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Everything posted by GJK

  1. If you have too many units upstairs already, you won't be able to move more up there. Do you have units on the top floor already when trying to move others up there?
  2. Just proposed playtesting this one to a pbem buddy of mine, I'll let you know if he "bites". If not, I'll be giving it a spin solo for sure, sounds great. That link by the way is www.the-proving-grounds.com
  3. You're my sunshine....my only sunshine... you make me happpeeeeeeeeee when skies are gray... Thanks Michael, been waiting for this!
  4. The Proving Grounds, as previously mentioned (thanks GaJ!), has an Opponent Finder listing where you can search for opponents based on the game criteria that you're looking for and then contact those players in the list all through the site. We also do scenario beta testing there and everyone is invited to join in. We have, at last view, 190 scenarios in various stages of testing now. You can search and find one that looks interesting to you, find that opponent and then get a playtest going. Be sure to join the author in discussing the scenario on the scenario discussion forums there on the site as well! Hope to see you there! URL is www.the-proving-grounds.com
  5. Sorry about that Oddball, that funny looking u was throwing a wrench in the download URL. All fixed now.
  6. FYI for those that don't know the URL of The Proving Grounds: www.the-proving-grounds.com
  7. I have both the demo scenario's posted at the Proving Grounds. Link in sig below.
  8. Ahhhhhh, the old "Sherman hit by a high-velocity, large caliber shell while on the end of a bridge causing the eternal torch to be lit" incident again huh? Been there, seen that.
  9. Ahhhhhh, the old "Sherman hit by a high-velocity, large caliber shell while on the end of a bridge causing the eternal torch to be lit" incident again huh? Been there, seen that.
  10. Unfortunately for your situation, you can't pbem nor TCP/IP with a full version (unpatched or otherwise) with the demo. You can, of course, pbem and/or TCP/IP demo vs demo with the 2 included scenarios. The demo and the full version can reside happily on the same computer with no worries (just don't install the demo into the same directory as your full version!)
  11. I just Googled "mitchell camouflage pattern" and this was a picture on the first hit: Edit: Ooops, that was Vietnam era...
  12. Actually, the 'Mitchell' pattern for the cover was more like as j2d has it: You can see the brighter green dominant version beneath the brown in the above image.
  13. Fixed the scoring "glitch". Oops! I see the graphics glitch as well in Internet Exploder, and I just realized what's causing it. I'll have that fixed shortly!
  14. Ok, I have this finished now (for the most part)! You can find it at The Proving Grounds, by going to the FAQ/Tools menu and then selecting "VL Planner" or by going here. I'll be adding a detailed explanation to the results, but I think it's pretty self-explanatory. As I posted on The Proving Grounds: "This is a neat tool! I was plugging in some of my numbers from AAR's that I posted and instantly saw how the results would of varied based on VL locations taken. I could then play with the casualty points a bit to see how playing more or less aggressive would of affected the outcome. I think both scenario designers and playtesters will find this to be an invaluable tool!" Enjoy! Edit: Changed reference to the utility on the site to VL Planner from VL Calculator. Sounds better.... [ March 09, 2004, 06:23 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  15. Ok, I still need to pretty it up a bit and then put it in the Proving Grounds format and link to it from there, but you can see the development of it here
  16. That's why I'm making a non-spreadsheet, web based version of this that I'm expanding on a bit. A good bit actually, so that it does display a wide range of results based on the variables entered. I'll be working on it again this morning and will keep everyone updated!
  17. Might be a neat "feature" instead of a bug and a way to limit borg spotting: What if you're intelligence reports that you had an enemy tank KIA and your opponents intelligence reports that an enemy tank was spotted (yours) but not engaged. In your next plot/move, you move merrily along expecting that tank to be knocked out. Your opponent plots moves for his tank (the same one) as he sees it. Who is correct? Only the AI knows....will you move ahead without caution because you trust your intelligence reports or will your opponent waste valuable time hunting for your tank with a tank that he doesn't even really have? Only as soon as enough true intelligence is gathered does the truth about the mini-battle reveal itself....
  18. A bump and a follow-up.... I've begun working on the coding for this, converting Treeburst's Works file into a web based equivalent. The initial run is here. Note that at the moment, VL points are hard coded so selecting a number of flags does nothing. This is because I'm working on a full featured version that will display a table of results based on all the combinations of VL points for both sides...so that the visitor doesn't have to enter a value, reset, enter it again with slightly different variables, submit, repeat.... Also, the page is very fugly right now, when completed it will be in the look and feel of The Proving Grounds and will be a tool that scenario designers and players alike can use if they choose.
  19. Treeburst: If "Bonus" is used, does it just add to the totals of TPa and TPd (Total Points Attacker/Defender) or is there additional calculations for it? I have the rest figured out and am ready to begin programming it.
  20. Thanks Treeburst, that was the problem, the formulas didn't copy over. I'll start working on a web application that will handle those calculations this weekend and will keep everyone updated!
  21. FYI: I was able to open the file on a version of Works that I have and copied/converted it to Excel 2000. I didn't see any "forumulas" or calculations, but I also haven't had time to read Treeburst's instructions that he also emailed me. As soon as I do, I'll make this available on The Proving Grounds as a web page that everyone can view/use.
  22. Sounds good Treeburst, send it my way, I should be able to open it.
  23. Or grab WinRAR (www.rarlabs.com) and then use it to extract the contents of the large, single file that is on the CD (provided your on Windows and this isn't the CDV version of the game). You can then get the original BMP's for the terrain that was overwritten with the gridded versions. To find out what BMP's those are, grab the mod you used last time or grab another gridded grass mod from CMMODS and extract it. Of course, another option would be to find a non-gridded grass mod that you like and use it, overwriting the gridded version.
  24. Send me a copy of this spreadsheet if you like and I can turn it into a searchable database where a person could plug in the variables and have the data from the spreadsheet provide its answer(s). I'd be happy to convert and post that at The Proving Grounds if interested in sharing.
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