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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Good points. Good suggestions. Not avoiding yer pertinent questions, but, In this instance, Hubert Will have to clarify, Since I don't know The precise answers WRT this particular area. [... some of the Diplomatic aspects were altered later in the game] Rather than say something that would Merely confound & confuse, I'll let another who KNOWS What is what Respond - when they are able.
  2. OK. I was just thinking... some who are new To the board MIGHT Get the impression We have a problem, When there isn't one. Bitte , play it as you wish, I'll mostly desist. Now, Where is Captain America's Posse riposte! :confused:
  3. Ah, terif, Penalty flag! For "piling on." As said some time ago, you surely know this has already been fixed?
  4. LOL! A little more zaniness Mixed in with the usual. Cool. :cool:
  5. Welcome aboard, MasterChief. You can edit terrain movement for any type of tile. One of those - the "depression" tile, is impassable in default game, and so far, only used for... Qatara in Egypt. Not unless you "mod" or change another already existing tile using the Editor; currently no way to create unique, or special tiles. No "amphib tech." Though, research achievements in "Infrastructure" category REDUCES cost of amphib and transport. No. You can only edit Air, Bomber, Naval, Carrier and Sub DEFENSE for transports and amphib. No. No. No. Only the Game Designer can add new tiles. Though, You could "simulate" higher "road/rail" movement rates by adjusting various tiles, and unit AP's. Well, That's an awful lot of "no's" eh? Thing is... ALL of the items you have mentioned have been discussed in Beta Forum in one way or another, at one time or another. There will probably be some "enhancements" added later. Who knows if any of those will be from the list above? Not impossible. :cool:
  6. OK, let me see if I understand this. Chris G feels that anybody who disagrees with him is an idiot. Though, I'd bet, he believes that he himself is not one! TaoJah is also annoyed. Not a problem, but.. question for the both of you: Just curious, but, who are these "certain persons" that you have failed to name, preferring, apparently to make blind accusations... well, gee, who are these awful idiots anyhow? Now, you've expressed your opinions, I shall do the same. In every debate, there are pros & cons... there HAS to be, else there would be no reason to even worry over the issue, true? You discuss things, preferrably without denigrating your worthy SC brother/opponent, who would disagree. Give and Take. Thesis, Antithesis. The Garden and the Snake. Said another way, you chisel away pieces of that unformed mass of marble, and, like Michaelangelo the sculptor of old, discover the "genuine essence" of that stolid block, which was ALWAYS - IN there, merely waiting to be revealed. :cool: Speaking for myself, wearing only the play-tester ball-cap, for now, Excuse me, I don't believe it is part of my charge to say something as this, concerning ANY part of SC-2: "Yeah, what a terrible flaw! What idiot could be so simple stupid as that!" LOLOL. No, Instead - I try to point out, as Blashy and Bill will do, some of the reason & rationale behind the Game Designer's decision. Though, not always exactly correctly, in which case, Hubert enters into this necessary discourse, and says - nix nay, that ain't QUITE what I had in mind. [... really, he says it more elegantly, and with patient courtesy, but you get the idea?] Sometimes one will play "devil's advocate" just to keep the conversation moving along. However, I do not recall that ANY of us testers, nor most of the other members has called someone... an idiot? Or a dope smoker? LOL, HOW could anyone sitting alone In front of a computer, KNOW who smokes tobacco! (... nicotine is indeed a VERY addictive drug, which is legal, which can kill you... a horrible way to die, not feeling as though you can even breathe! :eek: ) So, why ever would you guys play the school-ground name game? :confused: Realize, Almost EVERYTHING about this great game Is up for review. State yer case, Do it with some ordinary respect, And MORE folks will be inclined To listen to you. O/W, as now, I just don't think you've helped us out Very much. Now, As to your question. Will there be some change in the interface For convoy routes? I don't know, maybe Maybe not. But, I CAN say this, and, sure, it is merely ONE opinion among VERY many... as long-time game-player: I don't mind it, as is. It doesn't take so much time to check, Every now & then. It hardly interferes with my own enjoyment, AT ALL. Could it be better? Sure, 'Most ANYTHING! in the whole wide world Could be better.
