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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. You already have AA attached to units, AOM. When a fighter (... partially posited as TAC) Attacks a ground unit, **And is NOT intercepted, And yet, Takes a hit of... 1 or 2 strength points, What do you suppose CAUSED that hit? Flak? A wing-strut falling off Due to forced slave labor? I would guess... well, That hit had come zinging out of nowhere? Is due to an imagined Yet fully "attached" - AA brigade, Mobile or static." [ May 27, 2006, 09:16 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  2. I would respectively request That ALL "Nazi insignia" Be removed, wherever It might appear. Thank you. [ May 27, 2006, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  3. You got yer flag, Chris G, Be proud, be happy, and Wave it high and brave, yep, Some prefer to be the back-brained slave To some odious old or, Neo agenda, OK by me, I'll always fight for free speech And also - fierce as I can, Against "fascist" idealogues, In Sweden, In America, yeah, We got plenty, Reaching to highest levels of Government. As for the rest of them Self-debasing And child-swaggering fantasies, I advise, Leave... it... alone, yes? There are plenty around here, Me included, Who have Jewish family members, Who lost beloved relatives And yet mourn for their dead, Who yet can Appreciate the best of GErman culture And great achievements over the Centuries, Of those mostly decent Volk, And, even... enjoy a WW-2 ETO game Without feeling the need To wear the Brute's black cloak Soaked in running blood red Or lightning striking white. But, Pretending that Nazi atrocities Are something less than despicable, You are ignorantly stomping around The WRONG forum, There are other vile places you can visit And spout all manner of Self-seen-as-inadequate, Self-impotent bullsh*t, So - confine yerself, yes?
  4. Couple things, Between ME and YOU as I am fair confident NOBODY else gives much Of a hawk & spit. 1) I am not your son. You are not old enough, mature enough, Wise enough or remotely in command Of your own Soma or Soul, That you could qualify as my, or anyone Else's "father." Now, I appreciate that it really is some feeble And pitiful attempt to appear an "authority Figure," and yet It merely makes you sound presumptuous, Like the petty, forever-small-time hood Who calls all acquaintances - "Hey, Pal." Desist with this; you'll be a better, More decent and collegiate man For it. 2) You "smacked me"... funny, I didn't feel a thing. Hmmm, is "smacking" somebody a "Christian" Thing to do; in my own studies, Way back when I thought I might be a Priest, It never occurred to me that I should Do enny such thing, As HAS been done by the pseudo-Christians Oh, for about 20 years now; as Was done to Max Cleland and John Kerry. LOL! Decorated Veterans attacked by Chicken-Hawks, How awful ABSURD, how dumbly droll, eh? Smearing and lying and smacking & attacking And shouting and swearing and all that Sort of stuff - is that "Christian" Directive too? :confused: Or, merely the mean-spirited tactics Of that there "Theocratic Political Party" You apparently belong to? I've never been a part of ANY flock, Other than: A) Baseball teams from age 6 to 18. What great FUN that was! Played Shortstop, and my hero was Jimmy Piersall, who began his career At SS, but ended up a "fearless flyhawk" In Center Field, Fenway Park mostly. US Army, which I was proud to be a member. I would trust the Army (... at least, before Rummy & Cheney with their long lilly-white prehensile fingers got aholt of it; then these numbskulls are gotten rid of, I'll trust them again) to do the right thing By America's soldiers. It is ALWAYS the Army itself who are opposed To fighting a war that is unjust And with no idea how to win The war in the first place, then Terrifically more difficult, The Peace. O/W, I feel that each human is "Shepard" Of their OWN Soma, Mind and Soul, And need not be a clumped-up in crowd of sheep Simply because, well, Sheep get sheared, Herded to & fro by snap-yapping dogs, Not to mention, Cut into Sunday dinner plate chops, And, ain't none of that's My idea of HOW to live it out. No, not hardly, simply CANNOT be done. What I wouldn't mind seeing, Every once in a while, though, Is this: IF you claim to be "Christian," THEN, At least do as your Radical, Socially Conscious Mentor wouldst suggest, Be - at your Sermon-on-Mount best, Make not of Life some "Us VS them" contest, As much as you are consciously, And conscientiously... able. And, contrary to what many have said On this very board, I do believe that you MIGHT One day, get there. 