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Everything posted by GJK

  1. I use GSpy for games such as BF1942 where's it great, you can sort servers, make a favorites list, search for buddies, keep a running ping on servers, and a new feature I noticed, if a server is full it will keep trying to connect you every x seconds waiting for someone to drop out. I purchased it years ago, and with the paid version Ad-Aware and Spybot both have never detected any spyware with it. I don't know about the free version. Now, with CM, it's different. As suggested, it's head to head play only, so why do you need all those features? In fact, it wouldn't work properly, unless there's a number of people out there with a setup running just hoping that someone connects to them? Use the opponent finder forum, join a ladder, and post a profile on The Proving Grounds (there's an opponent finder forum there as well).
  2. A rockin' good job Mike! The extra details that you've added to this version is excellent. Love those shoulder patches for the U.S. 82nd Airborne for example.
  3. GaJ, I'm using 2.30 beta, what new changes are in 2.4? I'm very satisfied with the way this program works, so very simple to quickly click and add mods. Simply love it. Had another question for you though, just out of curiosity really. What do you suppose would happen if I installed a mod where part of it modified a set of bmps and then installed another mod where *some* of those bmps were again changed. If I then uninstalled out of order, does McMMM (Mc Yummmmm) know that some of those bmp's should not be removed because they now come from the 2nd mod that was installed? Hope I'm making sense with this, just woke up with only a few hours sleep... Great job with the program, thanks for making it!
  4. Looks intense Michael, I'll have to check with a number of my current Pbem partners to see if one is up for the challenge. Thanks for posting it at TPG, I'm sure a number of folks will give it a try. Could take a while though, 20 battle op, especially if it's Pbem'd Hey, I like your SL terrain mod, looks like you have the colors just about perfect. Is it toned down a little bit, or is it the same as before? Maybe it's just the overhead shot.
  5. Ok, just ran a series of tests myself. Here's the results: Of the 20 vehicles tested; 6 made the entire trip; 5 surrendered to nobody in particular; 5 were taken out by their own air cover; 4 tank commanders were taken out by a sharpshooter of remarkable skills; 0 of the Shermans exploded. On a side note, none of the pzfst teams got stuck in the mud, but they also didn't blow up the buildings that they were in at time of discharging their weapons.
  6. That listing is in a small, scrollbar-less frame. If you have a wheel mouse, click to put emphasis in that frame and then scroll down (or use the down arrow). The alphabet breaks at "M" so I'm guessing the bottom part of the alphabet is hidden behind the lower frame.
  7. You might want to post this in the tech support forum, there's some folks over there that are great with helping these types of things - but I will recommend that you turn off any anti-aliasing that you might have enabled and then give that a try.
  8. FWIW, today I applied most all of the Magua Normandy mod's for CMAK and I think it looks wonderful. Even the desert with scattered trees looks good, the trees aren't as "green", more subdued, like they've been sitting out in a hot sun for all their lives. The only BMP's that didn't match were the ones in the zip "6_Normandy_v1_Subdued_Trees_and_Other_Terrain". Wheatfields were good, and so was the brush. I believe CMHQ has them CMMOS'd and zipped differently now anyways, but everything except mainly the trees I left as they were oh, and buildings, I wan't some sort of an Italian theme going - not going totally "retro" at this point.
  9. The problem with Dook's originally corrupted file has been resolved. You can now download his scenario at the link below: Link at The Proving Grounds
  10. Hi Orange, I invite you to post and peruse the profiles on The Proving Grounds of other CMBO/CMBB/CMAK players looking for opponents. This is not a ladder style of play, just an opponents "want ads" type of listings. Link is below in my sig.
  11. I get the same error Dook. :confused: Tried it in the demo as well (might as well) and I guess it's hard-coded to show nothing but saves and the 2 demo scenarios. Maybe the file became corrupted upon uploading, might try to upload it to the site again, go to "Join / Author's Login" to access your admin area and then "edit" the scenario where you'll be given the option to upload the file again. Just make sure it has the same name so that it overwrites the original. Odd...
  12. I say have more areas to review and then throw out the highest and lowest rating. Oh, no I don't - reviewers probably don't want more categories to review (it's a chore already to many) and throwing out higher/lower will bunch everyone in the middle again. Nobody liked my idea above, the 70-30 thing? I played with the numbers last night, and if you put it at 99-1 then ratings are adjusted within a 2 pt range up or down. Seems it would work on a 10 pt system.
  13. Yes, a few people are linking their scenario's from the SD to TPG. Not a problem, but keep in mind that eventually you'll want to move your scenario up to the SD and off of TPG, since we're not a permanent archival for scenario's (just a playtesting area). The main reason for this is that I don't want to compete with the SD in any way, I value Keith's work too much. I just want to help enhance it by giving scenario designer's a place to upload their scenario temporarily for mass distribution during playtesting. Had fun with this scenario, very good job again!
