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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Add to that list (again): Group select/move & individual path modifications: If I group select and set a movement command, I only see one path indicator for the entire group. If I want to modify any individual squads paths, I have to unselect the group and then individually select that squad/unit. That was not the case with CMBO nor CMBB. Edit for clarification: Shift+P and turning on "show all paths" will of course show each individual path after a group move, however, in CMBO/CMBB, "show all paths" did not have to be enabled in order to see the paths of a group move. I personally don't use the "show all paths" because of the excessive screen clutter but would like to be able to see the paths of a group (only) without having to individually select each unit of that group in case I need to modify the path. Tanks! [ March 03, 2004, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  2. PbemH has it's own built in sendmail utility. There's nothing to configure and there should be no compatability issues - it's proprietary. I'll 2nd the praise for the program. I have 11 pbem games going at the moment and there is no way that I would be able to manage them without it. Ok, I could manage, but it would become a chore to do so.
  3. Playing HSG's "Inside Hell" now which reads in its description as: "17 August 1944. The battle for the Falaise Pocket starts. The American 3rd Armored Division tries to cut into the pocket through the lines of the 1st SS Panzer Division." This one looks like it's going to get bloody real quick! I'm playing it pbem with Charlie Kibler and we had some contacts on turn 1 (his forward scouts no doubt). I've seen the discussions on The Proving Grounds that the Allies will have a rough time of it (I'm playing the U.S. in this one), we'll keep you posted of how ours turns out. I'm sure you could always use some more playtests on this one though, so if anyone is interested, it can be found HERE.
  4. PC: Will the scenarios be uploaded as a "pack" or individually? If individually (which I'd recommend btw so that we can discuss individual ones) will they have a related naming scheme so that we'll know that they are part of your pack? Will the the name have numbering or dates as well so that we can play them in order? These sound great, can't wait to dig into them!
  5. The Proving Grounds: www.the-proving-grounds.com It does require either a quick registration (just use your nickname from these boards and a password and email address) or if you want to be included in the opponent finding, provide a player profile. There is a discussions area set up for The Graemes scenario already, so join him there with your comments on the gameplay. Hope to see you all there!
  6. Moi? Get mad? Nah... I don't differentiate between Op's and Scenario's on TPG at this point, but perhaps in the future. There just hasn't been any requests for a search for Operations only...at this point. That's quite a large Op! I just downloaded it and will probably start a solo play as Axis in it and let you know how it goes!
  7. Why not use the Proving Grounds as a test bed for your operation so that you could then upload a finalized product to the Scenario Depot? You're already a member at TPG I noticed. Just curious.
  8. Bummer, Access 2000 (SR-1) wouldn't open it.
  9. There's an open discussion of the Op here. I'm anxiously awaiting v2 myself.
  10. I've got a 5200 that I bought on a spur of the moment thing when my 4600 crapped on me. I really should of done my homework first I guess after seeing that it actually benchmarks lower than the 4600.
  11. It's been so long since I tried it, but is the AA "problem" the fact that text doesn't show in some menu's or does the game lock up? I'm running the 53.03's and just tried turning on 4xAA and 4xAF and the game ran fine. Everything was noticeabally "smoothed" - almost to a point that it looked a little bit blurry to me. But then, when exiting the game (pbem turn) the box before the name the turn (whatever that thing says) and then the next screen where you give your next turn a name were just blank. I'll wait for other's feedback on the "unofficial" drivers before I give them a try.
  12. MD: You're still the top posting member of them all though, and still #1 in my book, dangit. :cool:
  13. Sorry, just thought it would fit nicely above Air support bug. Okie, lock me up now!
  14. Thanks Bob! It's great chatting with you guys in the discussions area and on the homepage and yes, there are over 180 great scenarios on the site now. I've gotten through maybe 20% of them - and new ones are being added almost every day! By the way, I think you owe me a turn for CKibler's "Hall 10".
  15. Ah ha! I knew I wasn't imagining things! Thanks KoC for the confirmation. This one "bugs" me as much as the disappearing bases, surprised it hadn't come up before - or if it had I missed it.
  16. And the tiles are downsized from 512x512 and 256x256 to what, 8x8? :eek:
  17. If your anti-virus software has a fit during install, ignore it...it's all safe.
  18. Well if somebody didn't have 15 different banking cards!!! I mean, "Playboy men's club exclusive member charge card", come on! :eek:
  19. Mike; as we were chatting, I still say something is different with CMAK over CMBO/CMBB in group select and move. In all 3 games, I do not have "show all moves" enabled, it bugs me, but in CMBO/CMBB, if I group select and move, I see every units plot line that I can then adjust as needed. In CMAK, I do not. I only get the plot line for the one unit that I do the actual right clicking on to give the group order to. I have to select each unit of the group individually to then see its plot line for adjustment. Has nobody else noticed this? Have I gone mad? :confused:
  20. Well great...hit 1000 members and the server crashes... :eek: I have a call in to my web host to see what the problem is. This is not a normal event, and actually it's the first time that the site has been down in month's. Do try back though if you hadn't been to the site yet and were wondering what it was all about. Not a good initial impression I know. :mad:
  21. Thanks you all, and I apologize for the hiccup that the server appears to be having at the moment...not a usual thing, I promise!
  22. Dunno if you figured out the answer or not, but in case not, the way I understand it, just reducing the size will reduce the resolution. So, for a 512x512 tile, reduce it in size to 256x256 and you basically have 1/2 the resolution. Don't worry, the game "stretches" the tiles to fit without them actually appearing "stretched" (however that works).
  23. Good stuff! If you all don't mind, I'd like to add these to the reference area located in the Proving Grounds. Our reference area is a searchable index of links of interest related to all things CM and by being searchable, it's almost a mini "Google" of sorts with only relevant results. Sorry, no porn. Direct link to our reference area HERE.
  24. Registered members that is. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has stopped by, a larger thanks to those that joined, and a huge thanks to those that joined and actively participate in the beta-testing and opponent finding. Also want to invite anyone that hasn't been to the site before. I won't clog up the BFC forum's with a "what it's about" post, but will simply refer you to the Proving Grounds FAQ. Don't forget to join while you're there and if you really enjoy playing new scenarios, give the scenario author's a hand by playing and commenting on some of their works available at the site. Thanks, and I apologize for the cross-posting in advance!
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