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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Rannug, A known issue that has been much discussed, with several good solutions possible. However, Hubert has not thus far indicated, finally, how he will solve it. The original idea to have Egypt become the "epicenter" of the future Commonwealth should the Island be conquered... was his, and the solution will also come from him. All involved agree that Canada must be "a vital player" in the game and not remain... idyl on the sidelines. We'll soon enough see.
  2. And, Rolend, EXACTLY What you and I, as game players should HAVE to do... risk The whole shooting match. I suspect that's what we WILL finally have, Then all is said and done. IE, after first patch; maybe, if needed Second one anyway. :cool: See Lowe as the ultimate GErman risk. With appropriate cost Should it fail. The rest of your analysis seems About right to me, as well. VERY much fun to "speculate" about this LAST of the "conventional weapon," All-world encompassing wars. I don't think I can count HIGH enough, The veritable library upon library Of history books written about it, Nor do I think We will EVER exhaust all topics On this, or any WW-2 board. Thing is, there are so many reference points, And so many "interpretations" That I would insist, No ONE explanation can tidily and completely Explain any ONE aspect of the war.
  3. Assuming SO's deployments are accurate, I don't know, Would have to double-check, anyway, IF they are, THEN... wouldn't that VERY clearly indicate? That the UK took See Lowe threat Quite seriously? Well, You'd rather have it... NOT possible, At all? :eek: Or, More like a "what-if," As is requested in so many Other areas. What if? It were a moonless night. What if? GErmans planned so awful assiduously They selected time & place Of absolute! surprise! What if? They used VAST numbers of newly trained Airborne and glider troops? What if? The subs and assorted Kriegsmarine, Large and small, Performed such a perfect storm Of screening and not only that! But, What if? They risked everything! And had every single torpedo dive bomber Ready and raring to go? As with many other of these apparently Troublesome aspects, Best to wait until first patch is out BEFORE drawing definitive conclusions.
  4. You mean you ain't drivin' One a'them HYBRIDS yet! :eek: Gasoline/petrol is going the way Of the dinosaur, Didn't you know? :confused: You think FM Rommel had troubles gettin' His hands on fuel, Just wait! Until China and India build all them New and shiny automobiles! Let's see... back to horses? No, They'll all be eaten by then. Bicycles! Get you a bike, hellraiser! I recommend... Indian, IF you can find one over there in old Europe. Mostly just collector's items now Here in the worker's paradise, America! Where we don't build nuthin' of consequence, Other than "play toys" for the rich, Enny more! BTW, do you know? Can you tell me? How it is a HAND-FULL of folks Know ALL there is to know About - you name it! LOL! PS: When are you going to write us THE next great novel? From what I can tell, yer pret' damned good At the English lingo (... seriously), Imagine! Like John Lennon! :cool: How adept you must be in - what is yer native Language? Transylvanian?
  5. Agreed. However, And I address this to all, Not merely yourself, I would estimate, oh... somewhere In the vicinity of .001 % Are "premium players," Whereas the IMMENSE, "critical mass" majority Are... what? (un)Rank(ed)... Amateurs? LOLOL! The game is made for THEM, Every bit as much as it is made For... who ARE those Premium! Players? Tell it again? I forget.
  6. JG, The sky is indeed the limit. And, All of the VERY "informed critiques" in here Would be better heard, And more closely considered, IMO, Should you put them in a specific thread Dealing with - what? EACH of the 8 or 10 issues That have been raised. Blashy and et al, Do FAR more than that, LOL, IF you might only be able to read The Beta Forum, Beginning to end, Over several years, You wouldn't say it so simple-severe as that, 'At's fer sure.
