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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Sure, we know that. While waiting for the CERTAIN AI improvements, And feature improvements, And improvements Even I am not aware of yet, Yea, with them things Already well on the way, How about? 1) Play "hot-seat." One can learn a LOT about how even-steven sides might counter some of these supposed inequities (... not to say there aren't REAL ones)... assuming there is no sub-concious bias, that is. 2) Play TCP and/or PBEM; let us know how that works out. So far, I've seen only one AAR, and that is hardly a true indication... MUCH too small a sample size. After all, I have won as Allies against a tough opponent, playing the game... AS IS. 3) Learn some more about the intricacies of the Editor and "experiment" with variations. There are nearly UNCOUNTED ways to do this. :cool: Somebody mentioned that you'd have to SKEW the thing all around in order to have a better outcome. Not true. Why not? Because I have done it, and if I can, ANYBODY can. Since years & years ago, and especially now, many and many have been saying that they LIKE being part of the process, that they really ENJOY helping to have this game become what they'd most prefer. Well, Now is yer chance.
  2. You bombed an... urban myth? I never noticed the French to be any more Rude than yer typical American Above, say, "average income" level. LOL, We liked the French when they helped us Win independence. We don't like them When they won't support us Unconditionally?
  3. See? Good things CAN come from making Your wishes known. And/or when Game Designer Has "decided O/W," Indicating Conclusively! He has heard the concerns, Once again! As ever it was! :cool:
  4. Before vveedd moved the thread dealing With this topic, I had posted: click on 1) File -> Open 2) '39 Fall Weiss 3) Campaign 4) Edit Country Data 5) Edit Combat Target Data 6) EACH Nation in the game, one by one 7) Amphibious transport 8) Action Points 9) Up-down arrow: change to 4 or 5 or whatever you would prefer. Any problems, Baron, say so.
  5. You don't have to change it, Or anything else, though, You could. Which is different Than 99 % + of the games Currently out there, eh? :cool: But, IF the "default '39 game" REMAINS as is, At least, some parts yer concerned about, For good and sufficient reason, And/or, Until decided O/W, And/or, Until tested, Well, Wouldn't you first want to TRY out A feature that is presumed not So hot? **[... has anyone is worried over this, actually changed the numbers, for WHATEVER, and then TRIED it? Or played it out TCP Or PBEM... so to have SOLID rationales for suggestions... don't NEED to, I appreciate, but some suppose things SHOULD be changed BEFORE considering ALL the consequences, is all I'm saying ] Just to make surely sure? That it THEN :eek: Doesn't cause odd repercussions In the over-all schematic, IE, Perhaps, Due to lack of THOROUGH testing Yer proposal would side-kick something else Out of whack? Is all I myself ask. _____________________________ I have "edited" this post 7 times now, Since, similar to above, One needs to CONSTANTLY Check, And re-check things. Make certain, as can be, We are considering ALL that we can. At the moment. And given new information. Etc. Else, We get insufficient evidence. [ April 15, 2006, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  6. One of the truly classic exchanges I have read anywhere, Great novels included. :cool: Sort of like the fresh Cowboy Just stepped off the milk train From back East somewhere, Asking the hard at work, Sweating (... but, non-swearing, since, it's his nature, he mostly don't say much of anything, hardly ever) Black-smith: "Can you make me a fully square horse-shoe? Seems as though that would better Cover the whole horse hoof."
