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Everything posted by BigJ62

  1. Made a similar test except I used grass and dirt and set distance to 207m. The guys behind walls clearly dominated. I'm wondering if range plays a big factor in this.
  2. Ran a few tests and could not get the shrek team to fire outside its covered arc except when I drove the tank right next to the team with just the bocage separating them and then it threw a grenade. Even tried running the team to bocage with covered arc set on final waypoint and they still would not fire. Tried several times with tank on tank and could not get them to fire outside of covered arc. Not sure what the magic formula is.
  3. I gave several IG guns a move order with a face command (forgot to give a deploy cmd) and when they reached their destination they just started spinning counter-clock wise for several minutes. What got them to stop was giving them a deploy command.
  4. Are troops always supposed to obey orders? Does experience and fatigue play a role in this? I know morale and suppression does.
  5. Is this a feature cause I have never seen it?
  6. First post since 2007 and arty is too slow - LOL.
  7. PC, with 12GB memory although not much use for this app but comes in handy with others.
  8. One scenario used close to 1GB of video memory on my machine, not sure what the game is reserving for memory and paging but maybe it is hitting some kind of wall where a system is lacking. However these rservations can be increased.
  9. Those panthers are unbeatable at 2000 meters.
  10. Make a video and put it on youtube.
  11. What LLF said, please put some logic in to go to nearest objective painted so I can cut down on number of groups. Also double number of groups and orders would also help with complex AI attacks.
  12. Got mine yesterday and in perfect condition, now to read the manual while I play.
  13. WTH were they aiming at? Found out last night sandbag walls can be destroyed. Cpl - This should clear the bowels pretty quick. Sgt - Watch em run.
  14. Mostly what I have been seeing is that HQs do stay behind the squads. But when there is not much else to send forward then the HQs take the lead.
  15. I knew I wasn't the only one, we need dead cows with flies and sfx.
  16. Yep, trying to trace a path while moving the mouse around would be horrendous to performance. It would be like trying to move a mouse through molasses.
  17. Just thinking that the other night, if the bottom bar would auto scale with resolution (wider perhaps) and an option to change fonts. As is now I'm struggling to read these fonts.
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