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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. One thing for those who are interested, And, Convinced by historical imperatives, That certain Minors DESERVE Better "equipment," Is to go into Editor and CHANGE The "combat target values" To match YOUR perception Of what would be appropriate. IE, You believe the Finn or Rumanian combat units SHOULD BE a bit stronger. Change the SD (... soft defense) And/or any other category. Thus, Finn force would have SA/SD of 3/2 Instead of 3/1. Therfore better able to "hold the line" Against intrusive Russia, for instance. Hungary or Rumania have been "gifted" Newer anti-tank? Well, Simply change the TD (... tank defense) From 2/1... to 2/2. IOW, you have INCREASED the defense ability Against ONLY armor, Yet, they remain constant insofar As "offensive Ops" are concerned. Obviously, then, you can "Customize" each Minor's land, air or naval Capabilities. :cool: [... also, for Majors... for example, some may suppose that the Italian BB's, but NOT the newer and better built CA's should be downgraded WRT to naval attack or defense, your call] Of course, for Minors This "adjustment" would hold true for The entire war, and not be akin To the usual "upgrading."
  2. Now that IS truly cool idea, JM, I'll have to do the same For my son's game, And mine as well. :cool: [... can always be deleted before TCP or PBEM, where the opponent might not care for it?]
  3. Well, Let's wait and see what First patch will bring, CP, then A few AAR's between some perceived as Best and brightest, and Viola! Sea Lion and some other fighting matters Are better appreciated. No hurry, No worry, Me neither. Now, IF we might only convince them such as TJ and Night, That patience remains a virtue, And not enny scowling Ogre in disguise, All will be eventually improved, AI, and this & that, and otherwise. :cool:
  4. Cheese Panzer, [... somehow... those two words don't go together very aptly... "cognitive dissonance" I think they call it... JK! Is cool. ] Very true. What to do? Just one game player's take: 1) You just GOTTA get that U-boot out there in Atlantic, using French and Canadian ASW, so to minimize RN losses. 2) You might blockade Kiel, and slim area between Norway and Denmark. Bismark doesn't arrive until August 24, 1940, so you should have time to set up tough defenses. 3) Assuming lower AP's for the amphibs (... which you could change in Editor, anyway, if need be) RN might elect to decimate the smaller sized Kriegsmarine first, meanwhile 4) Attacking ONLY those "valuable" amphibs, IE, HQ and Armor. 5) No harm in letting a few Corps land... which will serve you quite well, Diplomatically, with increases in war readiness for USA and USSR. Can be picked off at yer leisure, what with low supply. Adds experience to yer UK units which will later be sent to Egypt? 6) Also presuming that you as UK player have ENOUGH Corps (... if lucky, WITH I/W) purchased by now (... you are up against some certain Foe who you suspect is actually gonna TRY this VERY risky invasion) So to protect London AND Air Fleet and Bomber, placed precisely, so as not to be vulnerable on first turn of invasion. 7) Going back a bit; do you re-inforce France with BEF to DELAY the potential ETA of GErman amphibs, IE, France can hold out a turn or two longer, OR... keep yer only Army MAX entrenched in London? Well, Should be interesting to see how The various Players elect to play out this VERY challenging invasion scheme. :cool:
  5. Thanks for this EP, I intend to use your complete list For my own '39 mod. And, I will be posting up some appropriate others At some point. [... though Joltin' Joe Dimaggio event, Well, that's GOTTA be 75 % trigger, At least!] :cool:
  6. Of this, TK, I have absolutely NO DOUBT. I'll also be waiting - fair patiently, Though, Given how you and EP CAN - truly cooly... DO! :cool: Probably won't be all that long of a wait, nope nix, I'd bet the Rio Grande Ranch on that. BTW, nice that we now have that separate forum For the many assorted "mods" Which will proliferate Like high-desert cactus-flowers, All over the SC place! :cool:
  7. ebitt (and fantomas), The "extra slot" would be available **IF you decide NOT to use one of the other units that is already in the game. There is not an empty slot provided. Say, you don't want "rockets"... here is what you would do [... and from now on, this kind of explanation should be placed in the new! forum thread which deals with all manner of "modding"] 1) You will have a "modded" campaign folder, since all newly created scenarios or campagins have to be re-named 2) First, change Campaign "Configuration Settings" to the following: a) Change - "Custom Localization = 1 (... from "0") Change - "Custom Bitmaps = 1 3) You will now have a SEPARATE "Bitmaps" file in your modded campagn folder, with ONLY the sprites for artillery or Destroyers or home milita or whatever new game piece you might prefer. 4) You will now have a SEPARATE "localization text document" with ONLY the Unit ID changed to whatever the NAME of your new unit is (IE Rockets= Doom Gun ) As said, any further questions, please post in the new Forum designed explicitly for ALL manner of mods... thanks!
