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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Add some more ports, very easy to do. Change some CTV's, very easy to do. Well, it IS May, And so, 'Round and round the May-pole we go! This is NOT a major issue, IMHO. Limited numbers of U-boots, NOT specifically designed or intended To sink Capital Ships, And, Smaller convoy escorts, DID in fact, what do you know? Actually accomplish - that very thing! [... re-view the various FACTS and stats already posted and quit pretending that they don't matter ] It's like this... you have a chicken coop, With NINE (9) egg-layers therein. You go away on vacation to the Big City For a week. See the sights, blinded by the light, Come home and bitch about All the terrible goings-on! what Exist in this non-rural world! You notice! ONE-THIRD, or (3) Of yer chickens are laying in the dust Little feet sticking up. That's 33%! Over yonder, You spy a "lone Wolf." Leave him be, he is going to be Impossible to ensnare or somehow catch By very nature of his being A lone wolf to begin with. Nearby, You spy a "wolf-pack." Get out the traps, Grab yer shooting iron. Blast away! You'll get some, others will laugh And say: "See you later alligator, I be back! For another attack! Then you, and the Moon has gone away." [ May 23, 2006, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  2. Good and Bad news Travels fast, they say. The average soldier is WELL aware Of almost everything that happens WRT the Enemy; whether That be by way of folks at home Reading the local Rag And sending letters along, Or a Commander warning that "the Enemy" Is making dangerous advances All over the place! :eek: Not to mention, deliberate "propaganda" Which will over or under-state The universal situation, The unique case, Depending on need. It's always been thus, Going back to cave days; as for instance, With that Greek endurance Cat Who raced 26 miles to Marathon, true?
  3. I would agree with Lars & Blashy, That "re-play-ability" Is FAR more important Than a "truer" historical time-line For advancements in ANY category. Makes things... SOMETIMES "what-if" But, mostly, and according to A "normal curve" on the graph, Pretty much ordinary. "Outliers" are notso very frequent As some might suppose; after all We usually ONLY hear about those, And NOT the "scatter points" That remain close to the "ideal curve." Besides, There CAN be a way to improve The current implentation, Either as part of default game, Or in modded version. We'll see.
  4. And, VITAL that you get the Rail Roads That those such as Vander built So to replicate North's immense advantage Over rural and not-yet carpet-bagged South, In moving men & materiel. You can do it. Substitute for "depression tiles" Which you don't need, and Use "Paint" (... might even have 1860's style Engine replace the moving unit As is the case with transports/amphib?) Or ask someone to do it who is adept At drawing, and implement some really Cool looking RR lines Adjusting AP's accordingly.
  5. LOL. Well SM, Machiaveilli was a turnip seed Floating in the gilded soup-spoon Of a Renaissance Prince, and Rasputin? A gnarled knave merely Concerned for the welfare Of the babushka, peon - the fellaheen! House Of Rothschilde? Only happily! insuring That the avaricious Mass remain content, As penny spending children. The original FreeMasons anyone? [... examine the back of the USA dollar bill - what you witness there? Pyramid and "Big Seeing Eye" suspended above, hey! What the dickens is that all about? LOL! and don't forget, Paul Revere and Geo Washington and Ben Franklin were active members, hmmmm :confused: ] The marauding Maltese Knights, Searching their non-common hearts out For some fantasized - Cup of Blood? Or, as some would story-tell it, opposed To their ancient and bitter foes, The Illuminati!! Infiltrating every major Instituion In every major city In EVERY country in the world, Bringing secret "reason" So to dispose of all That there... worthless "superstition." See, "Paranoia" is simply... heightened awareness, Didn't you know? And "conspiracies" NEVER exist, LOL, Unless, of course, has been briefly revealed By the interested, earnest And those still believe in Liberty & Justice for all! Who've concluded - they do indeed! Exist and thoroughly thrive, I mean! Gee, I bet you think that JFK was murdered By Lee "super power duped" Oswald? LOLOLOL! Nix nix, Connect the dancing dots, Examine 'em thrown-down chicken-bones, Consult yer "all-seeing" subconscious, Alpha clear to Omega, And viola! There you go! Yer... in the know!