50/50 chance, I'd guess. :cool: I have many friends who suffer from this, So don't be so damned blithe and smart-*ss About their very real day-to-day sufferings, Though VA does ALL it can to deny There is such a problem, Well, I would recommend to ALL young men Out there now: Don't sign up to serve under these Usurping, pissing-on Constitution And Bill of Rights Tyrants, With their contempt for the Law, For ethics and honor, I urge you, Just... don't do it, UNTIL all them cowardly old fat men And their "favored sons" do THEIR part As well. **Wait until the war-mongering insane are put away In asylum, where they belong, first. Though, I think YOU, rambo_jr are eligible? Now, I volunteer at VA BECAUSE they have cut The funding so much That they claim they cannot afford to pay "Trained counselors." I appreciate, I do NOT have to ask - your being "Christian" And all, but, I will anyway... how do you lend a hand? Which afflicted? Do you minister to? Which Leper - as did Saints of old, Do you... kiss? If you are referring to those human "Guinea Pigs" who were DELIBERATELY Dosed with radioactive debris So to see How they might, eventually, cope with it? What kind Cancer? Would they sooner Than later - get? Then, I aver - and not merely suggest, That is just another, among many Of yer "hard-hearted" and "flint-souled" Smack-*ss routines. OK, You have yer trampoline, ramboline, So how about? Jumping higher than - the very few inches That you are now capable of? How about, Moving it out of yer fenced back-yard And out into the whole wide world. Soon! I predict, You shall indeed... be released. [ May 26, 2006, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  5. Back in the halcyon day, Rolend, I usta lean against the trunk Of one a' them sashaying palm trees There in Pacific Pallisades, And, sort-of, you know, Admire! All them bikini-clad lovelies, Butter-rum from the Seaside sun, As they roller SKATED (... no "blades" in them days!) Up and down and all around And, Well, It's looking GOOD! As that. :cool:
  6. I have a mote in my eye, Brother Rambo, The size of one a' them shards of shale That falls off a ledge On them nearby Rocky Mountains. Yet, I am not - blind. I still have - my voice. I say outright when I believe That things are rotten and corrupt. And, IMHO, here, and right now, they are indeed.
  7. A lot of today's wheat is rotten. Brother. Best to dig it up, Tear it out, Stalk by root-corrupted stalk, and Re-plant. If you won't notice that, I don't actually care. WHEN you begin speaking as though you WERE A Christian, I'll consider you as such. Not until, sorry, but WORDS do matter, And you are often "righteous," I am first to admit, But sometimes sound as though A Daemon had taken up residence In your very soul. FWIW, I believe in God, There is NO doubt in MY mind. But, It is a God that loves all, And everything, And has NO preference Then it comes to "political parties" Or one Nation better, and ipso, More deserving, Or more entitled to make "unjust" war Than another. **LAST time I mention this, So no need for all you "forum cops" To start mewling for the lock-up.
  8. Superior post, JM, And I agree. That humans ARE "fascinated" with evil, And, IMHO that is "normal." How else to internalize, understand, contrast And, subsequently, serve as model and teacher For your own, and other impressionable youth? It is a "catharsis" And it enables us to surface Our own "shadow nature" And appreciate that "civilization" Is a VERY tenuous and shallow accomodation. Once you full well KNOW, deep down, Your own "lizard longings" Then you ARE able to keep them Tethered and under control. Not until. I would imagine that almost everyone Would LIKE to "act out" the bad guy, Which is why the "cult following" Of such "bad cats" as James Dean Jim Morrison Hell's Angels Oakland Raiders (LOL) For just a very few American examples. Yet, it is a fine line, And most will not cross over into: Outright "anti-social" activity That would HARM another living thing. The ones that do are "socio-paths" Who need be put away For a very long time. I also enjoy playing the Axis side, Though, I don't embrace the Nazi insignia (... rationale that the "swastika" is actually a VERY old Indian symbol doesn't QUITE make it alright... for me) But, as you, take some delight In marauding with them 88's and Panzers! It is not an unusual thing to do. My own wife wonders, often, WHY ever do I like it. I tell her: "It is only a game, and I KNOW the difference between this and "real life." She is not QUITE satisfied with that, But, Fairly well educated, and Appreciates the Male need for SOME Territorial dominance, And surely doesn't mind when I chase away Some illegal immigrant who steals my tools, Or threatens our home. Where I live, this is fairly common, Immigrants stealing to survive. I have NO patience with that, however, Since you can be poor, and even, Starving. All you gotta do is ask, and I give You some food. A poor person is NOT excused from behaving In a "considerate and honorable" way, Nope, no, nix, forget it. My tools? Well, With those I augment my inadequate salary, So that is truly stealing my "livelihood," And I won't accede to demands That I "give benefit of doubt" Since these are poor folk. Nonsense. Finally, I am playing Axis NOW, in testing, And am having a fabulous amount of FUN Doing it. :cool:
  9. I wouldn't do it for ALL cities, DT, But ONLY for particular, And, Very vital objective sites, Which may or may not Include cities. Pare down the list, fine by me. Volunteer yer own vital sites. As for Tobruk, oh yea, Russians would know all about it, IMO, EVEN yer Siberian reserves - way WAY beyond the Ural hills.