  14. Play with this if you want, but something like this came up on a web developer's list that I'm subscribed to: [math]SCORE=([Avg_Of_All_Reviews]*.7)+([Times_Reviewed]*.3)[/math] [!]-- Averages are worth 70% of the final score and Count of Reviews are worth 30% . Adjust as needed, of course --[/!] Scenario A: --------- AVG=8 or 4.5 REV=1 [score]=5.9 or 3.45 Scenario B: --------- AVG=7 or 4 REV=100 [score]=34.9 or 32.8 Scenario C: --------- AVG=10 or 5 REV=1000 [score]=307 or 303.5 Or something like that.... [ December 15, 2003, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  15. No problem and thanks for letting us playtest these HSG scenarios. The couple that I've had a chance to play have been excellent, very well done and thought out and most importantly to me, fun. "Africa" is a pretty small scenario, I might just fire it up now.
  16. Messages posted on any of the boards will post instantly, not sure why yours did not. It is not neccessary to post a message to ask for people to PT a newly posted scenario, there's about 30-40 of us that have been very active in PT and we've done a pretty good job I think of getting through the 150 or so scenarios that have been posted (some since removed) from the site. Yours were just posted, and the CMAK ones were promptly played by some of us. Others may be testing them now but have not yet posted a note. You may have fallen victim to everyone wanting to get their CMAK fix right away, thus the CMBB scenarios haven't had the same response. Also, there's nothing saying you can't also upload to the SD, you'll most likely get more exposure for the scenarios there as it's a well established site that has been around for quite a bit longer. You can also leave your scenarios at TPG, and when they've been played and reviewed, if you want to make changes, modify the scenarios on both sites, or remove it from TPG and just modify the one on the SD. Yes, it would be nice if everyone would post a note saying that they're now testing x scenario, I try to make it a habit to do so, and I've seen a number of others do it as well. Not everyone does though. I've thought about implementing some sort of "check out" system where something like that would be logged, but haven't acted upon it and not sure that I will. A suggestion would be to maybe post a note to the main board saying something to the effect of "wanting to move {scenario} to the Scenario Depot, if anyone is currently playtesting it, let me know so that I can hold off". Let me know if you have any problems posting to the board, it's worked without issue up to this point, so not sure why your post didn't go through (you will first see a "preview" of your message, where you then hit "submit" again before it goes to the board, maybe you left at the preview screen?). TPG isn't perfect, the number of new scenarios coming in to those that are actively playtesting them is about a 3-1 ratio at best. Also, most people PT them via Pbem, which could take weeks. I see that Assault, Guns Forward! which this thread was originally about and which was posted before yours has not been tested yet either. It's on my play list for tonight. Just got to be patient, or as I said, go ahead and move it up to the SD, there's no hard written rules for how to distribute everyones work.
  17. Which scenario would that be? Chances are, we just haven't gotten to yours yet, there was quite a few new scenarios posted in the past couple of weeks. I've PT'd a handful this past week and I see posts on the site from others doing the same. Did you make an announcement on TPG message board asking for help in playtesting?
  18. Hi V, Saw your scenario, I'll grab it in just a few and give it a spin solo tonight. Reviews and discussion will follow at TPG. GJK
  19. If Winrar doesn't work, get Stuffit for windows; LINK
  20. Hi Chris, It's an ambitious effort and always good to see a new site go up with historical content as viewed from the perspective of a CM player. One suggestion though; would it be possible to convert the .doc documents to html pages so that visitors can read them online without having to rely on MS Word or a Word converter? You'll run into the problem of many people not being able to open your documents because of a lack of software to do so. If it's ok with you, I'd like to go ahead and add a link to your site in our reference area, you have some content that may be of use to scenario designers.
  21. You might want to post a note on the board at TPG as well. I have 8 PBEM's going, but as soon as one of those wraps I can add yours to my list. Another team may be able to pick it up right away if you announce it though.
  22. Nothing personal, but you're exactly the reason why many sites do have login requirements.
  23. Correct on all 3 counts! You can view who has downloaded your scenario by going to "Join / Author's Login". You'll be able to view downloads, modify the scenario or remove the scenario from the site from there (goes for maps as well). Also, anytime someone leaves you a Review (not a discussion), that review is emailed to you, so you don't have to keep checking the scenario section to see if one was left. You should monitor your dicussions area to see if someone has begun playtesting it (generally, we'll leave you a note there to let you know). If so, join us in dicussion on the scenario.
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