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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Maybe we should, at least, get The first patch done, Maybe another for fine-tuning A little later, AND, A couple thousand or so additional games, Solo and HvsH, Before we even BEGIN to think Of a "strategy guide?" After all, It's gonna take quite some while Until all them Severely subtle S & T are realized? Not even Terif the Myth Has got this thing figured, no, nix, nope, Not even.
  2. It's not merely about... number of ships, But, Their actual combat-ability. Some long and serious discussions About how many ships UK should have. Conclusion, and deployment was based On ACTUAL and comparative strengths. Adding a 4th CA is not out of the realm. UK Carriers were obsolete. As someone else has pointed out, They mostly had bi-planes Of the Swordfish variety. Aside from a VERY lucky hit on Bismark's Rudder, and The surprise attack on Taranto, They didn't really amount to much Over the lengthy naval wars. I think they are modeled correctly. You have done some VERY innovative "modding" Same as I have, And your ideas and implementations Are within the bounds of possible permutation. That's the whole idea, Make what you think is "truer" For... you. Great that we have been provided With this unprecedented! Editor, eh? :cool: When you get finished with yer Mod, And when some somebody Paints us a DD Flotilla/ASW unit That matches the other sprites, Well, Post up yer scenario, I myself would like to see it.
  3. fantomas, When you get a chance, And, IF you wish to answer a few questions That I have, EM to me... red65gto@yahoo()com Would appreciate it immensely.
  4. My Uncle fought all over Pacific As gladly-joined-in Navy Cat, also. When I visited him in SoCal, He taught me how to tie All sorts of sailor's knots! :cool: Comes in handy when you Intend to prevent The Spider from gettin' at His hapless moth. See, that's the thing, MOST of US Navy was in the Pacific. This has all been carefully calibrated. Some others apparently plan To create some scripting so US Navy Will actually be STRONGER On East Coast than actual Atlantic deployments. You can do the same, or, Borrow from them that want it Notso realistic. BTW, spend some of that Fort Knox Gold On GLR and ASW And then! You got 2 BB's and 2 CA's And whatever else you want to buy, As fiercely afloat Blast-em! to-shrapnel arsenals, eh?
  5. Can you "paint" JdF2? Know ennybody can Make a realistic sprite? IF you finally get a DD/ASW unit That looks good, Like it FITS in with the rest [... replacing the V-1, V-2 rockets which had X-tremely miniscule effect, for merely the one prescient Nation, in the LARGE scale war] Post it up somewheres, I'll use it too. :cool:
  6. Geez TT, And folks think I bust apart threads With 'em non sequiters? LOL. Anyway, When I did my own little stretch We didn't have no fancy lap-tops, Just some shave-tail trusty Cat Shuffling cell to cell to cell With his wobblie cart What contained, oh, 4 or 7 tattered Paperbacks, Mickey Spillane Gunnin' down the gunsels, Cuffin' 'round 'em seducin' real-men Dames, Louis L'Amour winnin' the West All by 'is own-self, stuff Like that there. No lap-tops, no nuthin' ... 'cept we did had... a fist & shiv Flying riot. THAT was treacherous, Let me tell ya TT! And, yea... a fire. They Wouldn't let us out till the German Shephards Arrived, so The Guard'd shouted: "Get down! Breathe Concrete, It's yer only hope, Dopes!" LOL! Well, There was this one... Hippie Kid, Tall and long-hair with This wild growth of Christ-like beard, Anyway, 'e Would walk up & down That narrow hall, Long way up to the paint-peeling bars, Long way back to the stinkin' latrine. Back & forth he went, Between them 40 bunks Were a couple inches apart, Mumbling: "Man, why they got me in here? All I did was piss in the alley Since the toilet was clogged, man, I don't get it, Why them Blue Meanies got me in here With all these freakin' tatoo'd Dudes?" And, As our story goes, 'e mumbled on along: "Then! the cops just happened to shine That damned squad-car spot Upon me - just! When the neon lights Brightened the alley, Man O Man, I don't get it, this is the pits!" On and on it went, until Finally, A bunch of bad-*ss punks jumped 'im And beat them frickin' hemp seeds Right the hell outta 'im. I watched. It warn't no pretty sight, None of it was, TT, THAT's fer sure. BTW? You do pro bono work Down 'er in Big D?
