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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. I have done a similar thing With 1941-42 North Afrika scenario. Though, Not QUITE the same, and no icons. Yet, Movement is much quicker Along the replicated "coastal road," And so, I've accomplished my objective. Perhaps it's time I sent you an EM? :eek: Or, I could wait and see IF Hubert eventually decides To implement Roads & rail-roads, As he HAS mentioned just such a possibility In the distant past. Really don't know, however, How SOON that MIGHT be, IF ever. Hmmm. Have to think on it some. :confused:
  2. You can lower this S-B factor in the Editor For your own game, should you prefer. Each turn is what? 2-4 weeks? Sustained shore bombardment might Well take the sort of toll On exposed units which You are leery about. Some would say - no way! OK. Say, There are 400 members, We'd surely have 400 different opinions On very nearly ANY aspect Of this fabulous game. ________________________________ What's up? Bing bang bing? Blash Man? Did I miss the meeting where Today's "talking points" RE: keeping all in perspective, Was discussed? LOL. Well, I do miss LOTS of meetings Since I am, As everyone knows by now, Quite... reticent. :eek:
  3. Sure can, prolific Phantom. You'll be in false Only a little longer. Your southern-most unit In the example provided Is on a mountain tile, ummmm, On an octagon, I mean. Terrain "cost of movement" Effects supply as well.
  4. Thank you. Seriously. Keep the craziness coming on. We wanna know about EVERY "gaminess" Or possible finagle or exploit That you guys can find. And, We wanna know it... now, Or later, and soonest Rather than - then.
  5. Sombra and Dragonheart! Ex Vaudeville team X-tra Ordinaire! Taken 'em gig show on the road, All youse house Cats! Get in ahead of the laggard, Get yer kick tickets NOW! Else you'll be standing in the rafters, It's gonna be, Kai Yai, Yippee... SRO! LOL, ah, You young guns sure enuff can show Us Old Slingers A trick, A whip-snap, A rap-a-tap - tap! Thing or two. Way to go, real X-treme Dudes! :cool:
  6. At long last The thing has been realized, A DREAM of all the ancient Ages: Perpetual Motion Machine! JK! Inspectre! Most excellent modeling works!
  7. "Air Garrison" sounds appropriate And has that rhythmic quality as well. I had thought... for a unit sprite: One small soldier, Different than any others in game, (... maybe sitting on pith helmet peeling potatoes? No, that's too typically... "in situ" ) With "generic" Air unit Hovering overhead, (... generally re-presented as BOTH fighters and TAC/Naval bombers) As some game graphics have it, Where the Carrier has a couple planes Suspended just up above the decks Down below?
  8. Good idea. I had thought of a similar Sort of unit awhile back. Who knows? May see the light of day In another way, Mod or what-not. You could do this in the Editor. I have done it For the Air Squadrons In the 1941-42 North Afrika Campaign. No reason we couldn't presume That there is some sort of permanent Attachment, Brigade-sized most likely, And ALWAYS providing base security For valuable Air Fleets. :cool:
  9. Yah, Every one on my keys is legible, Except the SHIFT... ^ And the ENTER... <-- You and I will have to have a TCP game One day (... though, time difference between Desert City and Transylvania, I don't know how that would go) anyway You can flood the Atlantic With transports from USA, presumably, And then we'll see? IF I can solve that sudden dilemma. My only prayer is... I will see A cherubic smile More often than An AWE-full "wrath." :mad: LOL.
