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Everything posted by GJK

  1. I like the unit bases - it's the only way that I can tell which way the units are facing. :eek:
  2. I'm sorry; this relates to the game Combat Mission: Afrika Korps, made and produced by Battlefront.com, in what way? I believe you made a wrong turn at this forum, the one you want is about 20 lines down in the scroll list. Good day.
  3. Is TSD version a different one than the one that you have at TPG? I'm playtesting the one from TPG now with CKibler. I'll post the AAR and suggestions to TPG once we've completed it.
  4. I can't believe that anybody plays without using Pbem Helper, I would just be lost without it. Then again, I have 15 games going right now of CMBB, CMAK, TOAW-ACoW and VASL all set up to use Pbem Helper.
  5. I've got a sense of humour, I'll test it if you provide the beer. You could upload 'em to The Proving Grounds, no? </font>
  6. Hi the_enigma, thanks for choosing TPG for your playtesting! Question for you, is this playable at all 2-player you think? I have a pbem spot open and was about to give this one a shot but you have it listed as single player only for both methods. Thanks!
  7. Gary, did you hit the sale announced on the ASLML? Those bastards, I ordered the same stuff...with money I don't have! </font>
  8. Oh that's cool! I play VASL and CM with Charlie Kibler, who did a lot of the artwork of AH and the ASL series (he wrote SASL). His counter is the German Sgt Kubler. DDogg from my site (TPG) bought $350.00 worth of ASL stuff off eBay and since the guy lived nearby, he drove to pick it up. Turns out that he was an old AH employee who had no idea that you could play it all online now - his stuff had been in storage for years. I can't recall his name at the moment. That's neat stuff. Yes, as at 14 when I was playing all these games I thought it would be the dream job to work for AH playtesting all day long.
  9. That is on my "to do" list for converting into VASSAL, along with Patton's Best. I'm just about finished with Carrier as well.
  10. Interesting that you post this! I just received via the UPS elf, my early Christmas presents that are onsale at MMP: Action Pack #2, ASL Journal #3, Out of the Attic #1, Pegasus Bridge, Kampfgruppe Peiper II and was thinking of how nice the Pegasus Bridge map looks. I'll post a screenshot of it via the aid of VASL, HERE ***warning, large image*** Please consider posting a conversion to The Proving Grounds should you decide to do it!
  11. You don't need to set up the original boards. In fact, all you need is a copy of the rules and any scenario information/cards for the scenario that you're wanting to play. VASL (for ASL) or VSQL (for SL/COI/COD/GI) has all the boards, all the counters and all the setups ever produced (and more). You play the whole thing on the screen - you can zoom in/out, mark counters, rotatate counters, stack, expand stacks etc. It's the only way I could play again, I have no way of setting up a boardgame here, expecting it to stay intact the entire time. VASSAL modules (such as the one I'm doing or Dorosh's (looks great btw!)) typically have everything included as well except rules. I imagine you'll need the random events book for Ambush! as well. By the way, for those curious, the modules that are publicly available have the endorsement of the original publishers - it's been a great way to get new people playing these classics (and new alike - "Lock'n Load" has a VASSAL module). P.S. Gary, check out the Starter Kit. I thought I'd never have the interest even to attempt to learn ASL, but the SK had me into the games quickly and you'd be surprised at how much it does contain. The thing with these rules is that they are just plain written much better than the original rulebooks were, IMHO.
  12. Not sure if I mentioned this last time or not since I've only really gotten into it, but Advanced Squad Leader via VASL with a couple of CM buddies - both "live" and pbem games. I've become a total ASL junkie again, rebuilding my collection - and yes, I'm actually enjoying reading that 300+ page monster of a rulebook! Actually playing VASL live with opponents that know the game inside and out is the best learning aid that wasn't available when I tried it all those years ago - and the community is very helpful, they actually enjoy teaching newbies the system. The release of the ASL Starter Kit is what kicked it all off for me. The SK is simple to learn, an 11 page rulebook (only 8 pages of actual rules) that are just some of the basics of ASL, but with 6 very fun scenarios that will get you into action fairly quickly. This is VASL ready - the maps and scenarios have already been converted. VASSAL is the main program from which VASL is a module of, and I've been pretty heavy into a project of converting the old Victory Games "Carrier" to it. This is a solitaire gaming system much like the old Ambush! game, but of course for the South Pacific and carrier ops. Map preview HERE.
  13. Yes, XML would probably be the way to go - didn't even think of that! I'll wait until the holidays are over with and see if Keith would be interesting in perhaps working something out together with your help if possible.
  14. Feel free to browse the Scenario Design Tips section of The Proving Grounds for help as well. Then, after you've designed it, upload it to the site so that we can throughly playtest it for you before you send it along to the Scenario Depot.
  15. I've chatted with Keith about something similar - a way to export scenario playtest discussions/reviews from TPG over to TSD easily. I had thought of a small, encrypted text file that you could attach to a form post when adding your scenario to TSD but security is an issue here. You're really opening yourself up if you allow outside appends to your database like that (obviously) and having Keith manually do all those appends or merges isn't going to work either. There just doesn't seem to be a way to have it automated -safely.
  16. Had a question about that recently. What actually happens is that a bailed out crew is worth more points than an average infantryman. So you are right when you say they worth something, but this something is a lot less than an AFV prize. HTH </font>
  17. You're saying that had you set a CA, that the tank that you were sure would travel down the road would of been in it? That's what CA's are for, you should of set one if you didn't want any other distractions causing your TC to lose focus on the road. Killing the crew from a destroyed tank isn't as worthless as you may think, I believe that they're worth nearly as many points as destroying the tank itself, from what I understand.
  18. Since I'm not BFC, nor am I MDorosh (nor a mannequined representative), I will not supply an answer.
  19. I think it's more than just adding the multi-turreted tank graphics/stats, but the whole multi-turret functionality would have to be programmed in, which I don't see happening since not even a patch is planned for CMBB. But here's to wishing!
  20. Yes, it has been mentioned in the official "patch" thread. I too was disappointed though. I personally would much prefer to have this fixed rather than such and such having the right camo scheme, but then again I'm not "grog" about those things. But, in defense of BFC, fixing that was probably a major code rewrite or perhaps an elusive bug that was proving to take too much time to correct with the pressure of every day messages going up asking when the patch was going to be released.
  21. Wait a minute! What other Combat Mission mods are being used here?
  22. If you want to save the time of having to email it out individually, you can upload it to The Proving Grounds if you like. You'll still know who's downloaded it, plus you'll have your own forum set up for the scenario for all the playtesters to discuss it, along with you. Link below if interested, I know there's some playtesters there that would be interested in trying it out!
  23. If I'm reading your right, then I would disagree. TC's certainly knew the strengths and weaknesses of their tanks and knew what would and wouldn't work. Now, if you say that in real they may not know what is there, where as you do in a boardgame and often even in a computer game, then I agree somewhat. But just the comparison of any wargame to real war is a non argument.
  24. Quincy??? Wow, your tv must be old - that show was on a long time ago!
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