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  1. Thanks for the replies. I'm guessing "green" vs. "veteran" is the answer. My squad was literally as close as they could get without being on top of the gun (maybe 5-10m), and not moving. I don't think it was a freak since I've seen this happen twice now. Is it possible to surpress a gun at all? Even with my own assault gun and squads firing at the Soviet gun, I never saw them "take cover".
  2. I was just playing "RAS Point133No6," which includes a couple of Soviet 76.2mm guns. I was playing the Germans and managed to flank one of the guns with a rifle squad. The squad closed to point-blank range and engaged the gun crew from the rear. I figured a five-man gun crew would not be able to stand up to my six-man rifle squad. But that's not the way it turned out. My rifle guys had a good 20-30 seconds of shooting, but didn't kill anyone or even surpress the gun. All this time the gun was turning towards my squad very very slowly. Finally it finished its turn and fired a single round, killing all of my men. I'm new to this game, but it seems weird that the gun crew could manage to turn the gun around and fire a shot while in very close-range combat with a rifle squad, and have that shot instantly eliminate the squad. I noted that the gun crew was "veteran" and my troops were "green." Could that have made the difference?
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