  6. How about? If Airborne Unit had ability To slug it out with a "reduced" Defending unit, On Malta or elsewhere, May the best troops win! Say, you have finally gotten that stubborn Garrison Corps down to size "3" And now you Air drop the Para Cats & Gliders And they go at it. Bing bang, ferocious melee for the whole gang. Airborne wins - defending unit eliminated And you have secured that one-tile island. Taking approriate losses, But of course. If the Airborne does NOT succeed, say, Defending Garrison Corps is Reduced to size "1" (... HATE that when it happens; I waste too much time searching all over for that one unit that can finish it off once and for all, though, don't often find it ) And, as would be appropriate, Airborne and glider troops are eliminated Should they fail in this Most ambitious insertion quest. Something to think about, anyhow. :cool:
  7. Yeah. You got yer answer after all, ya? I use this ether space As my Big Chief tree-pulp tablet, Mouse is... #2 pencil. Almost time to move on along, Do some other things, likely Later this summer. Got a VW Kamper Wagen And Big Sur, And Willamette Valley, And some other places are a'callin Siren-like hymns to me. I get to Europe again, as well. Maybe I see you in some kleine Cafe In Cologne? Da-Da Cabaret in Berlin? Dresden? (... I want to pause there, pray, light some candles, place flowers and "honor" those who were annihilated... for NO GOOD REASON ) AFTER finishing up this And another "little project" For Hubert. He is a VERY honorable man. I wouldn't do this For ANY OTHER over-hyped game designer Out there, No, nope, nix, no way, for-get it! LOLOL! [ May 20, 2006, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  8. Franky-Boy, 1) Advanced degree in Psychology, specializing in ANY kind of... "addictions," To include those who simply HAVE TO Do... one more turn! Of SC-1, or SC-2, EVEN! When it is wee hours of the morning, [... when Frank Sinatra is incomparably singing: "Set 'em up Joe... one MORE for the Road."] Like me, though I am rarely able to "counsel" or treat myself. But all that came later. Before that I did, among MANY other things: _________________________________________ Worked in lumber camp in Taos. Then for Uncle Sam, US Army, '66-68. Worked the docks down New Orleans way. Tried my damndest to get into Movie Business, Hollywood USA, as actor or screen-writer Or even, gardener to the Starlets. Was a merely competent auto-mechanic. Drove a truck all over "the Land of Enchantment" Pumped propane and other noxious chemicals Started writing and sending out poems age 40. Worked a tungsten-silver mine in Death Valley; we ended up finding Silver, but the Con Men running the show didn't SHARE none of it, which is usual here in America - I get mine! Ta hell with you, Jack! LOLOL! _________________________________________ Etc, IOW, a "common working man" since Age 16 FIRST, Before enny a' that there fancy-pants, ziemlich hosen so-called "higher" education. BTW, thanks for the kindly comments; very likely I haven't EARNED many of them. Others, O Mein Gott, ya! 2) Kaiserlautern and Pirmasens. Loved! Those rolling, rained-on green hills & dales, and, all them VERY old Castles, as along the Rhine. I used to go hiking all over, and for the most part, found the GErman Volk to be EVERY BIT AS DECENT and friendly as yer average American. Later Alligator, Factotum have I been, am still, at heart, Which is WHY I support the working dude All over the World, Wherever he might be expending sweat So others might loll around Doing nothing, except Consuming! And Consuming! Utterly useless junk, As we have it here, In abundance. [ May 20, 2006, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  9. CS Lewis, "Pass-through straits" was indeed full debated And well considered. Who knows if it will re-surface, so to speak, Again? There IS a way to place U-boots Such as that VERY feral U-97 "Seahorse" By having GErmany conquer Greece, and you can place new builds in port of Athens.
  10. LOL, ah, ain't we though! Good thing most are impervious To such-like High hard serves! Speaking of which, You shoulda seen Becker! Tennis OR Soccer Euro-Dude, In his prime! :cool: LOL all over again, yeah, My a'times perplexed wife is ALWAYS wondering What the dickens! is a full grown man (... really, an adolescent, just like all the rest! LOL, it's old-schooled cool :cool: ) Doing - playing... war-games! :confused: She continues, usually, sure: "And you! The very one! Ever agitating for more "peace-full" World, and earned serentities! GEEZ! I... JUST... don't get it."