  7. Danke Schoene terif, These kinds of in-depth assessments Are sehr behilflich! :cool: **Translation, For those who never Were lucky enough to personally see That quite inspiring cathedral At Cologne: "That is one cool SC Cat, Plucked out of NOBODY's Camo'd pith helmet nor, some Cocky-worn fly-boy hat." Now, Out to dinner... Greek tonight, Not because I myself like it, but, The wife and son do. Got to... compromise in this life, Whether it's war-games, or, Leader/HQ OOB's, Or changing what is same-old Into something different, daring And broken-in new. :cool:
  8. Well, terif, Playing as Allies Somehow, YOU managed... to win. If you can, I can, and also Many others. Various things are being remedied For first patch. Then we'll see What we shall see. Appreciate ALL the AAR's And comments and suggestions, As they help to pin down Some elusive exploits And, Sure, fine-tune the '39 campaign balance. With so many new! Variables and complexities, Not so easy to do, Unless you, Like enfant terrible Suppose it is due To inept testers? Nah, yer not like that. :cool: Hubert is hard at work, As he HAS BEEN For over 5 years now. Coding ALONE, Know what I mean?
  9. Yes. Go into Editor (... if you don't yet know how, ask, and I, or someone else will tell you ) And change the "combat target values" For your BB or CA One, or both. Change the "soft attack" and "tank attack" And also - air & bomber if you prefer it, From current default setting of... 1, To... zero. You may also want to change "Naval Defense" of selected units To zero. O/W, attack ratio would then be 0:1
  10. No. I am writing how I always have done, Since age 9 or so, Then it was I no longer was A dude.
  11. What could "plunder" consist of, I wonder? 1) Captured combat resources that might be converted in some fashion. 2) RE: France... taking great paintings out of the Louvre and storing them in private galleries or in Switzerland. 3) "Nationalist" units formed from National Socialist sympathizers... of which there were very many all over West, North and Eastern Europe. 4) Part of unwilling populace drafted to become factotums in vital war industries. 5) Psychological: tremendous victories in foreign lands = rejuvenated population back home and revitalized, even, jubilant soldiers. 6) Ongoing borrowing of bulk minerals, bank deposits, food and water, top-secret documents of all kinds and not least, fuel reserves. 7) Gaining "momentum" from your enemy, out of his mind. The list is much longer than this, No doubt others could add to it.
  12. Demoted to "dude," eh? OK by me. It's how we refer to "green-horns" (... out here in the outlaw West) Just blew in On a careless wind From somewhere back East. But, that seems awful cold And, fickle. Like that icicle hanging from 'em nose Of yer old shenanigan pal, Loki. What is "straighter," I have to ask, Than: Hubert decides who or what Is in, Who or what... is out? You, as EVERYONE else in here SURELY wishes the game to be better. Thank you. Really. Truly. :cool: Now. What exactly? Is... "better." IF Hubert decides to adopt yer Leader-file, Letter by letter? Sure you do, Moon Enthused, And... you have... always. :cool:
  13. 10 minutes! You posted @ 6:40, and I asked @ 6:30! Too late. No responses to ALL or nothing else Clownish or Goof-ball, neither! FYI, not Kafka's K, I have hurryin' Heinz Guderian In my own Mod, Rated "7" IIRC. :cool: I will NOW add Rokossovsky, Since I am convinced by yer Expertly researched expose. However, You and I and enfant terrible [... who, alas, could NOT name the painter, a crying shame really ] And Blashy and Bill And Condor and Terif And Sombra and Stormbringer, And et al, Are NOT the Game Designer. Do you not suppose, With ALL the massive research materiels Available to him, By way of BF and other sources, He is not already aware? Of who it was led which Sabres raised! charges, Of the light & heavy brigades, During any sort of campaigns? Please.
  14. Who you callin' Clown? LOL, Ah, Enfant Terrible, Is there no end To your feckless renown? Here's a picture puzzle for you [... since, lazing, you ain't playin' Terif as yet, as promised] Can you? Tell me who painted the clown Depicted below? Do that within 5 minutes! From now! And I will straighten out ALL the World's Many senseless messes, INCLUDING! Whatever! It IS... that yer currently complaining ABOUT. Not sure just what that IS, But... I'll giv it the old SC College try!
