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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Rolend, Let's see what Hubert comes up with, And... just maybe, It WILL fix the problem. Not to say some other "enhancements" Wouldn't be considered Down that rutted dusty road some, but, For now let's try whatever IS Introduced in Patch #1, And go from there. Meaning... any and all suggestions Are yet valuable and remain "On the great gaming table."
  2. Lars, United Kingdom **Yugoslavia Greek French Norwegian Irish Spanish EGYPTIAN and Iraqi partisans Will attack resources no matter who is the occupier of their country, Axis OR Allied. All of the above, except the **Yugoslavian partisans, do NOT appear on the board as units that can attack any garrison forces. They merely reduce the (... unoccupied) resources, Based on a random trigger %. You could of course change this so that Partisan units do appear, if you'd prefer. Or write up an event script To add partisan activity for any Other country not already included. NOTE: UK partisans will comply with the specific "partisan flag" and NOT attack resources unless UK is conquered. Not that anyone would suppose O/W, but just wanted to clarify. [ May 04, 2006, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  3. Nor do I. Therefore, couldn't agree more. :cool: If we are intending to micro-manage This one aspect of the total war, Then we may as well consider it For many other critical components, Every one of them a sparkling sapphire In the eye of each beholder, Such as separate Armor, Army And Corps ZOC that varies For each type of terrain, And according to weather, etc, etc, And etc, etc.
  4. Panzerkiel, Thank you. I myself TRY to be as exemplary As you have just been, but Don't always succeed. My feelings about New Orleans Are up close & personal because I have lived there And loved everything about it, And, My son has called a couple of times And told me what he has found. No need to say what, we all Know how difficult it is for those Left alone and still homeless. My battered old Cleveland Indian ball hat's Off to you for your stand-up retraction.
  5. Well, Panzerkiel, You do seem to know a few things About WW-2, Borrowed history and the like, But this comment is crudely myopic. My son is down there now With volunteer group, Spending his own money Trying to help clean up the mess Left when the US Government Dismantled FEMA over the last 6 years, For stupid political reasons. More folks would lend a hand, Less need for those home And safe from harm To be so casually callous.
  6. There is no way to know, for sure, IF Axis "wafdist" sympathizers Would have embraced the new regime, For the simple enough reason That... conquest of Egypt never happened. My own feeling is that the Arab Nationalists Would have been "up in arms" NO MATTER WHO was controlling, dominating and ultimately, as all invaders tend to do, Exploiting their country. Axis may indeed have placed a "puppet regime" But my bet is that there would have been EQUALLY as much foment and resentment Whether the "over-lords" were GErman Or Italian or British or Deep Space Alien Invaders. Surely everyone must realize, by now, That the Arabic nations simply - do not LIKE ANYONE controlling their destiny. Nothing's changed in hundreds & hundreds of years. Arab nationalists who were helpful To the Axis were simply Anxious to rid themselves of ANY interloper. The partisans are not placed on board. They do their work in stealth, As assassins, Attacking and reducing Alexandria And Cairo IF those two cities are not garrisoned. Now, In game terms... IF the Axis are intent On taking Egypt (... and/or Syria, Iraq and Iran) THEN: they should have to leave forces behind In order to "control" a potentially unruly, and militant portion of the populace. And so, Adventuring into those treacherous Mid-East desert sands SHOULD Cost the Conqueror. The cost is... garrison, or take some hits From VERY rabid and determined native "Rabble rousers." This is what we have, and IMHO, It IS just as viable As those who would insist, without historical evidence That the Arab Nationalists would have been Perfectly, prettily content with Axis "Iron fisted rule." **If none of the above rationales suit you, well, At game start, you CAN "un-check" the script Which provides for Egyptian partisans Should you prefer. :cool: [ May 03, 2006, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  7. Inspectre, give me a day or two to set it up, then we'll see what we might get done.
