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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Well, you do have a pattern of history - I think you've posted one scenario at TPG in the 3 years that it's been up. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. It's ready when it's ready, and not a moment beforeā„¢ But I think that I can safely say that it will be ready before CMx2 is released.
  3. Thanks Wyatt. I already have the "Mechanized Forces" available for scenario searches on TPG (under Allies forces type and Axis forces type), so that will be available at TSD (among many other variables). The TCP thing I have tied in via a search for "Best played as (Axis vs AI, Allies vs AI, two player)". So I think that I have that covered already.
  4. Thanks, appreciate it! If anybody knows or wants to learn WebDNA, let me know and I'll put you to work. I started working on the "Scenario Card" process, where a scenario's details can be easily exported from TPG and then imported into TSD. Oh yes, also as I posted at TPG, I'm open for any submissions of graphics or page template design for the site. Draw it up in Photoshop, PSP, MS Paint or whatever graphics program that you use and send it to me at: cmbb@garykrockover.com If I get enough (any?) submissions, I'll put those plus whatever I come up with on my site for viewing and then we can all take a vote on it. Otherwise, you only get whatever I come up with.
  5. Good or bad, it will have to be a fresh start. We have CMMOD's for a "scenario dump" if someone just wants a bunch of scenarios, but for TSD, each scenario will have the parameters entered and saved into a database. That is going to take a community effort to either upload the old scenarios or just new ones (or most likely, a combo of both). I have no way of "importing" all that old info - Keith never sent any files to me and with a new ratings system, I don't think it would work anyways (well, I could make it work - but he'd have to send me what he has, if he has anything in the way of his database(s)).
  6. As posted HERE, I have put together a test page showing how the Bayesian rating system will work: LINK (please be gentle, some error checking is there but you l33t haxors could probably break it) Comments/suggestions welcomed!
  7. Thanks guys, I will. Here's what I'm working up for calculating the scoring average now: Scores are a simple 1-10 as an overall score of the scenario. Or, we could break it down into categories and summed, totaling a score between 1-10, doesn't matter. If a scenario has under 30 reviews (arbitrary number), then a bayesian average is added: num reviews - 30 = num bayesian averages to add. The bayesian average value would be 5.5. That total is averaged - if there's over 30 reviews, then there is no bayesian averages thrown in. This average is added to the average of the range (highest and lowest rating) and then that number is averaged. So the forumla is: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Mean = sum of given ratings + {5.5 * (30 - total number of ratings)) / by number of ratings + number of bayesian ratings Range = highest rating + lowest rating / 2 Score = mean + range / 2</pre>
  8. I can leave the "recent posts" sidebar. I want a way to highlight older posts as well though, so I think I'll add to it the "scenario of the day" feature for one cmbo, cmbb, cmak scenario randomly rotated each day. Authors at TPG do have the capability to modify and/or delete their scenarios and so the same functionality will be available at the TSD redeux.
  9. My response is that I'm up for doing it, and can do it. I have the domain www.the-scenario-depot.com already registered and will have that set up once I have a site built. We might as well start hashing out what it is we'd want for the site. It's easier for me to do it all now instead of tearing into the code piecemeal adding/changing stuff. My thoughts: Use TPG as the template. It's got a 3+ year track record and has been functional and stable all this time (save the 2 days we were down the other weekend, 1st time ever). Changes from TPG would be: Remove the "recently uploaded" list. I'm thinking of having a scenario from each game randomly picked once a day and displayed partially on the homepage as a "pick of the day" feature. This would circulate the older scenarios that are posted and hopefully spotlight them. The discussions area would become an AAR section for each scenario. People can link to screenshots (offsite hosting) if they want. The AAR "end game" feature would be there for posting final outcomes if players wanted. The various tips/tricks sections we wouldn't need, keep them at TPG. What would need to be added: Scenario reviews/ratings. I want to KISS this as much as possible. The "hot-linking" of scenarios from TPG to TSD - the "scenario card" idea that I posted about. Other features, ideas, requests? Please discuss!
  10. Well, I guess this means that I won't be playing "The Mighty Endeavor" this weekend as much as I wanted to. Sorry for the OT, but if anybody has the game Carrier by Victory Games, I just finished the map on the remake of my Vassal module for it: Carrier Map (very big image!). Those are fun to redraw. Ok guys, I'll start putting some stuff together over the weekend perhaps. I'm not going to get into a bickering match regarding the ratings of the scenarios at this point. Personally, I think do a rating/review should be quick and easy. If you have it broken down into multiple sections and you start asking for detailed reasons about x, y and z - you'll get that many fewer reviews overall. I *think* that's what the problem was at the old site, it was too much of a chore to leave a review so very few people were doing it. Again, I like what BoardGameGeek does for their game ratings. I simple 1-10, single paragraph review and then it's compared and rated on a curve with other games. We can build upon that at a later point if we must.