  7. Still... I don't get it Lars, hmmm, WHY Would you need... "blonde & buxom" Stuck in there if it's not An implication about... oh well, I'll keep on a'tryin, but I wouldn't quit my day job, just yet, I were you! Wait! You HAVE been posting mostly in the day, So, You MUST work at night, since, No boss would let you do all that, ummm, Posting and game playing ON the job... would they? OK, NOW I get it! Yer a pimp! And, A smug one at that. Imagine, a simple smug implicating pimp! Least, Having to stare at that wretchen wrothen word peng For awhile now, I've come to understand, finally, What it means, Rather, That it's - an ac-ro-nym hymn for: .... pretty, elitist, no guts ... Now, You got plenty of material! So's you can! Just like in 'em other threads, Mull it over real good And decide - O boy! "Who - rambo this time? or, what to make fun of next?" (... din't mis-spel nuthin', so's I'm safe their, whew!) (... see, THAT was the give-away, how I knew you weren't always, or only just politely ... "joking it" ) Ennybody got some 'em boxing gloves? Me and pretty boy got to go 'round! LOL! :cool:
  8. Here, this might help some of ya out: __________________________________________ Come gather 'round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You'll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin' Then you better start swimmin' Or you'll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin'. Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance won't come again And don't speak too soon For the wheel's still in spin And there's no tellin' who That it's namin'. For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they are a-changin'. Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There's a battle outside And it is ragin'. It'll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin'. Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is Rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand For the times they are a-changin'. The line it is drawn The curse it is cast The slow one now Will later be fast As the present now Will later be past The order is Rapidly fadin'. And the first one now Will later be last For the times they are a-changin'. -- Words & Music, Bob Dylan (1963) ________________________________________ Main-line, Like soporific to a hop-head, Is this: "don't criticize what you can't understand" Dig it? Gotta keep up, else You get left in the lurch, eh? LOL!
  9. Don't play the deliberate idiot LampCord. The objection was to depicting Bar-maids as purveyors of Man-destroying, or At least IRRITATING... disease. As though these low-status Sorts of women were "sex toys" at first And human-beings second, or fourth or According to some chest-beaters, never. LOL The Patriarchal Condition is safely perpetuated So long as you condone such petty villification. And, by the by, Look where all these WISE and cunning Patriarchs have gotten us? Look around, Bad Cat, What you see? Being respectful towards others Is REALLY tough, I can appreciate, But, Giver 'er a try, what say?
  10. No need to patronize, Lars, I don't need for you To "counsel" me. Now, or ever. And, ah, tra-la, I am not in the least "unsettled." Merely pointing out a sexist remark, is all. A kind of... reminder That these sorts of things are passe, eh?
  11. Hmmm... I'm sure bar-maids everywhere, Then or now, at war Or in an infrequent peace, Blonde and buxom, or Slight dark and feisty, Will appreciate the simplistic implication! IMHO, Oft-times, a dumb one with a gun, Presumes illicit liberties Where, really There should be - none.
  12. I think this is a most excellent suggestion. It's how my own favored WW-2 GS board-game did it, IE, Advanced 3rd Reich. :cool: Makes perfect, and better, Common sense, in particular in practicum. Contact with an enemy shouldn't allow You to diddy-bop on out of there As though "disengagement" were little more Than shouting out: "Pardon me, I gotta split, so hold yer fire, and don't do pursuit, if you please!" EVEN, considering the 50 mile-per-tile map; after all, a "front" is not static, but fluid and liable to a day-by-day fluctuation. IMHO, this should also be complemented By always using the "rail-heads" option, City to City, Since not all Euro Towns Had sufficient efficient Entrainment ability.
