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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Registered members that is. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has stopped by, a larger thanks to those that joined, and a huge thanks to those that joined and actively participate in the beta-testing and opponent finding. Also want to invite anyone that hasn't been to the site before. I won't clog up the BFC forum's with a "what it's about" post, but will simply refer you to the Proving Grounds FAQ. Don't forget to join while you're there and if you really enjoy playing new scenarios, give the scenario author's a hand by playing and commenting on some of their works available at the site. Thanks, and I apologize for the cross-posting in advance!
  2. Registered members that is. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has stopped by, a larger thanks to those that joined, and a huge thanks to those that joined and actively participate in the beta-testing and opponent finding. Also want to invite anyone that hasn't been to the site before. I won't clog up the BFC forum's with a "what it's about" post, but will simply refer you to the Proving Grounds FAQ. Don't forget to join while you're there and if you really enjoy playing new scenarios, give the scenario author's a hand by playing and commenting on some of their works available at the site. Thanks, and I apologize for the cross-posting in advance!
  3. Registered members that is. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has stopped by, a larger thanks to those that joined, and a huge thanks to those that joined and actively participate in the beta-testing and opponent finding. Also want to invite anyone that hasn't been to the site before. I won't clog up the BFC forum's with a "what it's about" post, but will simply refer you to the Proving Grounds FAQ. Don't forget to join while you're there and if you really enjoy playing new scenarios, give the scenario author's a hand by playing and commenting on some of their works available at the site. Thanks, and I apologize for the cross-posting in advance!
  4. Ask her what her middle name is..... do-do-do-do-do-do-do.............(theme from Psycho)
  5. I can't even remember what I had for breakfast, or the name of the cute girl I was introduced to last Friday whom I gave Contac C to in the hallway today. Makes it hard to ask her out to lunch. err...What was the question again? :confused: </font>
  6. A .cmb file is a CMBO scenario, not CMBB.
  7. Just a guess, but perhaps "Combat Mission AK Prefs" is read only and thus your preferences aren't being saved? If not the problem, you might try the tech-support forum, you're more likely to find the correct answer there.
  8. Just a guess, but perhaps "Combat Mission AK Prefs" is read only and thus your preferences aren't being saved? If not the problem, you might try the tech-support forum, you're more likely to find the correct answer there.
  9. Is the problem with unit bases not showing when in certain terrain features (buildings for one) fixed with this patch? I didn't see it in the release notes so I'm guessing not.
  10. CoG: Will you be making this in Domino or PHP or other? If PHP, I have a PHP version of my content editor that might be of use for creating the AAR's: LINK Only problem is this works only on the PC and with IE and the latest version of Netscape only (possibly Mozilla, haven't tested that yet). Let me know if interested.
  11. WinRAR will handle .zips as well. It's the only archiver that I have, it will handle all formats actually.
  12. I'd love to see it. A site covering AAR's and possibly tactics, how-to's etc would be great. If you need any help with coding or graphics, just let me know!
  13. I won't say we're "the best" place for AAR's, but the scenario discussions area of The Proving Grounds now features the AAR results screen and play results from the scenarios under development there. I've enjoying going through and reading them, many are very detailed. Might be something to nibble on until someone does post a link for a good, complete AAR site. Link for The Proving Grounds is in my sig below. Also, searching the webring returned these results for "AAR": 100 - <U><FONT color=#0000ff>Jwxspoon's CM Site</FONT></U> <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT size=-1>Scenarios, pictures, AAR's, reviews for both CMBO and CMBB.</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE> 34 - <U><FONT color=#0000ff>GenSplatton's Combat Mission Site</FONT></U> <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT size=-1>AARs, firepower tables, resources, links and more.</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE> 34 - <U><FONT color=#0000ff>Punta de Lanza</FONT></U> <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT size=-1>Punta de Lanza es un sitio dedicado al Combat Mission con Ligas, Torneos y un foro para discutir las estrategias, poner tus AARs y muchas cosas más.</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>
  14. Thanks for the offer Magpie, but unfortunately it's written in WebDNA, a fairly obscure programming language that has a price-tag of $4,995.95 for a license for the enterprise edition which you would need on your server. The site could be converted to PHP, but that is far beyond the time (and skill) for me to do that. I would be available to help someone here that is looking to build a new site though - be it graphical or HTML coding. </font>
  15. Thanks for the offer Magpie, but unfortunately it's written in WebDNA, a fairly obscure programming language that has a price-tag of $4,995.95 for a license for the enterprise edition which you would need on your server. The site could be converted to PHP, but that is far beyond the time (and skill) for me to do that. I would be available to help someone here that is looking to build a new site though - be it graphical or HTML coding.