  15. No problemo Senor Sombra. Thing is this... it is better, IMHO, to allow all sorts of "what-ifs" and yet... keep it within the REALM of "reasonable possiblility." Here is another portion of the report: ___________________________________________ Free French Forces at the end of 1941: UK= 1,150 Levant= 26,650 Libya= 5,200 French Equatorial Africa= 18,000 One Regiment each in Chad, Cameroons, Gabon and French Congo. Free French Forces at the end of 1942: Approximately 70,000, of which 15,000 were now in Libya fighting the Axis. ________________________________________ NOTE: From above you can see just how many "Free French" were in UK. Not too many. OK, much of the FUN of it all is in... those exceptional "variant events." :cool: You could use the Editor (...no Kuni, you don't HAVE to" LOL), and the "unit script" that is provided and precisely explained... to add a Free French Corps to arrive in Egypt perhaps? About the time it might be expected? Say, mid year 1942? Or, even earlier, to assist UK in conquest of Syria? (... though even there de Gaulle could ONLY muster 5,000 troops)
  16. Sombra, The following is a brief excerpt of a "research paper" that I prepared for Hubert awhile back. There is MUCH more, and I can elaborate, but this will give you an idea of the early disposition of "Free French" forces. As is, the 20% chance of any French forces surviving... is generous, but satisfactory. **Many other WW-2 GS games have struggled over this very question - how to fairly and historically represent the Free French... given the fact that Central Africa is not depicted on any of those game boards. Most, IMHO, didn't even do it as well as Hubert has done. Too, do you really want these exploits where French forces are moved willy-nilly around the map so they MIGHT become available to Allies? FACT is this: there was NO "Corps-sized" Free French until well into 1942, and that originated out of Central Afrika, and NOT Britain or USA or anywhere else. _________________________________________ On August 10, 1940, de Gaulle "commanded" an Army of: ~2,100 men, including 140 officers. On August 26, 1940 the French colony of CHAD (... the Capital, Fort Lamy, ever after became a sort of unofficial "base of Ops") declared loyalty to de Gaulle. Soon after (... August 29, 1940) French Equatorial Africa and the Cameroons followed suit. On October 27, 1940, de Gaulle made a speech in Brazzaville (...known as the "Brazzaville Declaration") in French controlled Congo (... west of Belgian Congo, and on the coast... part of "French West Africa), in which he "officially" set up what was later recognized as "The Free French Movement." On November 13, 1940, brigade-sized forces under de Gaulle and Leclerc captured GABON. December 2, 1940, Leclerc is appointed military commander of Fort Lamy. *Later, in March of 1941 LeClerc would gain world-wide renown and respect for the Free French cause by marching 1200 miles - from Fort Lamy on across the desert to capture Koufra, Libya from the Italians. He later joined Montgomery's forces in Tripoli. By the end of 1940, Free French controlled the following Colonies: 1) Chad, 2) French Equatorial Africa, 3) Cameroons, 4) Gabon, 5) Sudan, and 6) French Congo. Forces available for combat: Fr Equatorial Africa= 17,500 men + 15,000 native soldiers; Sudan: French Foreign Legion= ~1,000 soldiers. ___________________________________
  17. Doggone if you And jjr aren't RIGHT, JdF2, And I am plain old - WRONG! Not the first time, won't be the last, alas. Just took a quick glance at the latest Manual (... yep, I have to use it as well, so very much to try and remember in all the myriad detail!) ASSUMING the errata had already been included, Which, it turns out, Is not the case. Wonder WHY I thought it would be? Oh well. My mistake. rambo jr could indeed submerge his treacherous U-boots... @ 70% success rate! ___________________________________ And so. Mystery solved. lol. I had DL'd V 1.01 and put it in different folder than where I keep all my pertinent SC stuff... NOT over-writing the original Manual. Then, had consulted the correct folder, well, however, therein was the WRONG version of Manual. Crimeney! OK, now it is up to date. Now I am up to date. As much as I CAN be, Given my apparent inattention To ALL! These seemingly endless details! ACK! Alright, no crying in SC Cat House. I was the one out in wild blue yonder, not rambo jr. My apologies. [... second ones today... think it's time to go fall asleep reading Stephen King's latest book, "Cell"... about, well, what else? Cell phones sending eerie messages... maybe I'll wake up! With new and improved! brain cell powers?] [ April 21, 2006, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  18. Have you read, and understood the Manual? Each level of achieved ASW REDUCES the dive percentage; therefore, IF UK CA's have same level as you, your dive % does NOT increase. You start out with 25 % chance of diving successfully. Each "advanced subs" achievement increases this by 5 % Each ASW reduces this by 5% Then, whereat this 70% stuff? :confused: **Max you could get, and assuming L-0 ASW, would be: L-(5) times 5% + 25% = 50 % not wild blue yonder of 70. ______________________________ As far as attacking goes: USA & UK's CA's have sub attack and defense of 5. GErmany & Italy's subs have naval attack of 4 and naval defense of 1. So. Right from get-go you are ONE BEHIND if at L-0 for both. In default game, GErmany has L-1 "advanced subs" and so the sub attack of 5 VS the CA defense of 5 results in 1:1 ratio. You gotta GET AHEAD and STAY ahead in order to be as effective as you'd prefer it to be, true? [ April 21, 2006, 11:40 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  19. JdF2, Valid point. As it was, we were ONLY discussing tech variability. My opinion is MERELY: one of the wargame playing guys who's been around here for 4 years as of tomorrow. However, there ARE other ways, IE, via "scripting" of events and AI actions/reactions, that would add some more unpredictability. No need to shut up however; why ever? Your points about this issue or ANYTHING else are equally as good as mine, or anyone else's. I was "joshing around" with my comment about "geeks." My apologies if it sounded as though I were making fun of you, or your proposal. After all, my Son is an Engineer and I would NEVER consider him a geek. You can be blunt as need be... no doubt Hubert is interested in ANY KIND of improvements that are commonly, consistently requested. He has already proved that to be true in the past; QUITE unlikely he would change now. Be forthcoming with those areas that you feel might be "gamey" or "exploitive," as well! :cool:
  20. In a certain sense, Liam, You ALREADY have this, only, In... reverse. Investing, and succeeding, In... Infrastructure Reduces the cost of amphib & transport, Same as with over-land & sea (... for air) Op moves. Since there are fewer MPP's To play around with in SC-2, Comparatively speaking, Then, This SEEMS to work out OK? Not to say there won't be OTHER "Adjustments" made (... nor, to say - that there will) Only that you CAN now make amphib Ops More affordable. Especially relevant For USA and UK when time has arrived For larger invasion schemes?