  11. U-boots as Capital Killers, Case stated, Elaborated with actual fact, Severally annotated, Case completely closed. Imagine IF... GErmany had opted For Z-plan! There wouldn't be hardly one Single weld, Captain at the helm, Or any tea-cups, scuppers or rivets Left afloat, say, By end of 1942? Mines? Well, That there is not so necessary, IMO, Since a shore-bombarding ship That takes damage (... mines would have been placed MOSTLY in & around ports and easy-landing beaches) Is presumed to have been knocked down By shore-batteries AND mines, true? It surely wasn't garrison Corps shooting Their M-1's or Mausers, eh?
  12. Perhaps, Fireball, But, In fact, it was NOT taken, and It doesn't matter a whittled willow-stick WHY not. IF you want it, Expend the treasure in Der DeutschBank And... take it. OR, Use the Editor and replace the fortress With a fortification. Half as much staying power For any type garrison Thatta way.
  13. It is, and has often been said, and I would tend to agree, That "Western Europeans" Are... thinkers. Early mature, reflective, intellectual, Even when they have not gone To University, nope Any musty old "Gymnasium" will do. (... Europeans having reached age 12 ARE better educated than Americans With University degree in hand, LOL, and too damned bad - we prefer to send the rich kids to the few decent schools, the hell with the riff-raff) And some would say... even, Ponderous, staid, becoming Ever more... senile. Americans, OTOH, are yet... adolescents. When it comes to ANYTHING, Whether that be sex (... X-tremely wary and afraid, in a slap-stick Kind of way, of meaningful committments, it's all about hooking-up - fast, and gone again! faster than that!) Religion or politics. Americans just DO THINGS, alas, And especially of late, Without BOTHERING to "think about" Context, Gestalt, ramifications or Any ultimate degradations, not To mention, the mass of 7 Deadly Sins Now! Piled so awful high, The Rocky Mountains are ant-hills In comparison. As Ipso: The Child will eat every single Cookie out of the jar, (... AKA: Pandora's Box) Crumbs falling all over the place For Mother to clean up, EVEN! Thence - she has long since expired. In that event, Fetishes, neuroses, assorted Facial-tics, worthless totems and teddy bears Will do the trick. Anyhow, eat eat eat! While watching utterly useless drivel On the new Mesmerizer - television, Hardly concerned that he or she Will finally become - fat. Sugar-sensitive. Establishing habits of impatience, Moodiness, inability to sit still And actually, and really LISTEN To... anybody else In the whole wide world! We take pride in that! Don't think we don't! Then, of course, it must result, Given the dominance of AMA-Pharmaceutical Corporate soul-less-ness, Be prescribed, and dutifully swallow The most harmful sorts of medicines. Which only makes them sicker, Less holistic, and MUCH more liable To be manipulated by preachers, priests, Lying leaders and false prophets Of every oddly imaginable ilk. OK, now that I have probably bored You and whole Captain Crunch crew, stiff, If not silly, here! Is what you prefer to know: Having lived in GErmany (... near the French border) for almost 4 years, and, Having traveled and accreted SOME Of the ancient culture, myth Hauntings, and lore and very much more, I am convinced of one thing at least: GErmans are irrevocably and intricately Wedded to... Nature. They can't help it, it's Inside-Out trait, And explains all them internecine Battles over the Centuries, why, Your soil must be so saturated with blood It would seep out? With every tentative Tourist step? Alright, enough juke & jive. You SHOULD see - Miss First Patch, Sometime after... last quarter Moon, And BEFORE... new moon. That do ya? **First I assumed you were American, Due to yer nick. As in... "Ol Blue Eyes" Frank Sinatra. Or, and more, ah... GErmaine, To the above palaver, Also an adolescent American since "the boy" Is attached to the main Moniker - Frank, making It... Franky-boy. That hep ya enny?
  14. I had previously ventured, After... Canada's Victoria Day, And before - USA's Memorial Day, And, I am sticking to it.