  7. For now, As you await first patch, Which, As I understand it, Is ALREADY well into construction (... to include that one item where Air does not retreat far enough) Well, How about going into Editor, And click on 1) File -> Open 2) '39 Fall Weiss 3) Campaign 4) Edit Country Data 5) Edit Combat Target Data 6) EACH Nation in the game, one by one 7) Amphibious transport 8) Action Points 9) Up-down arrow: change to 4 or 5 or whatever you would prefer. Then, Play it out awhile, Come back, Tell us what you find, Present argument as to WHY your idea For having lower Amphib AP's Is BETTER THAN what we have now. Enough folks do this kind of thing, Well, It would be seriously considered As a POSSIBLE change, For that next patch, which, Like I say, Is not too far away. :cool: _____________________________________ BTW, and FYI, That is how Hubert asks us to do it. Try things out. Report back. Make convincing argument For your proposed idea. Then, He thinks about it. Lets us know. Just now, he is taking a break, About time IMHO, And then back to AI scripting. Meanwhile, All us testers do the above routine, Trying out something else new. Repeat. Defeat? No problemo, try again. It's how EVERYTHING gets done IRL, yes? [ April 15, 2006, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  8. TaoJah, The "hard-core" players will quite likely Have a SOLO game they can play, [... at Intermediate: + 0.5 ... ] With certain difficulty in winning Playing either side, And they will have it soon, Of this I am REAL confident. I have already done it. **[... no, NOT with AI scripting, which I'll do later, maybe, AFTER Hubert has had his better shot at it... but with the many myriad OTHER ways to balance the two sides... if you really look you can find ALL of them; if you, or anyone cannot, just post a thread and ASK; I bet you will get many replies, including mine] So that I have what I want, and no matter That I have been testing And learning as I go, It is just not that hard Once you... set your mind to it. And, they'll have that SOLO game Within a matter of weeks, If not days. I bet some have ALREADY begun Doing it. I'll bet a few are almost done. (... keep in mind, those so-called "casual players" are easily able to become "dedicated players" BECAUSE they CAN use that fantastic Editor to have EXACTLY the game they want... they may have initial "fears" that they cannot manipulate the Editor, but soon as they realize, and read all about how others are doing it, well, what's to stop them, then? Or, even, from simply using those maps, scenarios, icons, sprites, and mods that others who ARE very good at it, have ALREADY made?) Well, We all have different opinions On just about ANY matter, Thank the Stars for that, So I'll provide you mine. Game players "on-line" generally KNOW How to DL patches. And do. Full well realizing the tremendous potential For SC-2 Blitzkrieg, To finally become THE VERY BEST WW-2 ETO GS game, Well, Why would they be discouraged? So very easily? One day Fury/BF may release to retail, But you can bet yer cookie And the whole cookie-making Shebang, besides, That WHEN it is, It will THEN be mostly finished, so, No need to worry FOR them. I say "mostly" because folks WILL be playing this game in 10 years, Yep, I know I will be, Whether still affiliated with These truly straight-up And VERY supportive 2 companies, or not; And I am pretty doggone hard to please, Since, I've been looking for JUST THIS GAME For 40 years. For now, and ONLY for a short while, I know a little bit more about The over-all game and its possiblities Than the Average Joe. That won't last much longer. And so. No need to worry, IMHO, about someone Being denied an IMMEDIATELY oustanding! AI. All will eventually have PRECISELY The HvsH and SOLO game they prefer. Of that I am ABSOLUTELY convinced. :cool: [ April 15, 2006, 05:50 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  9. SeaMonkey, Suspected (Al) Chemist, Surfer in the bonzai pipeline Of the big-wave Gulf, and also Giver of spare change (... to those who mostly would NEVER CHOOSE to be that way, other than the mentally disordered, who have been thrown ignorantly into the street, and then too often... "warehoused" in jail), And, For all I know, which I don't, Since I ain't no young gun, One helluva SC game player? Thank the Muse! The Argonauts and too, The lucky stars they chart by, Yet, and you. You have solved the almost-mathematical, The near-musical, and Truly utterly useless (... IE-> these days you can get a couple free copies from the Poetry Rag Mags for all your majestic efforts ) Mentro-gnome! Now, I, the writer of terrible lyric, As I am often told, Can - as gracefully as Rilke's Black panther, or 'is white-wing swan, Retire! What! Wonderful relief! _______________________________________ **BTW: You had once upon a time mentioned some interest, and knowledge of North Afrikan Theatre. OK if I send you EM here pretty soon? You'll see what. And no, It ain't no 60's be-bop stuff nor To do with who's the better surfer, Hubert, me, or you.
