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Everything posted by GJK

  1. No worries Mark, all the scenarios on TPG are in the testing stage. Some folks should be along to give it a test and then they'll post comments in the scenario discussions area. Once it's all tweaked out to your satisfaction, move it up to the Scenario Depot along with your site.
  2. Mark, upload it to The Proving Grounds if you want and we'll even playtest it for you.
  3. We have an opponent search at The Proving Grounds. Not a ladder, just a place to post a profile and to search for other players based on specific game settings of your own criteria. Link in my sig below, hope to see you there!
  4. Hi Zoppex, We have plenty of Op's at The Proving Grounds just dying to be played and reviewed. Any help you could give the scenario authors to help them finish the product would be greatly appreciated! Link to the site in my sig below, hope to see you there! Edit: Just noticed you're a member already, thanks for joining! Wow, loosing track as we're approaching 1000 members. Thanks to everyone that participates!
  5. The Proving Grounds is setup for playtesters to test and review scenarios of their choice. Once the scenario is tested and "proven" it is moved on to places like the Scenario Depot. The Scenario Depot can be found here. The scenario authors at The Proving Grounds would love to have your feedback! Link in my sig below.
  6. Pretty sad hijacking another guys thread to pimp your own mods, isn't it?
  7. I wanna see the Ghostly Mud Babe!!! Where is she????? What kind of thread is this anyways!?!?!?!?! :mad: :mad: :mad: ...and all that other stuff....
  8. Real simple CSS code for controlling the color of the links: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"><!-- this needs to go between the <head> and </head> tags --> <style type="text/css"> <!-- a:link { color: #CC0000; } a:visited { color: #FFFF00; } a:hover { color: #999999; } a:active { color: #CC0000; } --> </style></pre>
  9. You could use MS Access or FileMaker Pro or the like to database it. That way, the content would be indexable and searchable. Or if that's too much, a simple Excel spreadsheet might do it for you.
  10. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets. You can link to a single external style sheet from your pages and then remove all the <font> tags that you have on those pages and control the layout from that single style sheet. Then, if you decide you want to change font type, color, size for any element (table, paragraph <p>, etc) then you just update that one sheet and it globally changes the fonts on all your pages that have a reference to it. Sounds complicated but it's very simple really, might check htmlgoodies.com or webmonkey.com for some good tutorials on CSS.
  11. Hi Panzerman, Cool site! I love your guy's work, and as if I don't get to play enough of your scenarios from The Proving Grounds, I have your site to go to know for even more! Couple of suggestions if I may: 1. Text at the top of your home page reads "Home of the Combat Scenario Desigen Team". Of course, that should read "Home of the Combat Scenario Design Team". 2. The links have the default coloring on them, meaning that after I visit the link it turns purple. That purple is very hard to read on the dark green (the blue is a bit difficult as well). You might use a CSS to control the color of the links. The gold looks really good on that green. 3. "CSDT-Canadian_Contact.zip" shows up whether I click on CMBB or CMAK scenarios. 4. Screenshots of your work would be a great bonus as well. Look forward to trying out some of these!
  12. I really enjoyed "Assault Guns Forward!" played solo as the Axis vs the AI. My review of the scenario while it was being tested can be read Here. This brings up a point though. Would it be beneficial to rate scenarios at the SD and then link to any reviews given at TPG in the comments section? Or just copy/paste those comments in I guess. Potential problem is that I may have reviewed a beta version and changes may have been made before it was moved to the SD. But, brings up another good point IMHO. If the scenario designer's add a comment to the effect of "playtesting assisted at The Proving Grounds", then that would let downloaders at the SD know that they could read the development playtest notes at TPG should they want more details of the scenario before committing to it. Just a thought!
  13. If you're on WinXP using IE, it has some strange caching and cookies issues that we've been discussing on a developers list that I'm subscribed to. Have you tried another browser? If you're not on XP or not using IE, then, nevermind.