  13. Which is what happened in the real deal Norwegian invasion, true? And a naval battle between Kriegsmarine and RN then ensued up along Norwegian shores. If you take Oslo then you'd have to wait a turn before you could Op Move a unit to Trondheim. Maybe a couple or even 3 turns if the city has been reduced by Carrier which gets a fortunate "strat hit." Though, you may have landed an Airborne unit as near Trondheim as you could get... except, it may not have enough supply to move out of the mountains. Agree that it would be a kind of gamble, having the UK amphib in the water ahead of time (... recall how the SC-2 AI would do this?), ready to land IF GErmany would declare war, and Norway falls in one turn. And, declaring war and landing IF GErmany does NOT do so... entails certain Diplomatic risks, especially Sweden, which would jump 30 to 40 % toward Axis at 100% trigger. So, you might want to have a Diplo chit already placed in Sweden, or be prepared to do so post haste. Well, Sweden may then eventually join the Axis, in which case you'd best be prepared to land some more forces. Who would want to give GErmany some free troops, after all? Of course, we have to wait and see IF the amphib range has been changed for default game, and if so, by how much? Transport would probably stay the same, so... THAT means... ... all in all? Damned if I know what!
  14. It is if you want to beat the alert UK Player to that port, Lars. O/W, UK gets the 15 MPP's for holding The mine and Trondheim, While GErmany gets nothing, No matter if they hold Both Oslo and Bergen, Since the convoy has ended Once Trondheim is enemy controlled.
  15. Copenhagen to Trondheim is also 16 tiles. GErmans invaded even farther north than that, but Narvik is not on the map. Same difficulty as mentioned. Still talking 4 turns = 8 weeks. 4 AP's is just too low. Unless, All you are after is "slaughter in the water." Folks can test it out for themselves. See what happens. Report back. Since this forum is, in a real sense, ALSO a "beta forum." One of 3, now. TK, you and Edwin P Are doing brilliant work In that 3rd Dimension, I have nothing But utmost respect For all your dedication. Many gamers will, one day, finally, And, REALLY come to appreciate what you are NOW In process of doing. Cool shades, babe! :cool:
  16. One problem with the 4 AP's for GErman amphibs. Invasion of Norway. At 4 tiles per, it would take 4 turns to reach Trondheim. In game terms, that's 4 times 2 weeks (... assuming late Spring/Summer time Ops, and one week for each side) = 8 weeks, or 2 MONTHS to get the troops from Kiel to southern most landing area. First patch will provide a pretty good compromise between what was possible... and that which allows the '39 Campaign Game to remain within acceptable parameters, IE, Given that - in ANY WW-2 GS Game, board or computerized, there HAS to be some certain abstractions in the many strictly tactical areas. In general, I notice that very many are asking for: a large-scale game to be small-scale in those particular areas that they most especially like to play around in. That is alright, but at some point, we have to accept "best possible solution" as opposed to... an impossibly achieved perfection. The "amphib question" WILL BE solved. As with all else, it's only a matter of time.
  17. As you prefer. 2 Million different experiences, 2 Million differing opinions. Fine. Now, we can learn to love "PRE-EMPTIVE wars" too. What fun it can be When yer Government is run amok, Going on... 50 years now. Yippee.
  18. Sure it is Lars. "Not talking to someone" Is hardly the same as "spitting on" Or calling those of us who went, "Baby Killers." Big difference, And I personally have NEVER seen ANY proof Of it. Nowhere. Unless, as I say, it was done By Government Agents Acting as provacateurs, As they are doing NOW As we speak. Maybe you have proofs, and if so, Let's see it. Well, That unecessary war, same as this one, Won't be solved here. Fat-jowled old men Who are also, and often war-profiteers, Who mostly (... see my other post RE: who served and who did not) Haven't put their OWN life on the line, Are the instigators Of these UNDECLARED wars. [... re-read yer Thomas Aquinas on... "justified war] If your uncle's wife was opposed to that debacle, Then, I'd say... she wasn't screwy, But doing her patriotic duty.