  15. TJ, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised To see somethng such as this A few more clicks... down the road. :cool:
  16. CG, Well, If so, then I have been in WRONG forum For... over 4 years now! And you? LOL! Tell you what anxious Cat. Get ahold of Miss First Patch, if you can, It's REALLY hard I understand, Except for those who are - in like Flynn Like yours truly, Anyway, Call 'er on up and whisper in 'er X-tremely adorable ear: [... careful! NOT to get yer lips caught in them dangling ear-rings! :eek: ] ____________________________________ "Pardon, Miss First Patch, But would you mind doing me, Chris G, a favor, I'll PROMISE! you anything, Like Doctor Faustus did once And can again, ANY time he feels like it, It's really that easy These days... IF ONLY You will call your wyrd desert friend, And whisper, Like cool ocean breeze seeping through The rhythmic rustling palm trees There, @ Pallisades sur mer, Well, Whisper would YOU, for me, pretty please and Say quietly... to that Apparently Mad Cat: "Hey Crazy Guy! Did you know that THIS forum only ends up At a weather station in Antarctica? And NOT to enny old Santa Monica, Nor Desert City neither!" _____________________________________________ Do that, and Perhaps then, and just... MAYBE, I'll change seats, first-class To trickle-down Economy, and even Find... ANOTHER forum? JUST... for you! LOLOLOLOL, Ah, CG, Gotta have some FUN in this ol' over-heated, Passing strange, purposely made odd And fool-you! World, Doncha think?
  17. It was only last night I heard from her. It was late at night, and She was travelin' Mulholland Drive Out 'er in - Hooray for Hollywood, And anyway, She told me - you shoulda heard That voice! Like soft ocean winds singing Lullabies to a lonesome traveler Just got off a' HiWay One, Resting 'is weary road-going, Looking for a good show! bones, And she tole me, finally, she did, then ALL the catching-up on who is who And what is what, you know! "I'm coming, I'll get there, Have a little patience my desert friend, And by the way - quit trying to take Benelux In the Winter, 'at's a waste Of valuable MPP's!" (... alas, there's the disappointing part, she merely considers me... "friend," nothing else ) She continues: (... I can hear some other woman Murmuring mystery in background, but Whoever that is, not to worry, NOT important to our story) "And when I do! Everybody is gonna have a big time! On them neon-lighted SC boulevards - tonight!" LOLOL! ____________________________________________ Very kind of her to call in, IMO. No blond jokes Lars, Since she HAS generously given us something To look forward to, yes?
  18. Won't be long now, coming Soon, to a theatre near you! Then the beatific beauty becomes... realized And idolized, And ah, yeah, Too... scrutinized for EVERY teeny tiny Blushing blemish, well, what can you do, It's how it works in the Celebrity game, And that's summertime breezy Blues... cool! :cool: ______________________________________ There she is! Miss... First Patch, for SC-2! There she is, your ideal The dreams of a million girls Who are more than pretty May come true in Atlantic City Oh she may turn out to be The queen of femininity There she is, Miss First Patch for SC-2, There she is, your ideal With so many beauties She'll take the town by storm With her all World face and form And there she is Walking on air she is Fairest of the fair she is Miss... First Patch for SC-2!! -- Lyrics by Wayne Bernie** _______________________________________________ **[... mostly, changing only the "first patch and SC-2" part]
  19. Not a bad idea, Rolend, Not bad a'tall. FYI, I have recently suggested a similar sort of thing elsewhere. In any event, You, or I, or anyone CAN change the "combat target values" As we see fit For our own Mod of... "Battle of Atlantic." Not to mention, some OTHER Truly appropriate things can be Self-implemented using... scripts. [... all of you ain't no good at it, or, just won't make effort, or don't have sufficient time to learn, I swear! it is so-o-o easy - once you examine the thoroughly explanatory preface to EACH & EVERY script... well, you can bet the wind-diminished desert ranch that somebody, JdF2 or who else! IS ambi-dextrous, will do it for you :cool: ] Well, Ain't it - just! GRAND, Yea, let's give the Man a hand! Hubert I mean, who has provided for us Very many! new-game-making opportunities! Who else! I must ask - in the last, oh, 20 years Or so, has been so generous? Trot them on out, yep, I want to hear the NAMES of ALL those Famous, and over-glorified game designers! Who were, I now aver - so awfully Keep-it-secret selfish!