  11. I'll give a brief summary of how I anticipate a scenario site would work/function should I do it: 1. Functionality would be close to what TPG has/does now. We wouldn't need the discussions area for each scenario but instead, have a reviews section that is displayed with the scenario listing. 2. This would be a log in system type site. Again, the *only* reason that it's controlled via log in is that scenario authors are adamant about knowing who has downloaded their wares. I can only log that if people first log into the site before downloading. 3. The big new "key" feature would be an easy export function to take a scenario from TPG to TSD. Authors will have a link for each scenario at TPG that would then present them with an encrypted text file (a scenario "card" if you will) that they can then take to TSD and do a one-click scenario upload (ok, maybe 2 clicks). The "card" would then input all the same information that they entered once pertaining to the scenarios parameters. 4. The bug-a-boo: scenario ratings. How it should be handled will be up to you guys. I know that the original SD had some issues with people - you either hated it or loved it. How can I do better? FWIW, have a look at www.boardgamegeek.com. I like the way that they do simple ratings there. It's on a curve - which I could implement. Should we have ratings on individual components of the scenario or just on the scenario as a whole? Do we really need ratings at all? Your thoughts here. 5. We can have a front page discussion board as TPG has. Authors can post notes about the new scenarios that they've posted etc. Other features? A "spoilers" section for more in depth discussion of individual scenarios where spoilers/AAR's can be posted? I'm sure it will come up - an AAR section. Perhaps I can adapt what is the "Discussions" area on TPG to function like an AAR section at TSD. I will have to weigh the option to allow screenshots. The problem with allowing them is that you'll get screenshots that are 1600x1200 in dimensions weighing in at a mb each or more all the way down to a tiny 150x150 image that nobody can see. I have no way of resizing or controlling the images that would get uploaded except to individually modify each image myself. If somebody is familiar with "Image Magik", perhaps you can give me some scoop on it (it reportedly will allow image manipulation via code on the fly). What else would be wanted/needed? Suggestions, ideas, thoughts needed.
  12. Guys, as I just posted at TPG: So maybe we can get all those interested in making "the" site submit their proposals to a thread at Gyrene's - what they can have the site do, how it would function, etc. and then we let the community vote. I think this should be a big push to generate a large turnout on the vote. To be honest, if 15 people vote for the site and for the rest it falls on deaf ears, I'm not going to be that motivated to bust butt to code a new site - to be brutally honest. My thoughts at least.
  13. I've replied to Martin's kind offer via email, but I'll summarize here for the group - the server that hosts *my* version of a scenario depot must be running WebDNA (LINK) which is a pretty obscure programming language. My host obviously does - but I doubt highly that GaJ's does. So option #3 wouldn't work with a TPG overlay design. Somebody could do it using PHP/MySQL which is on about every server in the world.... But, do a WHOIS for www.the-scenario-depot.com. I'm thinking on it, thinking.....k.
  14. FYI: TPG should be up some time today, he's resolving the link now.
  15. FYI: TPG should be up some time today, he's resolving the link now.
  16. Thanks Bannon, it's at an AAMCO now and I think that I'm just going to have them repair it. The quote that they gave me is the same or even lower than some local shops here, plus they have financing available. Still waiting on TPG to come up, I haven't heard any word on the status of that as of yet.
  17. FWIW, without making any changes and only rebooting, CMBB now will play at 1600x1200 on my primary display. I don't know why it would suddenly "see straight" unless the reboot was needed for the changes that I did do the other night to take effect (though I have it set to apply changes without rebooting). I haven't checked CMAK yet.....wait....nope, it still goes to my secondary display. I'll play with it tomorrow.....
  18. If it wasn't in Seattle with me being in Texas, I would. I'm sure that my host has already tried it though. Just a note on the side; the site is completely backed up locally, so there will be no lost scenarios in this little mishap.
  19. <h2>NOTICE</h2> We're experincing some problems with the server. The databases are not accepting new appends, so, DO NOT POST NEW SCENARIOS AT THIS TIME, it wont work. We hope to have this little issue resolved over the weekend. Sorry for the inconvienence (and sorry for the crosspost to this and the CMAK forums).
  20. <h2>NOTICE</h2> We're experincing some problems with the server. The databases are not accepting new appends, so, DO NOT POST NEW SCENARIOS AT THIS TIME, it wont work. We hope to have this little issue resolved over the weekend. Sorry for the inconvienence.
  21. Yeah, it's going to wipe out our down on a new house - delaying that for the time being. Just got word from my webhost, he's aware of the situation and has been working on that box all day long. It's basically fubar'd. So, he's going to spend the weekend moving all of the sites over to a new box - so we'll have intermittent up/down time over the weekend. I have the site backed up as it exists now, so very little, if anything will be lost.
  22. I just tried posting the following at TPG, but it's not taking: So, something still isn't 100% correct. I'll try reaching my webhost to see if he can have a look at the databases.
  23. Yes, 6600GT, latest NVidia drivers. I have it set using the "dualview" setup from the NVidia driver settings. I think we're talking about the same thing. Windows is also set as "(multiple monitors) on NVIDIA Dualview". Only in the windows settings can I arrange the placement of the monitors - and this may be the catch - I have the primary on the right, secondary on the left. It always defaults back to the opposite of that if I switch from multiple monitors to single and then back. I can't physically relocate the monitors because of my arrangements, so that isn't an option. Perhaps CM is seeing the primary display as being on the left and sending the signal there, yet I have windows set with the primary on the right, though it defaults to the left. Hope that makes sense, I'm a bit short on time at the moment, I'll experiment tonight when I get home and see if I can crack this nut. Thanks for the help guys.
  24. Nope, same driver version. Thanks, I'll get this licked! I can switch from dual to single display just to play a turn and then switch back, but that will get old quick.
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