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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Yeah, in my opinion you'll want to use server-side scripting to handle that (PHP in your case), since javascript can be disabled, etc. On TPG, the post goes through with however much they want to type in there, but then as it's being appended to the database the characters are being counted. At a certain point the append is finished and anything else is chomped off. Pissed off a few people with that as you could tell, so now I've added a "preview" screen on all message board posts that does the same character counting - so they can see if they've over typed and will need to modify. After the preview, if they submit again, it then does the append to the database.
  2. That's the ticket! It seems as if that was the "Click Submit and Nothing Happens" issue. Thanks for the important safety tip. </font>
  3. Keith, I notice that you're using a method="get" on your form for your scenario submissions, wondering why you don't use a method="post" since it doesn't have the 255 character limitation that a "get" does? Just throwing that out there, I'm sure there's issues involved and you're busy, so no need to reply if you don't want/need to.
  4. Up to this point, there hasn't been a reason to distinguish between Op's and battles...or at least the request hasn't been made that I can recall. It's certainly a feature that could be added, if the demand for it is there.
  5. What fool would give the AI a +3 experience bonus?
  6. This is interesting! I was just experimenting with it....it does work, but it's not very "predictable". I can't accurately tell which way the squad will split. Usually, it's forward and to off to the left of the initially selected squad, but not always if a wall is in front of them. Sometimes they would split behind the originally selected squad and thus not pass through the wall. Sometimes they would though. Still worth a shot if you want to try a mouseholing your way through.
  7. FrankieP has a good sized Crete battle that is waiting to be tested at The Proving Grounds, someone might want to give it a shot: LINK.
  8. Looks like advanced water retention to me. I bet his ankles are swollen as well. Mace btw red thinglet and blue background thimply wont do! *sniff* </font>
  9. I'm going to set up another copy of CMAK devoted to these Pacific mods. Screenies look great! Thanks for your hard work on all of those (thanks to the group).
  10. Why don't we just pretend that this thread has 252 posts, lock it up, and call it even, hmmm?
  11. No bueño for me either...I tried several variations on the file name, including changing case. Did Keith implement the feature to delete your own scenarios yet? Maybe those have been removed by the authors since some 50+ downloads have been made of Rune's latest.
  12. Sounds good, but the author's of those top-rated scenarios won't be happy if those scenarios are suddenly limited in access/availability. And won't it be sad if people start going "underground" to swap scenarios.... L33THaxor [kazaa user]: Hey, you got that 'Panthers head west' scenario? NuB33 [kazaa user]: Yeah, on the way...
  13. Area target around where you spotted the enemy, not the enemy themselves. Once they go out of sight, the order to "target the enemy" becomes void - there is no enemy seen. Give an order to "area fire at this location" and it will stand unless LOS to that location is later blocked. YMMV
  14. Let's see.... we have the <FONT color=#cc0000>PENG</FONT> thread and the <FONT color=#000066>CHEERY WAFFLE</FONT> thread...I suppose now we're going to have the <FONT color=#ff33cc>LUV</FONT> thread?
  15. 20 battles at 60 turns each?!?!?! My Gawd, that's like the whole war isn't it!?!?!?!
  16. The Proving Grounds has an opponent finding section (non-ladder) and a message board for opponent finding as well as 100's of scenarios for you and a new opponent to playtest. Stop on by, link in my sig below.
  17. FYI: The Scenario Design Tips section of the Proving Grounds is nearly completed, I plan to launch it over the weekend. It will basically be a threaded forum devoted to design tips that is searchable and indexed by author. Replies and follow-ups are allowed, with the initial tip being "stickied" to the top of the page. Any other additional features/requests that you all can think of for this section?
  18. Hmmmm, actually I can see an auto link to the SD being a doable add on. Will mention to the Admiral. </font>
  19. On TPG, I just did a quick search of the uploads database under authors name and pulled out a list of authors (unique values) to populate the pulldown list. If an author hasn't uploaded to the site, no sense and trying to search for their name. Everyone that has uploaded is shown in the pulldown list - which is dynamically populated. Couple that with the keyword search that searches (you'll recognize these variables): strName+strYear+strCountry+strRegion+strDescription+strAttacker+strAuthorComments and I think you'll find that scenario finding is much simplified for your visitors. I have a basic and advanced search, see http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/scenario_finder.html for ideas for v2.5. HTH!
  20. Post it, post it, post it! Me and Freddy are ready to rumble. He's like a good fighter, doesn't stay down long, even after the harsh beating he just took... Of course, if you look at it in that light, I've been put down on the canvas each round by him in the past...but we don't need to go there, do we?
  21. You know how much I love the maps that you do - if you have some scenarios to go along with your map work, I'll be playing them! Put 'em up at The Proving Grounds - I have a pbem spot open with Freddy, be glad to try one of yours out!
  22. Great news Keith, congrat's on the changes, sounds like some great new features! Not that you're wanting to get right back into coding, but after the dust settles a bit, perhaps we can put our heads together to see if there's a way to incorporate The Proving Grounds beta scenarios with The Scenario Depot - an easy way to transfer tested and finished scenarios from mine to yours without repetitious data entry by the authors (as previously discussed). Congrat's again!
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