  10. H2H is great fun, Sombra, I agree. Yet, I'd bet ~ 90% of the games played will be SOLO. With that in mind, I tell you this: EVERY single player out there, And I do mean - NO exceptions, none, WILL be able [... quite effortlessly, And/or with some certain assistance From those who enjoy modding And are accomplished] To have EXACTLY the game they'd prefer. :cool: The Editor will enable you to have The more daunting encounter, IE, The defender should indeed have Natural advantages, As for one instance, In A3R, Where the defender is doubled in clear terrain, Or tripled in what is rougher. And so, Should you prefer this, You simply use the Editor And change some of the attack & defense Values and viola! You now have WHATEVER you most prefer. :cool:
  11. It's a matter of... 2-D rhetorical Aesthetics, or, Rather, it CAN be. Only so many methods of personal expression Given the X-tremely circumscribed Choices provided. Try adorning a sacred page With artistic daring - and flair, As scholastic Monks used to do. LOL, you see, It's a matter of CONTRAST, as One of the Western World's finest writers, Ernest Hemingway, once Used to great, and tremendous effect, and, **INCIDENTALLY, with resounding success, [... id est, for monies & pride or even glory, Which, IMO, should NOT be ANY consideration For a real writer] Contrast helps separate substance from shadow. And so, why is the use of CAPS, No matter how profuse, or Moderate, or sparing... ANY issue? :confused: No. By all means, Keep on keeping on. We require heroic Kind of fire-defying Cat can raise Actual Hell, Else NOBODY would know what To look forward to, Once their last gasp has evaporated Into... thin air. All comes - TO you, in appropriate time, No need to ever be grabbing! For things. You'll see things fresh & different Then you've had opportunity To kick back, and... reflect. Then you've THOROUGHLY examined ALL Aspects of the fully realized game. :cool:
  12. Very true, Strike-in-a-flash! Blash! To which I would add: LOTS and lots of play-testing, alone And too - with those - who, We are occasionally reminded, Would make the very best! Play testers, IE, Teutonic Myth, Ramblin' Man hails outta old Idaho, Not-Kafka's-K on 'em Mondo Scando days, And/or ANY number of others Who have got... (in)famous game! LOL! Else you will strain mightily To achieve some semblance Of "reasonably historical" Game balance. It ain't always so easy As it might seem, Given the need to account for Head to head AND Solo encounters. And yet! I have unabashed FAITH That the SC member Ship, Slashing in half, the deep dark waters, WILL - at the last, Establish some VERY "Admirable" scenarios And grander campaigns also! From just about EVERY Imaginable Era! Hooray! THE game of the Decade, And, IMO, even - beyond! Is not somewhere over yonder, it's Very nearly - on the way! :cool: _______________________________________ And, BTW, Having looked at the map For quite some time now, Strangest thing... I myself Have NOT been deceived, nor Unhinged or even, become Cross-eyed sort of Cat, By the... "perspective." Turn off the grid! Open up the invisible locks, the lid! See for yerself How that hip happy magic! Comes a'leaping! Right - outta the box! [ April 09, 2006, 10:04 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  13. Yer welcome Edwin. Looking forward to your many and varied "event" and "AI" scripts once you get SC-2 Blitzkrieg! in the mails. No doubt VERY many others will be doing the same. :cool:
  14. EP, Script template for Partisans is as follows: ________________________________________ Basic structure for a partisan event: ; { ; #NAME= Event name (this will be shown as a selectable event under an options menu within the game) ; #POPUP= Event popup text (this will be displayed when the event occurs) ; #FLAG= Will this be a default event for the campaign? (values range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0) ; #TYPE= With all other factors satisfied will this be a (values range [0, 2]): ;A) Single check regardless if trigger is satisfied= 0 ; Multiple check until trigger is satisfied= 1 ;C) Reoccuring check until end of game= 2 ; #COUNTRY_ID= Country's ID that will have partisan #MAP_POSITION's ; #TRIGGER= Trigger percentage that the event will occur (values range [0, 100]) ; #PARTISAN_FLAG= Partisan flag can be used to limit event to a particular type ; #ADD_UNIT= Add partisan unit to the map or will it just be a supply disruption event? (values range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0) ; #DISRUPTION_RANGE= What is the range of supply disruption from each partisan that appears? (values range [0, 10]) ; #MAP_POSITION= Map position where partisan unit could appear (format x,y) ; } _____________________________________ As you can see, there is not currently any provision for the the last 4 "conditions" that you have placed in your schematic. Thus, The only way it could work, now, is to have the script in effect since beginning of the game. Which would mean that GErmany would have to garrison Warsaw for the whole game, else the Partisan is liable to appear on ANY DATE following conquest... at whatever "trigger %" you might establish. Conclusion: IMO, it is not significant enough (... on grand scale), given present parameters, to use this "Warsaw Uprising" script in the default game, though, naturally, anyone might decide otherwise for their own "mod." If used, the Axis player would have to garrison yet another conquered City, and believe me, they have VERY many garrison requirements already. **End Note: You would need to select "Type 1" so you would have only a check... "until trigger is satisified," else it may occur more than once with the "type 2." Possible Fix: If Hubert has inclination, he could ADD a "date line" which would then allow the partisan event to occur AFTER the time you've specified, but NOT before.