  8. To be sure, just check the Manual. Subs SHOULD take less damage, Due to all the reasons thus far elaborated. Larger surface ships SHOULD be vulnerable To storm damage. Which can also be subsumed under category Of "general wear & tear" As also already mentioned herein. One idea being: Subs can last a little longer Out there in the larger, yet Not "actually-accurately-sized" Atlantic. As Lars has said, Find the clear weather zones as necessary.
  9. No problemo, LampCord. ANY comments or suggestions WRT to OOB's or WHY there are Particular features, or options Included in the scenario, So to improve the game balance Or "historical imperative" Would be most welcome.
  10. Yep, Lars, force-pool limits Are included... for a reason. O/W some marauding Nation might Be able to muster - much MORE forces Than was the case historically. Say, GErmany as marauder, for example. Too many units and they could make That WW-I sort of "toe-to-toe" Trench warfare there in Russia, Which would get us into a different Schematic altogether. (... and many complained about WRT SC-1) Though, you could very well re-place an existing Unit with a "garrison type," But then, As we can appreciate, Other units should be REDUCED In order to keep "force-pool" In effect, and realistic Insofar as what military man-power Was actually available For each Nation re-presented. As is, we don't model EVERY unit Nor ALL of the possible military, Or quasi-militia forces. We, rather, Hubert has, however, kept The RELATIVE and comparative strengths Of each Nation's forces Fairly accurate, IMHO. **Of course, any modders who disagree Can always add specific units To any OOB's - as they please. :cool:
  11. fantomas, Any way I can reach you? I tried the home page "no" address and it doesn't get me anywhere, IE, some strange page with message about... how I am lost in ether space and too bad for me. I have some special requests in mind. Don't know if you can even accomplish them, but I'd rather discuss it all... in an e-mail, since it is not likely to be any concern or interest for most posters herein. If not able to locate you, or you wish to preserve yer privacy, hey - at's OK. :cool:
  12. You have won a "decisive victory." There is an error in the "Victory Scripting." My fault, sorry. For both Allies and Axis, the following line in the "decisive victory script" should be changed: Instead of... #DATE= 1943/03/01 Should be... #DATE= 1941/03/01 All other victory scripts remain the same. You can assume you have won the "decisive victory" or you can change the script, or wait for the first patch to correct this error. I've played well over 20 games in testing and have never seen... snow in Afrika nor any convoys from Lithunia. If you have the last turn saved, send to Hubert so he can take a look. I have no ability to code anything other than event and AI scripts. For both of you, or anyone else playing the 1941-42 North Afrika scenario, I'll re-print an earlier post: _________________________________________ First Patch will help the AI, In general, And in specific for this and other Scenarios. When you are Axis, Play... beginner, with +1 for opponent experience. Also, At game start** "un-check" Boxes 2-6, IE, leaving the first one, Which is assignment of a naval bomber To Crete. **[... game start -> advanced -> scripts -> unit] That way Axis won't get ANY random units, Whereas the Allies will likely get One, or possibly 2, Given the random chances for arrival. Finally, Go into Editor and correct an error. Click on "combat target values" Then Malta, Then change bomber strike-range to "10." Do these things and I bet you'll have Tough time taking El Alamein. If you are still winning too easily, Bump up the difficulty one more level. Insofar as playing as Allies, Same as above. Any and all comments and suggestions Are appreciated. _____________________________________________