  19. You can rip rap With the best of 'em jjr, I gotta giv ya that. :cool: (... now, if you'd only give over the lunatic "talking points," and actually go about the terrible hard work of creation, well, I'll read the Idaho book, I'll even PAY for it, LOL!)
  20. Like that there Bruce Springsteen sings it out, How he wails the rip-bop and flip top blues, "Born in the USA" babe, Born in the US of A. Volunteered US ARMY 19 and 66. Did my thing. No regrets. So, Consequently, I say what I please, Don't need no - Mass (re)Education, Don't need no - Thought Control, Don't need no - sly Patronization, All I needs, babe - a heart and a soul. LOL!
  21. Pretty apparent, SO, Communism would have died ALL BY ITSELF. Nobody can live like that, didn't you know? LOL! If there is any credit due, for the demise, Should mostly go to... Lech Walensa and Gorbachev. You can't rule the world with hi-tech weapons, You never could. Never will. It's all about... "the little guy" Getting his due. His labor worth something. Not living off of it By playing games on Wall Street, His very "sweat" I mean. Enough to eat, Decent health care, Air you can breathe without a mask, Water you don't have to boil first, Roof over yer head. WHOEVER does that, succeeds, As a group. Needn't be a Nation, Nor... a Government. Need only be... common cause. :cool:
  22. Never heard tell of it, Don't know of anybody who did. Spitting on soldiers neither, LOL! What a spurious crock of sh*t. Do believe this falls under category of: Urban Myth. Either that, or, IF something had happened Such as this... to ONE or even several Returning vets, Most likely done by one of the MANY Agent Provocateurs Who had infiltrated "the Movement," As in... anti-war movement, You can dig it? My understanding was that the various LEGITIMATE anti-war groups (... just as those groups are necessary and, protected by First Amendment - NOW) Had, oh, on the order of 40-50% Government agents in the midst Of each group. Get it now? Celluloid Hero? Quit perpetuating LIES, Quit talking about things You know LESS THAN NOTHING about; That would be a beginning Toward understanding HOW we got into that mess To start with. How we seem to get into continual messes Of late, say, like manipulative Cold War bullsh*t. How the Government LIES to us. One thing you could do, for instance, Read General Dwigt D Eisenhower's Final Address to the Nation Before he handed power to JFK, RE: Dangers of the Military Industrial Complex.
  23. SM, And I respect both of your opinions as well. I have lived it out awhile now, and here is how I would say it, as metaphor: There is this large puzzle, One of those with, To keep it within ordinary, understandable Bounds, say... 1000 pieces. You spread it all out on the floor, or table, And TRY to put some thing together. WHEN! You are not playing SC-2 Blitzkrieg But of course! :cool: In this my many good and bad years, I have managed to fit together TWO of those pieces. Not bad for a start, And probably won't finish it Before I kick the bucket, And that's alright, So long as I am trying, As both of you - are trying. FWIW, I do hold some "conservative" (... but, NOT Republican/Libertarian) Points of view. Several in fact. Well, truth to tell, MORE than several, though No need to go into such as that, now, But, I am looking for something that does not exist. As of yet. Though, As JJ, has mentioned, it did once, And some other times we surely don't Know anything about. Gotta... go with the flow, Keep on keepin' on, Have some fun and play the great games, I always say. :cool:
  24. JJ, I can read, I KNOW what YOU have said. [... you are more diplomatic than I, thanks be, as we NEED "Philosopher Kings" NOW more than ever :cool: ] I have to say that I agree with you, oh, On the order of 95%. I also know what SM, Has STATED, Which are yer typical right-of-spectrum "Talking points." RE: Strict interpretation of Constitution, IE, keep the world-view of 18th Century, Or, reduced Government and taxes, Or, getting rid of "social services" BUT, Keeping Corporate Welfare and benefits For those who are. By sheerest accident blessed With some advantage, Physically, or due to cleverness, Cunning and conceit. (... those not like that should - eat it? LOL!) Etc, etc, ad nauseum. No problem. USA is a big place with many And varied opinions & factions, And I can handle that. I just utterly disagree with The "right-leaning" agenda, is all. Wouldn't want the world at large To THINK that the majority Americans Are duped by this "Me-first-and-screw-who-else" Libertarian, or pseudo-Republican (... last REAL Republican was Teddy Roosevelt, then, oh, all the way back to Abe Lincoln) And pseudo-Christian (... guess they don't like CERTAIN parts of the Bible, like "Sermon on the Mount" for instance, LOL!) Or this silly attempt to indoctrinate An... "Individualist Myth"... bullsh*t. Yep, The tide is turning, The day of... the fee-fie frothing jackals Nears a necessary end. ***[... VERY curious to me, as a Vet, how awful many of these bravado kin NEVER served, or, did the "Bush thing" and sort-of served in the... "Saloon Brigade" LOL!] No longer do most of us who approve Of - BETTER Life... for - ALL, Merely sit back and let the avaricious Do as they please. Nope, no, nix, forget it, not a chance. And, IMHO, none too soon. :cool: ______________________________________________ ***Should be REQUIRED reading for all of America's youth, IMO. >>>RELEVANT MILITARY SERVICE RECORDS >>> >>>DEMOCRATS: >>> >>>Richard Gephardt: Air National Guard, 1965-71. >>>David Bonior: Staff Sgt., Air Force 1968-72. >>>Tom Daschle: 1st Lt., Air Force SAC 1969-72. >>>Al Gore: served in Vietnam Jan. (Journalist in army 20th Engineer >>>Brigade). >>>Bob Kerrey: Lt. j.g. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam. >>>Daniel Inouye: Army 1943-47; Medal of Honor, WWII. >>>John Kerry: Lt., Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V, >>>Purple Hearts. >>>Charles Rangel: Staff Sgt., Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea. >>>Max Cleland (former Congressman): Captain, Army 1965-68; Silver Star & >>>Bronze Star, Vietnam. Paraplegic from war injuries. >>>Ted Kennedy: Army, 1951-53. >>>Tom Harkin: Lt., Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74. >>>Jack Reed: Army Ranger, 1971-1979; Captain, Army Reserve 1979-91. >>>Fritz Hollings: Army officer in WWII; Bronze Star and seven campaign >>>ribbons. >>>Leonard Boswell: Lt. Col., Army 1956-76; Vietnam, DFCs, Bronze Stars,and >>>Soldier's Medal. >>>Pete Peterson: Air Force Captain, POW. Purple Heart, Silver Star and >>>Legion of Merit. >>>Mike Thompson: Staff sergeant, 173rd Airborne, Purple Heart. >>>Bill McBride: Candidate for Fla. Governor. Marine in Vietnam; Bronze Star >>>with Combat V. >>>Gray Davis: Army Captain in Vietnam, Bronze Star. >>>Pete Stark: Air Force 1955-57 >>>Chuck Robb: Vietnam >>>Howell Heflin: Silver Star >>>George McGovern: Silver Star & DFC during WWII. >>>Bill Clinton: Did not serve. (Student deferments, high draft lotter >>>number--#311). >>>Jimmy Carter: Seven years in the Navy (submarines). >>>Walter Mondale: Army 1951-1953 >>>John Glenn: WWII and Korea; six DFCs and AirMedal with 18 Clusters. >>>Tom Lantos: Served in Hungarian underground in WWII. Saved by Raoul >>>Wallenberg. >>> >>>REPUBLICANS (these are the guys sending people to war) >>>Dick Cheney: did not serve. Several deferments, the last by marriage. >>>Dennis Hastert: did not serve. >>>Tom Delay: did not serve. >>>Roy Blunt: did not serve. >>>Bill Frist: did not serve. >>>Mitch McConnell: did not serve. >>>Rick Santorum: did not serve. >>>Trent Lott: did not serve. >>>John Ashcroft: did not serve. Seven deferments to teach business. >>>Jeb Bush: did not serve. >>>Karl Rove: did not serve. >>>Saxby Chambliss, the man