  7. There are those who feel that UK SHOULD be conquered WHEN London & Manchester Are secured. OK, decent proposal. There are those who would want UK To be FINALLY conquered should Egypt also Succumb to the daring FM Rommel. Also OK. Thing is... you don't really want to be chasing UK Government - all over the place. Get the island, and get Egypt And it's done with, at least, Until USA may be able? To liberate it... later. Really, GErmany has a dire problem. Trying to "adequately garrison" ALL of their conquests. Due to "force pool" limits, and, Fending off stubborn Russia. It's not so easy as it sounds. Russian Capital FIRST moves to Stalingrad, THEN to... Sverdlovsk, Which is located beyond the Urals, Due north near the mines. [... or, if you get Sverdlovsk first, then Stalingrad is the last stand, there in the crumbling Tractor Factory, maybe] Rationale? Give the Axis/GErmans decent reason to execute What they actually DID do in the war, IE, heed the Austrian dumkopf, And take Stalingrad. Without that fierce encounter, Do you have any semblance Of historical imperative? Well, sure, You could establish a defensive ARC Which would deflect Russian reinforcements From harrassing your effort To get at the VERY valuable Caucasus oil fields. **Which, incidentally, Is a good argument, IMHO, for having UK Capital move to Egypt. O/W, you have (... with possible Axis conquest of Turkey) mostly GErman forces, Augmented by the now stronger Italian Combat-ability, Hard pressing USSR from above and below, By turning the corner sharp At Rostov, defending behind the Don River, And simultaneously Surging up from Mid East. UK-in-Canada and even USA has little actual chance Of interfering, until, likely, It is way too late. There is no specifically right or wrong answer, I am merely providing Another perspective, From ONLY a game-player's possible arsenal Of potential S & T, same As anybody else can, and, should do. :cool: [ May 15, 2006, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  8. Yep, the Lizard Brain Remains. Right 'er where it alway was. :eek: Covered over a little, yet Cerebral Cortex is about as effective As Freud's posited Ego, Or better, and more appropriately, The "Super Ego," Which, as we know, inter-mediates 'Tween enfant terrible ID, And "nurtured normalization," Ah, GREAT! Ain't it? How very many theses (... can NEVER be FULLY tested!) Exist in our quick-cindering Little planet, eh? LOL! Besides, nobody said "self-defense" Was to be denied, not Even my old pal T Aquinas. I would only hope belligerence might be applied At smaller and ever tinier scales, As NECESSARY. Could give you examples from my own experience, But, Many would likely object to! The outright and blatant Non-Lennon, non-pacifist Examples... see, You can't EVER get away with nuthin' Since none of us are made The same way. Free will! Good, and a'times - horrendous. LOL!
  9. LOL, or... maybe - Madagascar! Thing is this... IF re-located to Egypt, Then UK CAN be conquered, finally! You put the Government in Canada, And not so likely, IMO, That UK would EVER be knocked out Of the War, For all sorts of good & sufficient reasons, Some of which I cannot mention As of yet. (... true also, depends on "Victory scripting" And what will, in the end, Constitute various "levels of victory" )
  10. Looking good Mondo Scando! :cool: Lots of clicking around, but, for some That's no hindrance, and At least! You'll have ALL them Soviet leaders Rated... right on the ruble! Though, GErman ones, I don't know, we'll have to Wait and see. You got Skorzeny in there?
  11. LOL, yah, 6 and 1/2 billion and geometrically counting, Might be our last hope For some decent manna. Same as how the Vikings did On them lengthy long-boat predator raids On old Europe, Paris even, back when, And that's where, incidentally, The word "beserker" originated. [... 'course, the Vikes added a little herbal essence to the mixture, LOL!] Not enough clean, non-disease Corrupted water to go around... soon, eh? Then! What of the all them "idealistic" Lennons! Still playing in beer-hall cellars In Hamburg I guess (... where the home brew, at least would be potable, if not palatable) [ May 15, 2006, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  12. Valid point. So... make the informing pop-up Closer to 50 % OK by me. Thing is, though, from a gaming stand point, Would be better, IMO, if We didn't always KNOW for SURE The PRECISE damage. Consider: 1) You bomb a port and city, say - Trondheim, in preparation for amphib landing by W-Allies. Should you know the EXACT condition Of the port? Or the City? 2) You bomb a resource, say - mine in France. Should you know the EXACT destruction? Seems as though it would be better To not know everything. Should you then switch targets? Or hit the same one again? Keeping "fog of war" intact for bombers Makes for a better tactical game is all. IMHO.