  20. Where in tarnation did you come up with this Sort of "label" SeaMonkey? :confused: I am idealistic, sure. BUT, That particular metaphysic Compromises, oh, ummm, let's see? Maybe? 1 % Of what I actually, really & truly, Believe. Boy Howdy would YOU ever be astonished!!! To learn some of my many "conservative" Notions and sech like. C'mon SM, leave the pigeon-holes For the pigeons. Or, For VERY TINY Giraffes, anyhow! (... see, they could scrunch on in that little pigeon domicile, then - stick 'em necks out to make room for the ALL the rest, like VERY long legs, and a heart, and a soul, and like that there, eh? )
  21. RN Barham, and Royal Oak Weren't battleships Liam? :confused: What then? How about the 3 Carriers? I had said "surface ships" sunk, There toward the end, Not merely "Capital Ships." Still, 2 BB's and 3 CV's ain't no bad pickings. Yep, plenty of smaller ships in there, But, Given that these were usually deployed As "convoy escorts" I would give credit where it's due: The U-boots sunk plenty a' them CE's As well. Sure, They took lots of losses, In the course of "raiding" convoys. We know that. Not surprising.
  22. And it's a pretty good idea SO. Several well-known WW-2 GS games Do indeed have such a system As you prefer. SC-2 does not, And it's hardly likely it's gonna change Any time soon. Personally, I MUCH prefer operating individual ship groups Whether that be subs or small Task forces with individual And historical ship names. To each their own, But what we got here is superior, Or, rather, Soon enough will be, To enny a' them other game schematics.
  23. Right you are JdF2, And with VERY informed and insightful posts Such as the rest of what you Wrote out, Just above (... excepting point #5, which I don't get at all - irrelevant, IMO) We just may make it. Have no doubt, I make all sorts of "sub & naval" suggestions On the Beta Board. Sometimes I get inspiration from These sorts of posts. And, I always give credit where credit is due, Something a few Need to learn - for the very first time? To do. [ May 18, 2006, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  24. Nope, Liam, the UnterWasser boots Were not intended to be such as you suggest, As was the case with IJN submarine force, But, As you will see, It's what happened. _____________________________________________ One small excerpt taken from a very lengthy reseach document I provided for Hubert about a year ago, RE: comprehensive ETO naval wars; these are UK Capital Ships sunk during all of WW-2. Those SUNK by U-boots are marked with *** _______________________________________________ CAPITAL SHIPS Battleships *** BARHAM (31,100t, 1915) Sank by U-boat, torpedoes, off Sollum, Egypt, 41/11/25 PRINCE OF WALES (35,000t, 31/3/41) Sunk by Japanese torpedo-aircraft, E coast of Malaya, 41/12/10 *** ROYAL OAK (29,150t, 1916) Sunk by U-boat torpedo, Scapa Flow, Orkneys, 39/10/14 Battlecruisers HOOD (42,000t, 1920) Sunk in action with Bismarck, N Atlantic, 41/05/24 REPULSE (33,250, 1916) Sunk by Japanese torpedo-aircraft, E coast of Malaya, 41/12/10 Monitor TERROR (7,200t, 1916) Bombed (22nd) and sunk off Derna, Libya, 41/02/23 AIRCRAFT CARRIERS Fleet carriers *** ARK ROYAL (22,000t, 1938) Torpedoed (13th) by U-boat and sunk, W Mediterranean, 41/11/14 *** COURAGEOUS (22,500t, 1917, ex-cruiser, carrier from 1928) Sunk by U-boat torpedo W of Ireland, 39/09/17 *** EAGLE (22,600t, 1924) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, W Mediterranean, 42/08/11 GLORIOUS (22,500t,1917, ex-cruiser, carrier from 1930) Sunk by gunfire, "Scharnhorst" and "Gneisenau", latitude of Narvik, Norway, 40/06/08 HERMES (10,850t, 1924) Sunk by Japanese aircraft off Ceylon, 42/04/09 Escort carriers *** AUDACITY (ex-Hannover, German prize, 11,000t deep, 