  10. RE: shore bombardment. Soft, Tank, Air & bomber Attack By BB's and CA's = 1. All above have naval defense = 0. Several things you could do: 1) Take CA's out of the equation. Change their attack values = 0. Leaving only BB's with the bigger, longer ranged guns. 2) Make all your units (... including Air & Bombers) = 1 for naval defense. **Then you got 1:1 attack ratio, causing some possible damage to the bombarding ships... could be imagined as shore batteries or mines or DD's with torpedos... whatever you like. 3) WHEN there are navies lurking, don't place valuable units such as armor on/near shore line. Use Corps instead? Sure, that tile is 50 miles but we may just as well assume the unit is close enough to target, rather than too far away. In large scale, how could we do otherwise? Or, at last, some other interesting combination, well, it's good you CAN make some changes to suit your style or inclination, eh? :cool: Should you want it in "default game" you'd have to prepare and provide some VERY convincing arguments, else I doubt it would be changed, but, since many things remain dynamic in the mind of the Creator... who knows?
  11. Sorry, Not intending to intrude, Moonslayer, Something else about the game?
  12. Well, Blash Man, I used to be able to easily keep it "Short & sweet." :cool: Nowadays, I am lucky if I can do "3 things - 1,2, all in a row" Though, You are not only one who has said Such things, So, I'll try it out and see IF I can re-call... that sweet Bird of Youth.
  13. See how she goes? I type so slow Two who know many things Much better than I, Are ALREADY - in there! Seeing things!
  14. You know, Some of those "oddnesses" That you - and some others Have brought forth, Are ALREADY taken care of, yep, Master Magician HARD at work, You'd be surprised how many consecutive Hours this furious Cat can work it! (... I think I can say that? I hope so, else he will have me on that Toronto Blue Jay deco'd - carpet, again! :eek: ) Anyway, THE GAME I'd really like to see, TCP or ICQ or however Them quick-draw Gunsels does it nowadays, IS this one: Stormbringer! VS Moonslayer! Are those a couple real cool nicks, Or what? We could see? IF the bringer could unleash Full-bore... force 9, BEFORE! The slayer could soon reduce Moon To its "last quarter." :cool: [... almost said: "his" last quarter, and that! Surely would have spelt doom! LOL... maybe.]
  15. GLPT, LOL, I still only got dial-up too, Well, Having lived and traveled All over Europe, I know You guys are more crowded Together than we in America are. Still lots of empty spaces here And the assorted (... and monopolistic) Cable & phone companies Just don't put in single lines Out to places in the boondocks, Like where I am. No profit in it.
  16. 1) Based on experience medals. Right-click on unit and you'll see the drop down menu, though, you can only add these... ONE at a time. 2) No. Just be sure you want what you thought you wanted. 3) No short answer, so I'd say... look in the SC-2 Manual, oh, around page 100 I think, and you'll see a table that clearly illustrates all the supply rules. Really fantastic job that Bill/pzgndr did on that Manual, and I hope everyone uses it... LOTS of helpful stuff in there. :cool: 4) Weather is variable, and fairly historically based, I think you'll find. As with just about all else, can be edited though if you want snow in Russia more often? ________________________________ LOL, and so, Blashy answered as well, well, Two is better than none, eh?
  17. Has been, and is, and will be, EP, Not any doubt. As Moon has already mentioned, The sheer MAGNITUDE Of all that can, might and WILL occur With a game of this tremendous dimension, Makes it a truly unusual challenge. Magician has got major Mojo, however, So... no problemo. :cool: Should be a fine sight to see, Given yer exponential talents, And I for one am also looking Forward! To it, no, no going backward, now! FWIW, I wouldn't mind seeing A special thread for that as well, And for some other aspects Of Modding and hot-rodding, But, Well, That's way above my pay-grade, So I let Hubert and, Et Al, Configure on that.