  16. I didn't get to sit and study it, but from what I gathered it was the ruse's used by the British. Fake rocks that hid ambush troops, tanks that had wooden "hulls" put on them that looked like cargo trucks from the air, camels dragging boards to kick up sand, some others. Stuff that would be neat if it were modeled in CMAK.
  17. I'll bite, and I won't throw in my site out of obvious bias . BFC forums a must. CMMODS, a must when you're looking for that special mod to get the wife for her birthday, The Scenario Depot when you want to find just the right scenario to blow up the wifes new toy in. I can't limit it to just 3! Boots & Tracks is awesome (great new changes, looks sharp!), Der Kessel is a classic and it's great to have it back! There's other honorable mentions as well.
  18. The Heavy Metal Friday: The Tiger Tank is pretty nice stuff too!
  19. That's some more information that I think we need: what kind of "fan site" does this need to be? Does it need to be a I love Combat Mission and this is why type of site, or can it be for something like AAR's where it really isn't going to make any sense or be of any value except to people that play CM? Is the point of offering free hosting for this CM site to get more people to the mother site because they may be interested in CM and want to read more about it? Or is it a special "thank you" for the great game, here's some web space, do what you please with it"? Also, Magpie, you say you support "all" scripting languages. I'll tell you that you don't support them all, there's some fairly obscure ones out there, such as what I use for my site and what another member here uses for his great CMMODS site. So, with a list of the most popular scripting languages, which of these are supported: ASP JSP PHP Cold Fusion CGI .NET What that is not on that list is supported if any? I'm asking because someone here that is wanting to take advantage of this offer is going to want to know what they can build their site in. If we do have an AAR site, that will require a database to hold all of those AAR's (After-Action Reports). Is a MySQL database supported? How about SQL Server? Postgres? Other? There's really a ton of questions that could go with this. Should someone email you directly with any questions or post here?
  20. Ok, my bad. I just now noticed the "ads by Google" so that was somebody else's hosting service. Ooops! I guess then the questions will be then, what does come with the hosting in the way of server side scripting, database support, storage and transfer quota's. Also, do you provide FTP access to the account, cgi-bin, web log stats, anything else that I can't think of at the moment? I know, it's free hosting, but someone building a site or who has a site already is going to want to know what limitations there are/aren't. Also, can you provide a couple of links to other games' fan-sites so that we can see an example of what you're making available? I.e., do the site developers have to use a pre-made template for the site and simply get to plug in some text and upload a few images, or do they get complete control of the design? Thanks! [ January 30, 2004, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  21. They are the different staff appointments; G-1, G-2 etc. are at regimental (brigade) level or lower, S-1, S-2 etc. is divisional or higher.</font>
  22. It's "Non-commissioned", not committed (though that could be questioned sometimes I guess )
  23. Does this hosting include the items listed in your "Cheap Web Hosting"? PHP, Perl, MySql, Free Setup & Dom. 2000 MB Space, 60 GB Transfer. Aff. (what would "Aff." be anyways - affordable?) Will you be holding some kind of judging for who's site get selected? Sounds like a pretty nice deal for someone wanting to get their CM site up. FYI: Not interested myself, my site is written in another programming language plus I like having my own domain name.
  24. Finally got a chance to play this one solo. A quick review is posted at The Proving Grounds along with a fairly complete AAR in the discussions area for the scenario (contains spoilers, don't read the discussion if you haven't played it yet). Nice map, excellent briefing - I enjoyed it!
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