  8. Yeah, yeah, Kuni, I know. In time it took to find and post This historical PIC, I coulda been doing something else Like - secretly inserting ALL your preferred WW-2 leaders Into SC-2 OOB. However, Many had wondered: How in dickens did rambo jr Get ahold of alla that dough He waves around so, so He could - into Eternity! Extoll virtues of unfettered Capitalism! LOL!
  9. jjr, Or someone Looks an awful lot like 'im Recently seen Living out 'is pipe dream, On Boise street corner:
  10. All mentioned... great! :cool: I mostly leave it, now, for you guys to figure it all out. After all, it's YOUR area of expertise! LOL! [... I am not as accomplished at AI scripting as you two have - already become! ] Personally, I hope you 2 would combine on ONE web-site. BTW, That idea of having ratings is also very good.
  11. Great TK! BTW, have either of you considered WHERE A common and easily found source site Might be located? Don't know if you guys can afford To set up your own web-site? Guess you could settle on one Already exists? Just so there is a fairly easily found Site so all interested members can access. How about? Having your AI and event scripts Listed by year? By type? By effect on game? Well, Not for me to say just WHAT you'all Should do. Merely some thoughts on all this.
  12. JJ, Thanks just the same... I'll scratch around And surely come up with some Leaders For those Countries I'm interested in. I'd have thought, what? With all the X-tremely knowledgable Swedes We got on board, One 'a them mighta known something About their own WW-2 military? Same way we do about our very own US of A leaders, then and now... LOL! Oh well, back to the drawing board... BTW! When was that birthday gift gonna arrive? June wasn't it? Then we play... the game! :cool:
  13. True, in a certain sense... you cannot have An AI that is half as good as you! LOL! However, Edwin and Timskorn are onto something QUITE fantastic just now. :cool: They, and others, are "brainstorming" And will SURELY assist all of us In having some very cool nuances And "special event" scripts Which can only add great flavor, IF NOT improved Solo game play By way of the action/reaction Of your AI opponent. Good! Better than that! What they have come up with thus far, And will imagine into being, Along with some others, Once they realize it's not so impossible, Can only help. Hubert is no slouch neither, As you will discover As we proceed with the process, And, Especially since he has been doing this For... over 5 years. LOTS of experience there @ Fury HQ, eh? :cool:
  14. Got to agree with Sombra here. You ARE playing WW-2 GS game after all. I like "what-ifs" as much as the next guy, BUT... not if it removes us too far From historical imperative/reality. I bet some solution will be found Without resorting to "house rules."
  15. Well, The good news is that you DO have an extra slot, Which can be used to insert ANY sort Of combat unit you might like BETTER than V-1/2 type rockets. IMO, artillery can work - why ever not? You use grand imagination and suppose That the arty unit is IN FACT closer To the front lines, And is merely "re-presented" at a distance To reflect defensive (re)positioning Which is very flexible, Given the time scale... of weeks. I can foresee ALL sorts of new! Weapons introduced in mods, Using that available slot. All the attributes can be changed around, Thanks to the unprecedented Editor provided! :cool: _____________________________________ 1) Recon units, as armored cars perhaps? 2) Commando types, SS, or US Rangers? 3) TAC or Naval bombers? 4) Destroyers or CL's for ASW instead of CA's? 5) Even, "ground-to-ground" rockets, as nebelwehrfer or Russian "truck-launched?" 6) Low-rated Garrison/Militia unit? __________________________________________ This list would ONLY be a beginning, given the "SC design-group imagination," which would approach near... unlimited possibility? Surely somebody out there is accomplished artist who can "paint" a new sprite or 2, or 9, for common use?
  16. De fault was not in - dem stars, But... in dat crazy Josef Stalin! JK, JK! Yes, this "up-front posture" Due to Comintern concerns, Is another area of interest. Don't know exactly what Might happen next, IF anything, but, Various options have been considered.