1939; as 9/41) Sunk by U-boat torpedo, N Atlantic, 41/12/21 *** AVENGER (13,785t deep, 2/3/42) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, W of Gibraltar Straits, 42/11/15 DASHER (13,785t, 2/7/42) Sunk, probably due to petrol explosion, South of Cumbrae Island, W Scotland, 43/03/27 CRUISERS *** BONAVENTURE (5,450t, 24/5/40) Sunk by U-boat, torpedoes, S of Crete, 41/03/31 *** CAIRO (AA ship, 4,200t, 1919) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, off Bizerta, Tunis, 42/08/12 CALCUTTA (AA ship, 4,200t, 1919) Sunk by aircraft, bombs, during evacuation of Crete, 41/06/01 *** CALYPSO (4,180t, 1917) Sunk by U-boat torpedo, S of Crete, 40/06/12 CHARYBDIS (5,450t, 3/12/41) Sunk by E-boat torpedoes, English Channel, 43/10/23 CORNWALL (10,000t, 1928) Sunk by Japanese dive bombers, Indian Ocean, 42/04/05 COVENTRY (AA ship, 4,290t, 1918) Sunk by dive bombers, E Mediterranean, 42/09/14 CURACOA (AA ship, 4,290t, 1918) Lost in collision, NW Approaches, 42/10/02 CURLEW (AA ship, 4,290t, 1917) Sunk by aircraft, bombs, off Ofotfiord, Norway, 40/05/26 DORSETSHIRE (9,975t, 1930) Sunk by Japanese dive bombers, Indian Ocean, 42/04/05 DRAGON (On loan to Polish Navy, 4,850t, 1918) Damaged by human torpedo, off Normandy Constructive total loss, 44/07/08 *** DUNEDIN (4,850t, 1919) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, between W Africa and Brazil, 41/11/24 DURBAN (4,850t, 1919) Sunk as blockship for Mulberry Harbour, Normandy, N France, 44/06/09 *** EDINBURGH (10,000t, 6/7/39) Sunk by destroyer, torpedoes, after U-boat damage (30th Apr), Barent's Sea, Arctic, 42/05/02 EFFINGHAM (9,550t, 1925) Struck submerged rock and wrecked, Vestfiord, Norway, 40/05/18 EXETER (8,390t, 1931) Sunk in action with Japanese surface craft, Java Seas, 42/03/01 FIJI (8,000t, 17/5/40) Sunk by aircraft, bombs, during evacuation of Crete, 41/05/22 *** GALATEA (5,220t, 1935) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, off Alexandria, 41/12/14 GLOUCESTER (9,600t, 31/1/39) Sunk by aircraft, bombs, during evacuation of Crete, 41/05/22 *** HERMIONE (5,450t, 25/3/41) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, E Mediterranean, 42/06/16 MANCHESTER (9,400t, 1938) Sunk by E-boat, torpedo, off Kelibia Roads, Tunisia, 42/08/13 *** NAIAD (5,450t, 24/7/40) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, E Mediterranean, 42/03/11 NEPTUNE (7,175t, 1934) Sunk by mine off Tripoli, Libya, 41/12/19 *** PENELOPE (5,270t, 1936) Sunk by U-boat, torpedeo, Anzio area, W Italy, 44/02/18 SOUTHAMPTON (9,100t, 1937) Sunk by dive bombers, E of Malta, 41/01/11 SPARTAN (5,770t, 10/8/43) Sunk by aircraft, glider-bomb, off Anzio, W Italy, 44/01/29 TRINIDAD (8,000t, 14/10/41) Sunk by own forces after damage by torpedo carrying aircraft, Barent's Sea, Arctic, 42/05/15 YORK (8,250, 1930) Lost at Suda Bay, Crete after damage on various dates by explosive motor boats and aircraft, 41/05/22 _____________________________________ Now, let' see... there seem to be An AWFUL LOT Of... *** U-boot sinkings Of RN Surface Ships, (... to include THREE A/C Carriers) Percentage wise, wouldn't you say? Ummmm 16 out of 43= 37 % OK. Now we know. U-boots WERE - in fact, VERY deadly Capital Ships hunter-killers, In addition to customary Convoy attacks, yes? __________________________ Also VERY interesting... NINE (9) Of the 16 sinkings Occurred in the Mediterranean!! And who sez warn't nary no U-boot presence In the Med? LOL. [ May 18, 2006, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  25. And so, TJ, Pret' soon here you won't be able to do that. Nor some other things neither. Testing first patch NOW And having immense FUN, And what you have described is impossible As Victory Condition, si?
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