  10. It ain't very awful complicated, folks. You don't hang a Confederate flag In a hooch in VN, When the Army is integrated, As I saw it done. You don't boast around Nazi insignia When their are millions of survivors Of the actual, in fact, DID absolutely happen, Holocaust. It's like... decency. It's like... being honorable. It's like... due consideration. It's like... stuffing the Lizard Brain, man, And TRYING to embrace Our better natures. Though, "sociopaths" Ain't KNOW what enny of that kinda Consciousness IS, I can appreciate. All that other stuff, All them other flags, Are NOT, here and now, At issue. Quit trying to obfuscate and rationalize Foolish acts by cretin people, IE, Some who would prefer To act, and re-enact Some sort of utterly Gutless faux machismo, yes?
  11. Well said dicedtomato, And especially considering Not even the Christians Are actually Christians enny more. Used to be, you bet! You shoulda seen 'em! 'Round about fin de sicle When 19th turned into 20th Century, Why, Them "socially conscious" Christians And "muck-rakers" wert all Over the Main Street place! Making sure democracy worked for all, Liberty and justice for all! Other kinds of for-all as well! Now, alas, Merely become enmeshed in some "Theocratic" Political party, Doing the sychophantic bidding Of huge Corporate Conglomerates, which, As might be expected, Have no Soul. A crying shame should you ask me.
  12. You needn't work in R&D To wonder about that. All you need do is take good long look At "built-environment," Physical, mental or spiritual, Since "reason" has prevailed, oh, Since Renaissance anyhow, LOL! Since "logic & proportion" Have "fallen sloppy dead" As Jefferson Airplane Would tune-fully explain For them ain't disdain Rock-roll the night AND day, in your case, away! Anyway, Are we the only 2 up early? Where's the cast & crew? We gots a freakin' MOVIE to shoot! As hellraiser said awhile back, And it's mighty true, IMO, It's all just... "a show." Well, Lars, Should we break out the flop-shoes And apply 'at grease-paint, And re-commence quaint - Vaudeville? LOL!
  13. LOL, AS IF! I myself can DO anything, Other than flood the boards With cool and/or unholy suggestions. Hubert is ONLY SC Cat Has got sufficient claw-length To enact anything, Sprites or features or even How the bad bleu Moon a'risin Reduces, such as - combat strength.
  14. Another fine idea which makes perfect sense. I mention this as well, So now, No lingering begrudges Since I ommissioned you earlier, eh? **[... "ommissioned"... akin to making Captain right out of boot, but not so good as making invisible waves, then you are that nonchalant and awful undaunted U-boot Dude]
  15. Yeah, yer right, Good catch of one 'a them flaming stars, Lars. Mark is... 666, As in... number of miles from Boise To Peoria, Illinois. If it ain't gonna play in Peoria, It won't be, finally, Banned in Boston, Or denounced in Green Bay, I always say.