  13. Tancred, First Patch will help the AI, In general, And in specific for this and other Scenarios. When you are Axis, Play... beginner, with +1 for opponent experience. Also, At game start** "un-check" Boxes 2-6, IE, leaving the first one, Which is assignment of a naval bomber To Crete. **[... game start -> advanced -> scripts -> unit] That way Axis won't get ANY random units, Whereas the Allies will likely get One, or possibly 2, Given the random chances for arrival. Finally, Go into Editor and correct an error. Click on "combat target values" Then Malta, Then change bomber strike-range to "10." Do these things and I bet you'll have Tough time taking El Alamein. If you are still winning too easily, Bump up the difficulty one more level. Insofar as playing as Allies, Same as above. Any and all comments and suggestions Are appreciated. [ May 02, 2006, 06:28 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  14. _____________________________________________ The future ain't what it used to be. --Yogi, hey-day Yankee ball player ____________________________________________ You live long enough, You come to realize that "some days" Just... never, ever come. The day you finally discover where! The rainbow - touches the earth. Find the very thing you thought you'd Always wanted. Until, realization sets in... Gold, And more! gold, well, what worth That? Spent or lent or quite highly stacked, In the end? The day you locate the "fountain of youth." But, come to fully understand That age brings interesting perspective, And best, some time to reckon it right, by Offering, freely, what you've learned. The day the beautiful Movie Starlet fawns over You and won't leave you in a redeeming peace. You'd of sworn on all that's damned, or holy, THAT would not - EVER have occurred. The day In fear & trembling, You open a wildnerness gate And discover you're in... Garden of Eden, But alas... is that a faint tracing Of footsteps you at first see, Then... hear? Well, In this case - a little more patience WILL make the Future What it... used to be. No, nix, We should really reconsider. In regard to an improved, And continually improving AI, It will be better than... what it was! Given the dedication, and, elan, Of the original designer, and now Some others also studying, working it. :cool: Doesn't mean - ever elusive - perfect. Merely means... you'll need bring Yer "hey-day" A-game, and Play it with... plain old FUN, where Winning is happily accidental. Later, much later, say, You are sipping lemonade On the singing porch-swing You had built yerself from hard woods, Way back when, it was... yet together With the very one who's stuck By you - through ALL these good And bad and joy-full years, yeah You can look back, decide - what? exactly, Was it? ... is it? I have... won?
  15. Well, Exel, Winston the amateur commander Had all sorts of goof-ball plans, Usually, But not nearly often enough, Over-ruled by wiser tacticians. Dieppe fiasco, Premature landing AND premature withdrawal In northern Norway, Not to mention utter lunacy Of trying to enact Some dumb de dumb Version of his cherished "Balkans" strategem By inserting, then removing to WRONG Fall-back position of Crete, And having to salvage once again, With severe losses to RN From GErman naval bombers in Greece, Meanwhile, Chance to drive Italians all the way back To Tripoli, and beyond, And possibly knock them out of the war, Was aborted. Do you really think this guy, Given the realitites of VERY limited UK ground forces, augmented By very meagre and reluctant French, Could have gotten - into Sweden To grab them Gallivare mines? Doubt it, seriously doubt it, and "Consent" was the least of his worries.
  16. Be interesting to see how this finally plays out. After all, Sleepy-head is only ONE Capital away From a "major victory," IE, Only needs Moscow now. Need to hear from Axis perspective. Where was the full-strength and experienced Italian Air Fleet during all This easy-as-you please bombing Of Tobruk? Half-hearted effort by Axis down in Afrika Is not gonna get it done. (... plus, your Malta Effect hit at appropriate moments, to be sure; might not happen so very fortuitously next time around) Or, Where the Italian HQ which, IMO, you'd best Assemble BEFORE wasting MPP's on all manner Of other "iffy propositions" Like them helter-skelter amphib Ops. First patch will change some of the dynamics Down in Desert Sands, But, Gotta hand it ya Jollyguy, Some real fine tactics you come up with. :cool: Trouble being... you've lost your SUPER CARRIER, IE, That "floating launch platform" known as United Kingdom. No more convoy routes, No MPP's sent to Russia. U-boots and - upgraded? Kriegsmarine can defend in a wide arc, Then you mean to scratch & claw Yer way back onto Old Continent. Well, Should be interesting, but, Losing UK, I don't know, Might be hard to overcome? Little Commonwealth Kingdom in East Afrika Could help out, Depending how well Axis Can protect those 5 other Capitals Needed for that Major Victory: Rome, Berlin, Warsaw, London and Paris. Only Moscow left to get. We'll see what, I guess.