  14. VL: Might try posting a note to the front page at TPG. You'll get some takers. There's just so many scenarios going up that us playtesters are having a bit of hard time keeping up. I've downloaded your scenario but unfortunately I'm at my 8 pbem games max, but I can play it solo as Allies vs AI if a playtest from that perspective will be beneficial to you.
  15. It works for me. As I've been posting, I've had zero problems with this board. None that I can ever think of. I surf with no cache and do keep the same cookies that I recieved the day that I installed Opera. FWIW.
  16. Give Assault, Guns Forward! a try. I think it's pretty close to what you're looking for. I had a blast playtesting this one, I was down to just a couple of men trying to hold the town, which I did. I'd give the AI a bonus and let the author (Patrocles) know if you found it just a bit unbalanced or if I just got lucky defending.
  17. FWIW, with "Internal Server Error" messages from a cgi-script, the culprit is either a permissions issue or the path to the script itself is referenced incorrectly, or the path to the interpreter (Perl) is referenced incorrectly. The incorrect permissions on the cgi-script could be incorrect ownership, or lack of permission to "execute" the script.
  18. USMC, 1982-1986, E-4 Corporal MOS: 0231 Intelligence Specialist Boot: MCRD San Diego, Plt 3095 Intel school: Little Creek, VA 1st Duty Assgmt: Camp Courtney - Okinawa, Japan 2nd Duty Assgmt: 29 Palms, CA No military action at all, so I left the Corps and became a cop in L.A. for 4 years. Moved back to Texas and now I sit on my butt all day making web pages.
  19. Type your briefing in your text editor, then, turn off word-wrap in that editor so that all the paragraph's are one, big, long line. Then copy and paste it in. It's not that linefeeds are getting lost, actually, it's that it's keeping the linefeeds that your text editor was adding.
  20. Hi LC- Check out The Proving Grounds (link below). I've had it running for over a year now and the membership rate and participation has grown beyond my expectations. TPG specializes in opponent finding and upload and beta testing for CMBO, CMBB and CMAK scenario's and operations. Our goal is to assist sites such as the Scenario Depot and others and to help scenario authors by getting only quality, tested scenarios uploaded to those more permanent archival sites. Anyways, stop by, say hello, hope to see you there!
  21. Since we're being critical, shouldn't it read: Review a battle at the Scenario Depot now, or we'll break your legs! Or we could get a bit fancy and go with: Now is the time to review a scenario at the Scenario Depot, alas you shall sustain damage to both of your femur bones!
  22. Interesting timing... See the post that I just made under CMAK Imminent - can we fix the Scenario Depot Rating System Beforehand?. Keeping the banter within the discussions area would keep just the pure review results in the reviews area (in theory anyways).
  23. RM's suggestion would go hand in hand with what we've been using at TPG, a scenario discussion's area. Playtesters play the scenario and then discuss their findings, posting the final outcome, who they played against, faults with the scenario (if any), likes/dislikes, etc. Spoilers are frequent in our discussion areas because, well, the scenarios are being playtested, but spoiler warnings could be included at the SD. What's the difference between a review and a discussion? On TPG, the review is to aid others in determining if the scenario is even worth the effort. The discussion gets to the heart of the matter and crunches numbers. On the SD, a similar principle could be applied: I'm Joe Player and am looking for a scenario. I find one that has mixed reviews. I'm not sure what's in the scenario so do I just download it and spend an hour or more dinking with it, or do I go to the discussions area and read up more about it? Ah yes, discussions. Here I find that the scenario has or doesn't have some components that I'm looking for. I avoid any spoilers if I don't want to read them. I'd be more than happy to work with Keith on the design idea for this that I used. The way it is set up on TPG, whenever a new scenario is uploaded, a discussion is automatically set up for it, under the appropriate game (CMBO, CMBB, CMAK). The information page for each scenario has a link that goes directly to that scenario's discussion. Just an idea.
  24. I uploaded all of the ASL mod's on behalf (and blessing) of Michael to CMMODS. Look under author GJK in the CMBB area and you should see them all.
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