  16. FWIW, And may not come to much after all, But here is "off top of my head" list. By all means point out! The flaws, Add the oft-visited home Of yer in-laws, Whatever! ___________________________________ 1) Warsaw... + 20 morale boost 2) Copenhagen... + 5 3) Brussels... 20 4) Oslo... 10 5) Trondheim... 10 6) Paris... 30 7) Madrid... 20 8) London... 40 9) Manchester... 30 10) Belgrade... 10 11) Athens... 20 12) Ankara... 10 14) Algiers... 5 15) Marseilles... 15 16) Tobruk... 20 17) Alexandria... 10 18) Cairo (Suez Canal)... 40 19) Baghdad... 20 20) Tehran (Persian Lend Lease route)... 20 21) Smolensk (Kiev)... 40 22) Leningrad... 30 23) Odessa... 10 24) Riga... 10 25) Moscow... 40 26) Stalingrad... 50 27) Helsinki... 20 28) Stockholm... 20 29) Gibraltar... 50 30) Malta... 30 31) Ploesti... 60 32) Constantinople (straits)... 40 33) Iceland... 20 34) Palermo... + 50 35) Boise... - 20 __________________________________ [ May 25, 2006, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  17. Yep, a variation of same. And so, I go back and amend my Beta post to include: Lars! Seeing 'em shooting stars! That tell tales of olden adventures, And, bold new gaming features! If only the (very busy) Designer Might also search the skies & see Flaming stars - amazing as these!
  18. Pretty good suggestion R.J. And since it is, as I occasionally will do, I have posted it on Beta Board, Giving credit where it is due, So that Hubert will quite LIKELY see it, Sooner or later. What he will think of it, Or actually do about it, well, That's the $60,000 MPP question. Nonetheless, Some system of "Objectives" Whether that be a City, As with Warsaw or Smolensk, Or a resource, As with Ploesti or the vital Ruhr mines, Or a simple site, As with Malta or Gibraltar or Suez Canal Or Munich or critical city in Sicily (Palermo) And each with varying +/- %, IE, for instance, Take Palermo as Allies and it is worth ~ + 40-50 % morale boost for the Allies, But, grabbing Tunis would merely result in +5 %pro Axis. Again, Good idea and I have elaborated here AND there. May come to nothing, But I do like to "high-light" most excellent ideas wherever they arrive from. :cool: [ May 25, 2006, 06:55 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  19. Could not have said it better. We lose "touch" with the Mighty Mystery, EVER in evidence - should we really look, Then we are surely lost. All the rest That there socio & politico friction CAN be resolved, and, IMHO, One time, One a' these "great awakening days" Shall indeed be... approached, attained. :cool: Now, Gotta go out and mow my little patch Of valiantly defying! (... sun's gravitas!) Grass and, naturally - 'em dandelions too. Tend to the Trees, they are thirsting, and, LOL, it's true, actually calling out for me: "Hey ~ 22% Crazy Dave! Hop to it, Do the Waltz or the Twist, I ain't care, so long as you Locate the sweet-water spot Thence you loosen 'at spigot!"
  20. You want the "last word" Rolend? I give it to you, gratis. We each "see" and "sense" the World Uniquely. We each have different "hard-wiring" Which accounts for traits That just NEVER change. Nurturing CAN provide civilized And more sophisticated, More tolerant behavior, yet 'Ol Lizard Brain ain't goin' away Any time soon. Good that it is such & so, That we each see our own Kaleidoscope, else There could be no sythesis And/or anitithesis, Of competing theses, eh? I have said ALL I care to regarding This matter. I respect your viewpoint, and! LOVED The ambiance and rustling palm-trees And them soft-wafting ocean breezes Then I visited yer absolutely charming City of San Diego, oh, Back in early 80's I believe it was. Try my desert? Do as I do, If you care to. Saunter on out, in Indian-made, Beaded & blessed moccasins, Sans any hat - just the bandanna Looped 'round yer neck, For, oh, let's say 10-20 miles out, 10-20 miles back. No water. No victuals or jerky. No nuthin' 'cept yer faith That you WILL return. Well, That's ONE way to "toughen up" Just enough To take good care of: The psychopaths, The sociopaths, The power-mad, The "hunters" with their Glocks & machine-guns, The deranged terrorists, The home intruders, And all them neo-belligerent Punks That seem to, increasingly, Dominate our diminishing democracy, And, IMO, at VERY highest levels Of disdained "Government," Which, After all is only - you and me and the rest, Requesting various safe-guards WRT to edible food, patched hi-ways, Disease control and "in check" defense, Not to mention, Safety-nets for those not GIFTED, Nor FORTUNATE to be so BUKU ballsy and grab-it-all bad! War? Been there, done that. Self protection of family, Have nary enny doubts, my friend, I can do that as well. And, should it come to it, shall. But that is different than "war crimes," And on that, well, We'll, apparently, ever And, for-ever disagree. Say la Vie, fine by me.