  13. BB, You are WAY up there in the air. Lots of drifting clouds Even in clearest weather, and Plenty of FLAK causing evasive maneuver, Not to mention, Shrouds of smoke arising All over the just-bombed ground, How could you know, very soon, Given tardiness of eventual reports, Whether by recon or "friendly spotters" In the area, Just what damage you have done? Though, Might not be bad idea to consider Some random, And occasional (... say, ~ 20% chance of an informative pop-up?) feed-back. But, In general, I cannot imagine High altitude bombing providing you With - either accurate, or timely information.
  14. You know where the convoy lines are. You know that the U-boot MUST be One tile either side of that line. You know, by "pop-up" WHICH convoys Have been hit. You have a CA at either end (... as with Halifax <-> Liverpool) Which can converge And locate Or, one in Gibraltar which can I would suppose, Fair quickly find the Mid East interloper. Perhaps it's less a case Of the fault... being in the stars, As it is... not YET figuring how To BEST apprehend them U-boots? I don't know, Each can play around with it and see what. You should NOT be able to always, And immediately locate these, at least, Until later in the war When you got more "hunting assets." :cool:
  15. Not very. :cool: [... no, I won't mention the become... almost dreaded word - Editor] However, Consider this... See Lowe succeeds, Government moved to Canada, Fine so far, But, What happens then when UK CANNOT get hardly ANY troops - all the way down to Egypt? By transport. Through the Wolf-packs ferociously awaiting? Egypt very likely falls, Right along with the whole of the Mid East. Axis dominates the ENTIRE non-Soviet Continent of old Europe. What then? Invade where? And with what amphibs That are less "ready & able" After the long, long sea voyage? UK Government in Middle East has potential (... what with Syria and Iraq and Iran) To STOP the Axis in their half-tracks. Besides, IMO, Canada and USA would have forged A "common alliance" Militarily, and economically, No matter some "Royal Remnant" Of UK Government in situ In Ottawa. What also? Of arriving Commonwealth reinforcements? No more ANZAC or Indian Or South African troops? Where do these congregate and rally? Egypt is the CENTER point Of "the Commonwealth." Canada is at the periphery. Well, NOBODY KNOWS what would have happened, Since... it didn't. Hubert's notion is alright, Good as the next guy, Yet, and again, You CAN change it for your own Mod. And, Who knows, Maybe enough folks - CLAMOR FOR! a thing To be different, Could happen?
  16. Couldn't have happened, HR, until October 9, 1940, in any event. Though, as a mere Babe, and Then - the music precocious Liverpool tot, Lennon crying his little lungs out To... "give peace a chance," Likely would have fallen on Deaf & dumb and, hirsute & pointed National Socialist ears. France would be already succumbed To some thundrous crack! cadence 'Em gleaming knee-high jack-boots, But at least some others Might have been spared The usual "Euro internecine," No matter - not so awful innocent Their expansive, chauvinist Schemes & dreams? Well, All I am saying, is Far better to hear a music-man like Lennon Strumming 'is miniature guitar - for Peace, Than to hear so many! Modern Cro-Mag cretins-in-drag Hollering & stomping and demanding For... more and! better WAR! No matter if Illegal, Undeclared, Unjustified (... as per Aquinas ) Or, Christ Disgusted, now, Contrary to merest, meanest Of "civilized behavior," Pre-emptive. IMHO. [... ah, the Philospher Kings diminish, dwindle, become as anethema, and appear to be nearing... negative numbers ]
  17. Just a "test game" To fully realize That "option" ain't very good. Consumable chits ARE better, Yet, It is the Axis, really, the GErmans Who can benefit fastest. Since they have disposable income Sooner than the Allies do. Well, Some solution will be found, for sure. Even if the decision is... leaving the whole thing alone, until further evidence proves, or disproves the "tech wars" to be extravagant, either in time, or money. [ May 13, 2006, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  18. Though... I had played a game Where, as GErmans, I got L-5 by early 1942, And most important, Had ONLY invested just the ONE chit. Anyway, As you say, Sometimes we are seeing the RARE event, And not "the ordinary and usual."
  19. And so. Back to the original topic. Yes, It seems as though the "tech wars" Are proceeding A mite too fast. Is being discussed, And IF Hubert sees it similar, And deems it important enough, now, Then, Perhaps there will be a scaling back. :cool: I can appreciate that some consider this TOO doggone "luck driven" And all I can say is: There MAY be some revision. Might not, but, at least, Everyone involved is aware of it. Now, Some may say - no! I want them King Tigers in 1941! OK, but, I would tend to agree With those who would prefer A more "historical curve" On the war-graph, And notso many "outliers."