  18. Hey Jeff H, I remember you from way back when, And I remember you from Adams, And you know what? The AI is pretty good now, and will Only get - stronger, Given the active Magician at Fury, And all of you and they, the Jury, No, it won't take long at all. Besides, Since you, as I, are Experienced hitch-hiker There are MANY multitudes of methods (... with that fabulous Editor) To get yer SOLO game how you want it, And I DO mean - PRECISELY so. I have done such with my own Mod Of '39 Campaign (... which WILL have to change fast, as the AI itself also RAPIDLY improves) And I have very hard time - either side, Winning Europe, Winning the World, Not to mention even, Winning Galaxy, On "Intermediate" setting With experience bonus ( + 0.5 ). :cool:
  19. Just checking the late nite ball scores, And have read the threads through Before callin' it done For the day. Gotta say it, Even though I hardly know Either one a' you Cats From... say, famous Sam Spade, MadMatt and Moon, You've handled this whole thing Pret' damn good. Like... 'Ol Bojangles a'dancin' On a 3-legged table-top, Oh yeah, Fetch the makins' and the re-bop! Sweet Baby Jane! That there - far table edge? Has nothing 'neath it... but Spit, sawdust and... air? Nope, Not - all the night through, oh Lord no! That rock-rollin' corner, why, she Just never ... ever Quite... hit the floor. :cool:
  20. Do we care? Well, HR, Tote up the posts that Hubert, Bill, Blashy, Moon and myself have made Since Demo came out. [... and just wait until actual game arrives, eh? ] Everybody who admired! How the average Admiral could Wallow off-shore and bombard Oh, let's say, defenseless Dublin or Bergen, And arbitrarily boost the number Of experience medals For their Capital Ships, Please raise yer hand. Things are better all around SC Town. :cool: For instance, You NOW earn LESS experience For shore-bombardment, And MORE experience For actual at-sea encounters VS an enemy - that can shoot back. Seems more realistic, And not so "gamey," to me. Yeah, I know. Sighting in the big guns Takes some skill. Is that identical to what The Captain and Crew Had to do, sweating Bloody rivets & bullets, On HMS Hood Or... Bismark?
  21. Yeah, JJ, I see many of the brothers Out at the area VA Hospital, Wishing, by God (... almost always unspoken, but, if you know what to look for, it's there, in the stare) They weren't around at all Anymore, wouldn't Have to suck it up and drag it along And go kiss-ass some "kid doctor" Just to get miminum care. And that's after a 9 month wait Just to get in. (... cutting the Vet's budget again? lol) Far as Youth goes nowadays... some Learn real-deal stuff Sooner than later. Got to, It's tougher, meaner, more Me-first Than it used to be, Or, has to be. Some don't even bother. Stuff's handed to 'em. Money falls out of trees. Fine. Some don't HAVE to go to war, We got no draft anymore, But, sure can Talk-talk-talk the hell out of it. Good for them. Some learn eventually, And some learn finally. Some, in here, and out there, Never ever learn. Alright by me. So. Back to the game.
  22. Did I say that? :confused: Shoot, I dunno, Let's see, Ummmm, I... just... might ... have. Senility is a terrible thing to waste, I always say, rather Sometimes say? Whatever.
  23. You are quite a quiet riot, jjr. How's about this? We take you, naturally, and because We probably must, And ANY 2 of the above, VERSUS ANY 3 from PL, Teutonic Myth included If insisted, **(... has to be one month from release IF we also are play-testers... hard to tell from your colourful description who? You mean?) And, I bet the dilapidated back-yard shed, We take 2 out of 3. :cool:
  24. LOL, touche, It is now le sourciere You are endiable in-setting, eh? No can do, je regrette. Though, I am NOT worthy of such an honourable Title as: "Desert Rat." That's reserved for all those Who withstood them booming Doom Guns, And, at last, won the desert wars. :cool:
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