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Everything posted by GJK

  1. You have to log into your account first spoon. There's a little warning message that shows up top if you're not logged in with a link that goes to the log in page, or just click the "key" that is in the very upper right-hand corner of the site on all pages.
  2. LOL! Yup, small hiccup earlier tonight, but that gave me time to update the look of the site yet once again. I hope you approve, the issue of the page not fully filling up the browser window has been addressed.
  3. I actually opened it up a couple of weeks ago but didn't broadcast it outside of the site, so doing so now here. The Proving Grounds is proud to present "Scenario Design Tips" forums and postings. As mentioned, it's really just getting underway, but there's already some great info on Map Making by Panther Commander aka Mad Russian (captured Panther perhaps? ). Anyways, looking to have more of you experienced designers join up and post your tips so that us designer's in learning can join in and ask some questions and pick up some tips! Aside from the Design Tips section, TPG also offers Opponent Finding (non-ladder), Scenario Downloads for beta-testing, an extensive Reference Section with over 100 links to sites of interest to the scenario designer, a Maps Section, a VL Planning Tool to help with number/sizes of VL's, and some good chat that doesn't strictly deal with just CM. Enjoy! [ July 04, 2004, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  4. Try using WinRAR (www.rarlabs.com). I created those using it and have had clients tell me the same thing before when using Winzip or other archivers to open a WinRAR zip.
  5. Redownload it (should be a .zip now). I updated both scenarios with the .zip versions last night.
  6. Andrew, Cassino Railway Station doesn't show in my list of scenarios when I go to play and if I try to load it in the editor I get a version mismatch. 1.01 here of course. I'm guessing the file was corrupted on the upload perhaps. You can either update via the site (Sceanrios > Author's Login) or if you want to email the file to me I'll upload it to the server. I'll cross post this to TPG so that we can get this one going ASAP - I'm interested in testing it!
  7. I just click on the "select next idle citizen" button and then have them go chop down trees or mine gold or sumfink. Oh wait, wrong game. Sorry!
  8. I'm not hosting mods at TPG for bandwidth reasons. I'll reupload it to CMMODS, it was lost in his big crash of last year(?). Anyways, it's 19.2mb in size, so quite large. Edit: I seem to have already uploaded it there (old age). Look under GJK/All/Terrain. Light Grass Final.
  9. Tom comes out of hiding and unveils this masterpiece! Man, that looks so good, can't wait to try it out! I've been using a modified Magua Normandy grass mod - but I think I just found it's replacement. Great to see you back, good luck with the site too!
  10. Switch to Pbem Helper (sorry, don't have the link handy since I'm up at work - working - very hard in fact). Pbem Helper will zip/unzip, archive turns, start turns automatically (if you opt) and all kinds of other neat stuff. Bit of a trick to get it set up and going initially, but once you have it going you'll be amazed at the functions it performs. The miracles of Google found that link: HERE
  11. Just posted a note for you at TPG, but I've been waiting for someone to make a CMAK version of a Normandy beach landing. Was thinking of trying it myself, but glad that one of the pro's did it. Can't wait to check it out!
  12. Chances are, it's a .zip file. The files inside (once unzipped) will go in the folder called "BMP" (bitmap). Couple of options - just extract it straight into that folder, overwriting the originals (not your best option). - extract it to a temporary folder, noting the names of the files. Rename your originals of the same file names (to something like 360.old) and then move the contents in the temp folder into the BMP folder. - get a mod managing program such as McMMM which can be found here. This program will handle the unzipping, archiving and copying of files to the correct location. Undoing the modding is as simple as checking a box and then selecting "unload".
  13. So you're saying I really lost worse than it showed when I played it. Oh great.
  14. Wait, he made final changes before releasing it from The Proving Grounds and people are getting a 75-77% with a +3 AI?!?! I think that puppy needs to go back for more testing!!! :mad:
  15. Could be a lot of things, or a few things I guess....how much ammo does it have left and of what type? What kind of covered arcs are set, if any? Are the contacts solid contacts (i.e., not just sound)? What's the crews experience? Did you manually target any of those contacts or just left it up to the AI? Someone else will have others I'm sure....
  16. I'll vouch for that. Give the AI a +3 bonus, go on, I double dog dare you.
  17. The scenario discussions area of The Proving Grounds is full of player tactics and (obviously) discussions regarding scenarios. Not exactly layed out like an AAR but pretty close (some of them actually do read like an AAR). Some very capable players posting there, you might pick up some tidbits. Link in sig below, click on Scenarios then Discussions once you're at the site.
  18. The scenario discussions area of The Proving Grounds is full of player tactics and (obviously) discussions regarding scenarios. Not exactly layed out like an AAR but pretty close (some of them actually do read like an AAR). Some very capable players posting there, you might pick up some tidbits. Link in sig below, click on Scenarios then Discussions once you're at the site.
  19. Click on the link in his original post, all the scenario's details are there. I'm currently playing this one with Fredrock1957. It's a <u>very large</u> scenario with a <u>large</u> map - it's going to take us a little while! In depth discussions (including spoilers!) are in the scenario discussions area of The Proving Grounds for this scenario. We'll be filling in more details as play goes on.
  20. I say, don't play QB's but come play and test theike's excellent scenarios/op's at The Proving Grounds instead!
  21. Have you seen this particular remake on the SD? Same name at least as CH87: ASL-CM Rolling Down Rollbahn D
  22. Did you reinstall DirectX9.0b (I think is the latest)? Run DXDIAG from the command prompt and see if everything is up to snuff - sounds like you may have a corrupted or missing directx file. http://www.microsoft.com/directx
  23. I do something similar on TPG. For scenario submissions, the first part is the scenario info screen. If a required field is missing, then they are redirected right back to the form until that information is filled in. I do append what they entered in up to that point though, for the reason mentioned below. When they submit again, if all required fields are complete, then that additional information is appended to the database (a unique SKU number is carried with them to track which scenario this belongs to). Only then do they get to the next screen which is the actual file upload screen. I do some error checking here as well; does the filename have the appropriate suffix (.cma - .cmh or whatever it's up to now, .zip or .sit), and does it have a filename that is browser friendly. If that test is passed, then the name of the file is appended to the record carrying that SKU number and the file is transferred to the appropriate location. A discussion thread is created for that scenario on the message board and a few other things happen as needed. Most browsers will retain the information entered into the form if the visitor is redirected back because of a lack of filling in required fields. Some have a cache issue and will wipe the form clean though. So, even the PITA that it was to code, I retrieve from the database the information that was entered intially and display that in the form instead of relying on browser cache retaining and displaying that info. Of course, if they change something that they wrote the first time, it is updated with a replace instead of an append to the database.
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