  20. Ah, Lars, This whole FUN escapade we have had Illustrates one basic thing... to me. You are "stand-up" and "get-down" dude. :cool: [... and, I have laughed at many of your sophisticated jokes... don't desist, please, on account of my own "sensitivity" to this particular issue! ] (... and! I keep my cool, so long as! My beloved Cleveland Indians, OR Cleveland Browns) Beats them awful Minnesota Twins or Vikings out on the Sally-forth Sail! Indians just lost 3 straight to... the Royals? And can't handle them toothless... Tigers? Alack, it's gonna be a long, long season. Again. Finally, I MUST apologize for some of my ill-advised Lingo - you ain't no pimp, That was "beneath me," I TRY to remain fair And respectful, but The typing fingers move faster Than my "better nature" sometimes. [ May 13, 2006, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  21. For you, Goethe in meister dis-guise, For you. LOL. And so, It's established now. You have it... 98 % figured. While I, ONLY half GErman (... and, half Welsh) Have it grokked at... 76 % Therefore, In the spirit of them S & T Proto-calculators everywhere, You will beat me, ummm, 22 % of the time! Or, Do I have that... *ss backwards! :eek: LOLOL! And, I won't mind, at's cool, Like Black Forest rains Making of the dark earth floor, One HUGE... reflection pool! :cool:
  22. Well, So long as it warn't no bar-maid, Eyes set wide apart blue, Hair like Minnesota corn-silk plumes, Legs liable to be Long, worked strong, Limber, lithe & loose, Had left them there scratch marks! Why, You could get... an infection! LOL! Ah, pardon, cain't hep it, LOLOLOL! ______________________________________________ See genial fellow, This is the essential thing; My Niece works in a bar. Has to, Her old man don't make enough by 'imself To support the both of them, What with the skewed Economy we got Here in once democratic America, Where the rich gets richer And the poor get screwed. [... how them arro-gant, as-piring Yuppies also LIKE to do, aping after the Plutocrats ] Well, She's typical American, A little of this, some of that, German and Welsh heritage she is Indeed, though Both sides of the family arrived, oh, WAY back before the... 1st Civil War And she has - huge eyes of blue, Wide set apart - flashing! and An... old-California Gold gleaming! in rushing streams Flowing forth! sort of hair, And she is the sweetest, Most other-caring, decent Niece Some ol' proud Uncle could EVER have. She tells me all about Them prowlin' 'round the Down-Town Cats What swagger & preen and "hit on" her Every hour of every shift, It hardly never does end, And she'll look 'em Up and down (... she laughs, you should hear! it is like fiddle & git rollin' and echoin' all over them Rocky Mountains near here where we live, well, we are a'sittin' and shootin' the breeze late at night, after one of 'em saloon shifts - she alway puts her feet up, boy! do they EVER get sore, anyhow, it's me and my niece and her Dad, my much beloved brother) Tip Top to middle to bottom And she will grimace and say: "Honey, You ain't gonna be a good fit, I can tell, see, You ain't got enny a' that Majestic Mojo, no Elemental Elegance, and I require a bit MORE than yer everyday Brutum Fulmen, I just gots to get me one a' them Nec Male Notus Equese, Surely you understand, Doll-baby, You can, catch the drift? And see just what... I mean? [ May 13, 2006, 07:05 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  23. OK, but now... on my way out to get My swamp-cooler ready For the oncoming desert heat wave, it's Gotta get done Or nobody will wish to enter My humble hovel. Likely will try again later tonight Or tomorrow. Merci, Inspectre! :cool:
  24. And I sent one as well, but, unfortunately, It was returned. Send again so I can be SURE of your correct address? :cool:
  25. Agamemnon, Why don't you play hellraiser A game or 2? IMHO, he has got it figured Just about right. :cool: You are seeing the Ocean - half empty? He is seeing it - half full? It's alright, It's how the World is oft divided, No matter WHAT the topic, LOL!
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