  15. Yep, HR, If I may be so blunt, May we ALL Remain long in the hunt, and Have many, many more of those! Well, Time to go out and yank dandelions For tonight's side salad. Gotta make oneself... USEFUL, ah, Tantalize an essential drive, As each must do, soon or late, And, according to A phase of the Moon.
  16. Gotta go with Blashy, MOST Especially With this game. He is the "gigantic envelope buster" And has tried, I suspect, Doggone near everything! No, That can't be true, As we'll soon enough discover. But, In all my years I'd NEVER seen one guy Rip & roar and juke & rake around That poor old test-game, as he could do! :cool: Same way with so-called "cookie-cutter" stuff. He said, 99.9999% probability it would NOT happen. Here I disagree some. I'd say... 99.8877% chance Of no such thing.
  17. Not bad, Jaguar Man, not bad. Bet many are greatly regretting They didn't try it out themselves. Though, then, They'd have to have Time Dedication Knowledge (... of MANY genres) Patience (... they ain't ALL so grand) AND, Not least, Persistence. You seem to have all that, So, I suppose I'll check yer take Whenever I find an old game I haven't tried out, as yet.
  18. Ah, Serendipity, What a curious thing it can be. It's what makes Life Droll, ironic, and interesting, eh? :cool:
  19. This was one of Hubert's original Considerations, Long time ago, IE, A tech level for amphibious. And, For all I know, It yet exists somewhere In the back of his mind, though It may have dwindled down To a sort of ephemeral eidolon. I know you won't prefer to hear it Said quite this way, but, We'll have to see, As current schematic May yet work out dandy & fine. Once the turbulent Seas subside.
  20. Don't know about The other older ones What hang hereabouts, but Would rather possess a bionic Something else. Have noticed, over these years, That you actually know how to raise Hades, now and again, As is sure required. Truly cool. All crowds need that, else Things tend to get awful Staid & stolid, narrowed Straight and over qualified. :cool:
  21. Hmmm, somehow? These 2 observations don't Quite square? What was it, Mr.Dozer, That you were disappointed about? Then, We could look into it? Maybe even, Offer up an "un-screwy perspective?" LOL
  22. LOL, me too, and so, QUITE likely I have asked For the same thing you, And some others would ask, Albeit for different reasons, Agreed. Zoom zoom, with adjusted lettering. :cool:
  23. Positive review, and that's cool. Never heard of him before, but, That's no crime. Anyway, great! gig this guy's got going For himself! And he doesn't write all that much Nor offer much insight, Just the bare-bone basics. Wonder how many freebie games He's got stacked in his closet? Since, Game Makers, by now, likely Send 'em on over, gratis. Ya gotta hand it to him. He found a nice little niche, eh? Well, It's how we HAVE to be nowadays. Industry, Where you actually MAKE things, Is going... going... ALMOST gone. We are become... out of necessity I guess, Purveyors of... mind-inventions, verbiage.
  24. Having played ENOUGH games All the way through to D-Day and beyond, I can tell you that: NOW, and unlike SC the Original, It is NOT any problem to land Sufficient Allied units So to establish a viable force Which can then coalesce Around a supplied HQ. Mainly due to necessity For Axis to use a LOT Of low-tech "garrison" type units To cover all of that conquered territory, And, guard against Partisans In MORE places, And, Given the force pool limits (... or even without; since cost of over-limit purchases soon becomes prohibitive) There is NO WAY for Axis to cover Every landing zone. Can't be done. Mobile reserve is one way to go, Should you be able to spare some units From the Eastern Front, which, By this time... probably dangerous to do. Or, You could have Engineer construct Some replication of "Fortress Europa," So to defend certain areas, As between the rivers, Or near Paris. But, upshot is this: there will be NO Remote resemblance to The "dance of the Corps" as it was before. Finally, You know what? It costs a very pretty penny To purchase amphib transport. **(... you CAN decrease this expensive amphib by investing, and having success, in "infrastructure") May not even need some sort of build Limitations. Though, that was a good suggestion. We'll see how she works out, but, As with EVERYTHING about SC-2, Only Hubert will finally decide.
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