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Everything posted by GJK

  1. FWIW, noticed the same thing, perhaps just a "demo issue" only, hopefully.
  2. Another member of the friendly-fire P-51's. Fortunately, no serious damage done. A number of passes were made first (I've seen this in CMBB as well) before they unleashed their rockets on 3 Sherman's hull-down on the crest overlooking the town (3 HMG crews there as well). These units were not forward, in fact they were rear action as everything else had advanced beyond them. Does this seem likely? I know it's possible and I realize the posts that will follow indicating the difficulties of spotting from the air, etc, all granted, but I persist. It seems that it is very likely that FF will occur in this scenario, is it due to the pilots being green (I assuming they are) or is this modeled into this scenario for the demo (doubt it)? I'm also guessing that this "green" issue is cropping up so for CMAK because we aren't used to see it so heavily used before. In CMBO and CMBB, troops were at the least "regular" and most likely "veteran" for the most part, for most scenarios. I can't think of one where an entire force mix is "green". A final guess is that I need to get used to the "bungling ninnies" on their first op's out, they're pretty dangerous to themselves!
  3. CMAK brings the world together? G'Damn Sean, might need to ease up on the Lonestars bud!
  4. Thanks Dan, must be it. I didn't target the gun, but he did have me in his sights from a previous turn where I "shoot & scoot"ed.
  5. See attached. Note the red targeting line from the US Gun. Seems to go up and over the hill. Note that I'm using +3 on unit scale here. I realize the abstractions with the units and terrrain, etc, but the LOS clearly looks blocked to me. ?
  6. Hi dug, While your at The Proving Grounds, check out maps by theike and The Graeme, excellent work. ASL Veteran does bang-up jobs recreating maps from the old Advanced Squad Leader board game if you ever played that, FredRocker has some great map/scenario making skills as well. Europa and DDogg like to make massive assault type scenarios, so check theirs out if you want huge battles. Sorry if I omitted anybody, but those came to mind first.
  7. In our scenario discussions area, we give some pretty good AAR's on the scenario's that we're testing. I've been thinking of expanding upon this and have a full-blown AAR area, but that will be delayed until after I make the site CM:AK "compliant". Oh, the site is The Proving Grounds by the way, link in my sig below. Hope to see you there, and welcome to CM! [ November 13, 2003, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  8. Hi dug, Post them on The Proving Grounds, we'll use them and review them for you and some of the top notch scenario designers on the site would most likely use them for scenario designs. Link in my sig below, hope to see you there!
  9. Don't you all pick on my partner Seanachai, hell, we might as well of swapped spit in a Lonestar longneck bottle before the way we've saddled up together. So you all go on now, before he puts all of you all on his lists!
  10. Hi Troger, That looks interesting. Maybe we can get the CM series added to their list of supported games. In the meantime, I'd like to invite you to visit my site (link in sig below) which has an opponent finder section for finding players based of off criteria for the type of game you like to play. There's also scenarios for download and if you ever get to creating your own, feel free to upload them to the site for playtesting by the group. Hope to see you there! GJK
  11. Come'on Mike, surely you jest. It's the HISTORY channel for cryin' out loud. Everything presented there is true! Turning on the History Channel now....ah, I see that "Dances with Wolves" is on, cool!
  12. The sounds are really good, thanks CW. The only thing I would remove would be the brass casings falling on the concrete floor effect. I realize that these probably came from other games, FPS obviously, so it would be difficult to remove if that sound is occuring with the shots themselves, but the sound of the casings hitting concrete when the troops are in the woods kind of bugs.... Sorry to be hypercritical, I'm really enjoying them otherwise!
  13. Hans, I'll be happy to speak for the group at The Proving Grounds in saying that we'd enjoy playtesting some of these for you. A discussion area will automatically be setup for each scenario uploaded that we like to use for providing feedback and AAR's, and an overall review section is also setup for each scenario. You'd have complete access to, and knowledge of those that have decided to download each scenario for follow-up purposes. Stop by and check us out, link is in my sig below. Hope to see you there. GJK
  14. Exactly my thoughts...the demo was going up...not sure why the forum would have to go down for the demo to go up, but that was my thoughts. So, what's new, or what has been changed? I need to go explore around and looksee....
  15. Howdy Runyan, If you want, throw one or all your scenarios up on the Proving Grounds and we'll give them a run through for you with feedback (review section and discussion area for each scenario offered). Link in the sig, hope to see your work there!
  16. Hi Lawyer, Invite you to take a look at The Proving Grounds (link in sig below). We have over 100 scenario's and a scenario search feature that includes search by points, by turns and by size. Note, these are scenarios that are in various stages of beta testing - ones that will eventually wind up at the Scenario Depot should they make the cut. We have a great time playing the scenarios and also discussing them with the author/others in the forum designated for each individual scenario. You can also pick up an opponent to play one of the scenarios with by using the opponent finder feature to find a match that is looking for the same things you are in a game. Coming up on 500 registered members (and growing!) Hope to see you there.
  17. Gigli was really good, should get you in the mood for the battles for Sicily/Italy. Eeerrrrrrr, no it won't.
  18. Yeah, what up with the Texans here? Somebody give me a copy of the beta and I'll host it at my house....!
  19. Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing, now there's a winner! When will he, eeeerrrrrrrrr it be released?
  20. Hi Mark, Congrat's on the 1 year anniversary! I remember we started our sites about the same time, in the hype and craze of the launch of CMBB. I was unable to continue hosting the mods (remember?) but I see that you have continued with your choice mods. You've come a long way, the site is looking really good! Keep up the good work, the CM community appreciates it!
  21. You can get PBEM Helper HERE . It's a little bit of a trick getting it setup properly for the first time, but once you do, you won't believe how you could of managed without it. Speaking of PBEM Helper, and perhaps I should email the author of it instead, but it works perfectly in CMBB, it will launch the game, go to PBEM mode, enter my password and have the turn ready to go. In CMBO, it loads the game to the splash screen but goes no further. When I go to options and select the cmbo.vbs script file for play, I get an error message saying that CMBO.VBS.md5 file is missing (which it is, I don't have one for CMBO, do for CMBB). Anybody have that file? Or is this just a known bug with the program?
  22. I'm using this same combo, nvidia card with a SB Live! soundcard and DX9b. No problems. What does DXDIAG tell you? Everything honkey-dorey?
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