  21. I add my meagre voice to your own historical pleas. Yes, by all means, RAIDERS!! :cool: Have suggested precisely such a thing, where appropriate, for over 2 years now! No luck so far, but... who knows What a future enhancement might bring To our gaming table? For sure, I'll NEVER give up on this great idea! **BTW: Just curious, but did you ever play that really OLD A-H game, "War at Sea" ... with that one update to include French Navy and frogmen and GErman raiders as "Orion?"
  22. Perhaps we need a "bug-reporting" pinned thread? What say, Top Cats? Thatta way, everybody could keep up with what's ALEADY been mentioned as... possible bug?
  23. I guess I just gotta ask: How many war-games you guys know of? EVEN TRIED! To effectively "model" 1) Momentum 2) Large-scale Esprit d' Corps 3) Initiative 4) Folks back home merrily, yet warily singing "Happy days are here again! The skies once more are bleu anew... etc," Which, quite naturally encourages soldiers in the field, or at home on leave, or recuperating from injuries received, to arise up and get after it all over and again! 5) Sudden bursts of "re-newed elan" and "new-found confidence" mongst the troops, who WOULD indeed know of Enemy successes or failures, **EVEN down to lowest, near-illiterate Private, ANYWHERE in ANY theatre, to include a tiny palm-tree shaded Oasis in North Afrika, IMHO 6) Home-town increases in belief, more production due to worker hopes for... final relief Anyway, Have very many war-games, board or pixel Implemented such a "nebulous" yet, **Most tangible AND potentially decisive thing, hmmmmm? It was Hubert's original idea, and he can read the many most excellent comments and suggestions, should he choose, and perhaps? Find a way to improve/tweak this unique feature? But, I hardly think we need get all non-plussed And frustrated, and "ax" it altogether, That would be a crying shame.
  24. I guess I just gotta ask: WHY on God's green earth did I post The wrong comment In the wrong thread? :eek: [... since Edited and moved on over to the RIGHT one! ] Carry on JdF2, This is obviously something you have thought a LOT about, I for one, am listening, AND! Still waiting to hear IF you've made some ASW/CE/DD sprites yet? [ May 24, 2006, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  25. And so can I. I won't use it, though, For personal reasons of my own, Which may, Or may not be evident To even the most obtuse, later. _____________________________________ **To clear up a few matters, which I don't HAVE To do, but, due to implications made By a few, feel that I should: Yes DT. And a wreath at Treblinka as well. And, Should I get there, Prayers, lighted candles and flowers at: Wounded Knee, Shilo, And, the Alamo. If there is any haiku, DT, It is purely accidental. I write from listening to "inside sounds" And not any formula. BTW, the fire-bombing of Dresden was unecessary And not a legitimate military target IMO. Nor was ANY action taken By ANY war-planners that targeted ANY civilian Non-combatants. Of ANY country, at ANY time, Then, or now. Yes, KT, I do. Evil does exist, no doubt in MY mind, It is not any spectre or superstition Made up by monks or zealots, no, It is... real, I have seen it. Interesting to me That since - The Renaissance, Since - The Age of Enlightenment, Since - Man has placed himself At the Center of the Universe, We have had ALL these acts of evil Over the last several centuries. Partly due to population pressures, Partly due to rise of "Nationalism" And, Partly due to a hundred other reasons, Which we don't have time for now. But, Mainly due to lack of determined, dedicated Folks who stand up and OPPOSE Those who would perpetrate such acts, Individually done, Or by being a mind-less coward And hiding in a group As was, is the case with KKK. Yep, I mostly grew up down South, I know all about them, first hand. I don't have to read your linked stories Rolend, I have up close and personal "family" Who can tell me how their Friends and relatives Did not make it out in time, Thanks anyway. ________________________________ The person or persons responsible For fire-bombing Dresden are war criminals. They should be prosecuted, Even now. The person or persons responsible For Wounded Knee or Waco or Recent torturing done in Iraq, Or Tiger Force in VN, Which I had heard about, Should be prosecuted, Even now. Get it? And so. I do believe that takes care of all mention Of my name In the other thread, And the comments made by those Who, well meaning, or ill, Implied that I would EVER condone Evil acts... by anyone, Foe, or one-time, long-time friend. Time to move on. [ May 24, 2006, 06:49 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
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