  21. You know, There IS one way that would Make your game somewhat less antic. Simply use the Editor And place a certain number of chits In each research category. No further investments allowed, AT ALL. [... nor in Intel, if you really want to narrow the range] That way, A particular Nation Could ONLY reach a "fairly historical" Level in each area. You'd still have a little randomness, But, You would at least eliminate Those advances which were not very likely For some countries to achieve. [ April 21, 2006, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  22. Replayability is paramount Wouldn't you think? Given the number of games you'll play Over the course of a decade? Guess it really comes down to: Do you want to roll out A sweaty hand-full of dice? Or, Rely on a "predetermined set" Of very dry, continually PREDICTABLE numbers? Do you want to tangle with tremendous Amounts of strange, odd, random And astonishing! Surprises? Or, KNOW all the roads and signs, in advance? Either way can be good, Depending on what your compelling Inclination is. Seeing the new and unusual flower bloom? Or, Sitting in well-tended garden and noticing The exact same pattern, Day after day after day? Like I say, to each their own. __________________________________________ Besides, Without Lady Luck the vamp traipsing through The very orderly living-room, Then, nobody could claim They REALLY and truly lost the game! :eek: Because She has it in for them! LOL! [ April 21, 2006, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  23. A... Gathering of Geeks Some would call it, but, Not I. No, never, not I. Maybe back in the ram-rod days Of riding the BSA or Indian All over the high mesa, And through rutted flash-flood gullies, But, no, nix, not now. NO WAY! Due to the following Intractable, in factual didactum: In the next year or 2, Chinese institutes of "higher learning" Will graduate - get this! Math Cats! 650,000 Engineers! India will emit forth From geek institutes... 350,000 Engineers! Make that... total of: ONE MILLION For them Old Kingdom kind of Countries. US of A? Squabbling like 2-year olds Over useless and stupid phenomenon Like Who! Can horde the most Lucre? Which they can't take with 'em When they kick the bucket? A grand total of... 30,000 Engineers. Well, hell's bell's, I wonder who? Will be a'building Eiffel-like edifices & cheap labor Sweat shops - this next... Century? My own son is an Engineer. Hope he don't have to move in with me Anytime soon. I already raised him... the once. ____________________________________ I would say... Moonslayer & Timskorn! Since the system as is - is, IMHO, the very best one. You CAN "catch-up" fairly quickly, Given the "Law of Averages." It's why we play the games, eh? To - eventually, realize The law of averages. Who would want the SAME ravening & unraveling Of Europe, every... single... game? Or, You could assist yerself, not insignificantly, By investing in... "Intel." Like the London Werewolf's Slicked back hair, I think what we got now Is already... per-fect! :cool:
  24. Great! We need to see how a wrack & ruin naval game Would play out for the whole war. Between two - who Truly know what each naval game piece Is, Or, could be, And not to omit! Whether certain inter-linked aspects are As they should be. IE, how the all-out naval wars "Fit in" with the mostly Land-based WW-2 schematic. :cool: __________________ My uncle was in the Navy. My Old Man got carried By US Navy to all them Little atolls and volcanic rocks All over the Pacific in 'is 3 years in. Almost joined Navy myself, Instead of the Army, But not having Kennedy-kind of pull, They wouldn't promise me Any PBR... "patrol boats, river."
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