  17. Appreciate the information CP. Freyberg sounds like someone I'd likely use, somewhere. [... brief abbreviation of yer "nom de guerre" keeps my own cognitive dissonance at low levels, which is necessary, as I am already quite dissident enough, or so it has been... though, lately, not QUITE as much as I really NEED to be, alas, it's gettin' to resemble a Serling-esque "twilight zone" here home, and ever more apparently, over there and just about anywhere else you could notice should you giv a good long LOOK... well, what the hell, I am a bit beat and older now, but that ain't enny adequate excuse... ] JJ, Very true about those later GErman "political hack commanders"... the kind, all by their arrogant, ego-maniacal selves can ruin a whole Army... in ANY time, or place. BTW, I owe you EM; sometime today or tomorrow latest.
  18. Yeah, Then he'd proceed To go looking for ALL the squelettes In ALL of our cabinets. No doubt Inspectre WOULD indeed find Some most astonishing :eek: Sorts of skeletons, in each And... EVERY... single SC-member closet. Lurkers too, He's THAT good.
  19. Some things you could do, CPT Pete: 1) Lower the cost of the Carrier, for UK only if that is how you'd like it. 2) Raise the Air Defense of said Carrier. 3) Lower the amount of time to build, so you can have them sooner. 4) Increase the spotting range so you'd have plenty of time to "fight or flight." Other things you could do to have PRECISELY what you are interested in. Nothing wrong with that, I've done it too. :cool:
  20. I did NOT say perfect! '39 Grand Campaign, I said... "ideal." Subtle difference, but, Significant difference. OK, I've said all I want to say, You are going to have WHATEVER Game you wish for. Maybe, even, the one that is - finally, Hubert's "default game." I actually think that is quite possible, anyway. :cool:
  21. If you do all that, Researching and spending and upgrading, Wouldn't they THEN be more your Super-Carrier (... as ONLY USA had... Japanese were a distant 2nd, UK way, WAY behind, like in 7th place, relatively speaking) Preference? :confused:
  22. My reading of many Histories over the years, would incline me to concur, completely. Unless "air cover" was available, UK did not risk them very much; one thing they did do - ferry Spitfires to Malta once Fleigerkorps X was done decimating that island. They can be useful, here and there, BUT not "super carrier" as in SC-1. You can "upgrade" isofar as air attack and ASW, so use them improved (... and, pay the cost of making them more like later and better Pacific CV's), or use them selectively.
  23. You couldn't AGREE on an ideal scenario? With MERELY... VERY minor adjustments? [... by the time all is said and done, minor adjustments may not even be necessary, IMHO] That's kinda odd. :confused:
  24. Yer sayin' better than I EVER could Blash Man, And so I'll merely kick in this little bit, As a possible end result, in sequence: 1) Patches are done... for awhile, as will be mentioned, probably. 2) Best game is... pretty doggone CLOSE. 3) Imaginative folks come up with a scenario, finally, that covers EVERY SINGLE difficulty. I do mean, ALL of them. BECAUSE it can be done. With "minor adjustments." 4) Rating system for each & every scenario, at the preferred site... is consulted, just to be sure. 5) Final decision made. Commonly agreed to. 6) IDEAL HvsH and Major Leagues game established. 7) Everyone is notified that THIS game is the one to be used hereafter. Maybe even, INTO the hereafter. 8) Competitors are on even ground, have their very favorite ball-park to play hard ball in. 9) And so, with NO "house rules" necessary... they do. :cool:
  25. Ramblin' Man, Get yerself on over to Club 47 There under the rick-racket "El" In big-shoulder Chicago. Though, since Progress Remains the preferred Commodity, That there hot-key club Mighta been torn down by now, I haven't been there in awhile. Or, Any of the cool blue road-houses In KC, St Looie, Or down 'Nawlins way. Always best to get the grit drift Up close and personal, That CD stuff is like listenin' To ancient waves by way of sea-shell. O/W, you could just load up Some old tromp-the-board tapes Of Jimmy "moanin' groanin'" Swaggert.
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