to the north and an enemy aircraft approaches from the south, will it traverse and engage? Thanks, in advance.
  5. I thought white signified infantry and grass green was for mechanized(armored)infantry.
  6. I'm offended by "tommyrot" and "flapdoodle", and so are the Klingons.
  7. EDIT: Sorry. Double post here. [ February 03, 2005, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Shmavis ]
  8. What? 'Brit', 'Aussie' and 'Canuck' are offensive now? When did this happen? I used to be in the military and worked with some Commonwealth forces. They called us 'Yanks' and we would call them one of the 3 terms above. No one was offended. I've never worked with Australian soldiers, but the Australians that I've met in civilian life have given me an impression of an easy-going people. I met a New Zealander once, and I guessed, wrongly, that he was Australian by his accent. After correcting me, he said, "S'roight. We're all mates." Now, getting back to the topic of this thread, I'd like to command a Klingon starship. I mean, they can't be all bad if they quote Shakespeare in battle. Right?
  9. Ohhhhh, you misspelled "semitic", Mr. Dorosh. I shall have to inform the Simon Wiesenthal Center at once!
  10. They also lost the war, murdered their prisoners, committed apalling atrocities against civilians in China and thoughout parts of Asia and Oceania, and were required to kill themselves rather than surrender. Not to mention losing every single land battle after June 1942. Are you, like, retarded or something? </font>
  11. They also lost the war, murdered their prisoners, committed apalling atrocities against civilians in China and thoughout parts of Asia and Oceania, and were required to kill themselves rather than surrender. Not to mention losing every single land battle after June 1942. Are you, like, retarded or something? </font>
  12. I just thought I'd post this for those who might be interested.
  13. It sounds like a good read. I'll have to check that out. This isn't exactly related, but I've been trying to find a copy of "Hell's Gate" by Douglas Nash and it now will cost $380.00(!) if I want to buy it from Amazon. Luckily, I was able to find it at a local site for about 50 pounds. That's what I get for not going with my instincts.
  14. I thought I'd run this by everyone. The graphics look mah-velous, but we'll see about the gameplay.
  15. My God...60 years of post-atomic breeding. At least they got rid of the panty vending machines.
  16. Except the SS, I think. Some people just can't play nicely with others.
  17. I was just wondering if anyone had this scenario as it does not seem to be available at the Scenario Depot anymore. I'll be asking at the SD as well. It's based on an action during the winter of 1943 recapture of Kharkov. Any other suggested scenarios for that battle would be appreciated, too.
  18. Yeah, and when you eliminate an enemy squad, they'll drop dollars! A nice treat for Russians and Germans.
  19. Thanks! I'm sorry this response comes rather late.
  20. Hmmmm. I suppose it could be a "hoax". I'm having trouble seeing what it was the author or book had to gain, except for sales due to reader interest, maybe. Could it have been an elaborate attempt to garner sympathy for Alsatians and other non-Germans who served in the Wehrmacht, and, if they weren't killed in combat, would probably not be able to return to their homes at the war's end? This brings out the conspiracy theorist in me. Question everything!
  21. Whoops. With a simple glance at the top of the thread list, I think I've found the answer!
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