who attacked Max Cleland's patriotism: did not >>>serve ("Bad knee.") >>>Paul Wolfowitz: did not serve. >>>Vin Weber: did not serve. >>>Richard Perle: did not serve. >>>Douglas Feith: did not serve. >>>Eliot Abrams: did not serve. >>>Richard Shelby: did not serve. >>>Jon Kyl: did not serve. >>>Tim Hutchison: did not serve. >>>Christopher Cox: did not serve. >>>Newt Gingrich: did not serve. >>>Don Rumsfeld: served in Navy (1954-57) as flight instructor. >>>George W. Bush: failed to complete his six-year National Guard; got >>>assigned to Alabama so he could campaign for family friend running for >>>U.S. Senate. >>>Ronald Reagan: did not serve (Poor eyesight). >>>B-1 Bob Dornan: Enlisted after fighting was over in Korea. >>>Phil Gramm: did not serve. >>>John McCain: Vietnam POW, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, >>>Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross. >>>Dana Rohrabacher: did not serve. >>>John M. McHugh: did not serve. >>>JC Watts: did not serve. >>>Jack Kemp: did not serve ("Knee problem) " but played quarterback for 8 >>>years in NFL. >>>Dan Quayle: seved in Indiana National Guard (Journalism unit). >>>Rudy Giuliani: did not serve. >>>George Pataki: did not serve. >>>Spencer Abraham: did not serve. >>>John Engler: did not serve. >>>Lindsey Graham: National Guard lawyer. >>>Arnold Schwarzenegger: AWOL from Austrian army base. >>> >>>PUNDITS and PREACHERS: >>>Sean Hannity: did not serve. >>>Rush Limbaugh: did not serve (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst.') >>>Bill O'Reilly: did not serve. >>>Michael Savage: did not serve. >>>George Will: did not serve. >>>Chris Matthews: did not serve. >>>Paul Gigot: did not serve. >>>Bill Bennett: did not serve. >>>Pat Buchanan: did not serve. >>>John Wayne: did not serve. >>>Bill Kristol: did not serve. >>>Kenneth Starr: did not serve. >>>Antonin Scalia: did not serve. >>>Clarence Thomas: did not serve. >>>Ralph Reed: did not serve. >>>Michael Medved: did not serve. >>>Charlie Daniels: did not serve. >>>Ted Nugent: did not serve. (He only shoots at things that don't shoot >>>back.) [ May 07, 2006, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  25. Well, I've been voting since 1968 (... actively supported Robert Kennedy, and would gladly do so again, even! were he returned as a ghost :cool: ) In Federal, State and local Elections, and At times some would have called me "An outside agitator," That's perfectly alright, I don't mind in the least. But, If this Ticket was presented as a choice, I guess... I'd have to vote For the other guys, Though, Actually, it turns out, them others Are - one and the SAME As what we got to start with! Funny! How that works! Sure, let's get rid of.... Social Security! Yippee! Let's have another 10-20 million homeless folks! Hey Hooray! People who are old, People who are sick or disabled, People who worked hard their whole life And now the Mega-Corporations Are defaulting on promised pension plans, And no health insurance available For them dumb dudes, down and out, The ones trying to make it on minimum wage Which is not hardly enough to pay rent On some meta-ghetto hovel, Why don't we just eliminate? The lesser, The freaks, The lepers, The natural-born - not-so-smart, The not-so real relentless, And while were at it, Sure, lets assassinate the Weak! LOLOL, USA already has the worst Social Services of ANY modern Industrialized nation. Let's make it even worse! LOLOLOL! Ah, God help us, it may be the ONLY hope We got left. Maybe we leave these old and infirm To the generous devise Of... some Church? Although, Come to think on it, How did ANY Church, or ANY Corporation, Solve... the Great Depression? Yeah! We can get rid of ALL government And have... a survival-of-fittest Jungle-land, Disney-esque adventure! once again. Wouldn't that be very! merry and fun!
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