  17. Would NEVER so insinuate, FK3. IMO, that is the very lowest Kind of... "at-far-and-safe-distance" Sort of smack. No, You CAN have the BEST dreams Simply As you are, Without any drugs, legal or illegal Or prescribed by yer Doctor. However, IMHO you have got real-deal juice! That's... fly, baby, fly! :cool:
  18. True, EP, But you CAN get stuck In the mountains for long stretches When weather turns against you, Unless yer careful and plan ahead, IE, send most motorized. Don't have the exact figures Right here on hand, but, Yer right. So far, We are supposing that IF Russia Would take Iran? Then that X-tra income Is - as though... Persian Lend Lease. Now, Knowing how you can and do, Perhaps you'll once discover Some other way to replicate? :cool:
  19. FK3, I do believe you are most definitely onto something. Game-changing, I mean. Good to dream the big dreams. :cool:
  20. Blackhorse, Cavalry has ALWAYS been vital, Even if now imagined as helicopters Dropping roughed cats on LZ, Whether, Feudal Knights, Apaches racing bare-back, Patton on his polo-pony (... JK! LOL! ) Caballeros galloping Over rocky ground, reaching down To snatch the ladies kerchief, or Cossacks on the ransack. You know, How I see it, No matter all this robotic machinery And earth-busting stuff, One of these days... yeah, It's how we as Species seem to be headed, (... can notice from simply reading through an ordinary forum, IE, the increasing lack of honor and courtesy) The one dedicated hard-rider Scanning far horizons on horse-back, Will be King - of all he surveys, yea, All over again.
  21. LOL! I get those "nagging snags" too. Got to add your original quote To my "all-time favorite" SC postings, LOL! :cool:
  22. Thanks, Boardwalk Raconteur, your own list was no slouch. Yep, plunder of fuels was vital, Even to the extent of turning all the cars And trucks & trolleys Upside down! In all them picture-postcard French towns, So to drain the treasured petrol, And funnel it into those Soon enough doomed Staff cars & Panzers, LOL! Great commentary on the Generals, BTW. One question. (... selfishly, for my own Mod) Who was, or were the best Leaders For the following countries, **(... and what ratings would you assign? I have since reconsidered my rating of "7" for Guderian and will use your recommended "8"... it was my initial instinct, but I down-graded by one, since he wasn't full Field Marshal; thing is, even if merely a Tech Sergeant, hurryin' Heinz was instrumental to the whole concept of "Op-eratic blitzkrieg," so, IMO, I prefer to have him included) 1) Rumania 2) Australia/New Zealand 3) Sweden I could google it, or access that wikipedia even, But I TRUST yer long-standing insight And hard-learned judgement.
  23. For you, Mein Freund, For you, LOL, Many things seem so very easy, ah, Playing... EITHER side. Sea Lion accomplished, Sea Lion defeated. Machts nichts. Though, You haven't yet played the best, Because there is ALWAYS Some somebody out there Just... leaning against A street lamp, Die Strassenlaterne, Swinging a little key Which glints in abounding night, Yep, a skeleton-head key Which opens everything Thought to be - locked, it's A beat, and feral kind of Cat, Indolently... waiting, Waiting. I would say... game will be A bit better balanced In many ways In fact, then First patch Shall be released. :cool:
  24. Either that or, Become Zen Horse Warrior And very patiently wait For great AI improvements. :cool: Soon coming to a Theatre near you! Or, Do like Van Morrison, (... who wrote the following lyrics & music) And... ______________________________________________ We were born before the wind Also younger than the sun Ere the bonnie boat was won As we sailed into the mystic Hark, now hear the sailors cry Smell the sea and feel the sky Let your soul and spirit fly Into the mystic And when that fog horn blows I will be coming home And when that fog horn blows I want to hear it I don't have to fear it I want to rock your gypsy soul Just like way back in the days of old Then magnificently we will float Into the mystic And when that fog horn blows You know I will be coming home And when that fog horn whistle blows I got to hear it I don't have to fear it _______________________________________ Now there! Is some poetry for ya, Blackhorse! LOL! I was only SP5-E5, back when, but even I Can tell who can really finely Rhyme - and, scansion them lines! What a fabulous Sunday! Life is for... having FUN! Whilst you can still run! And leap and run some more and collapse Then! In a new-mown grass-heap ! It's... mystic!
  25. I KNEW it! Not only a superior game player, But... Der Meistersinger as well! Well well. Maybe. After all - you ARE a... Myth. :cool: Sehr Gut! Mighty exciting contest resumes once Rambo Jr has arisen anew!
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