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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Coming Soon! To a Theatre near us! The Killer Thrilla in Godzilla-like 3-D, Big screen, surround-sound Techno-havoc Wreaked @ break neck speeds! Should be a sight to see! :cool: Idaho Hun Kommandant VS The Myth that is Terif! When is that on agenda, BTW? This coming Saturday? Bring it, cracking alley-can Cats, Bring it!
  2. As a general rule, I would suppose that the Allied Player MUST assume that the Axis WILL attempt a Wolf-Pack tactic. UK probably should invest in ASW right from the start. If Axis does NOT opt for attacking the convoy lanes, then no need to spend vital MPP's to upgrade UNTIL such time as they do, if ever. Likely not until 2 French Cruisers cannot take losses instead of the RN. **ALSO: there is more than just the ONE way to counter them treacherous U-boots. (Naval) Bombers, with L/R Air tech. USA will get a (Naval) Bomber off the production queue in plenty of time to deflect some intended sub raids on American Atlantic Fleet. Wouldn't hurt for USA to also invest in ASW neither. Why ever PRESUME that your opponent is NOT going to go all out with a potentially VERY powerful weapon, the U-boots? :confused: IF the Lend Lease Route is being mercilessly obliterated, well, just temporarily reduce or cease sending treasure altogether... until such time as some "counter-measures" have been established. I'm sure USA can find some use for the saved MPP's? ______________________________ Anecdotal Report: In two separate TCP games I had invested 2 chits in "advanced subs" and did NOT get even the first of them until late 1942 in one case, and mid 1943 in the other. Rambo Jr got lucky here; won't always be the case, due to sheer vicissitudes of "good & bad" fortune. It all evens out over the course of many games, true? :cool: [ April 20, 2006, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  3. Yep, out the front door, As I've got some Docs to consult, not That it will help Even one miniscule bit, Given their "corporate" tendency To hand me a bunch of BS! :eek: Well, who knows what will come of this, Though, truth to tell, I very often enjoy Playing "devil's advocate." With Hubert you just never ever know! Now, there's a Cat can spring! Some mighty fine surprises! :cool:
  4. But... THEN you wouldn't be able to counter your opponent's moves, would you? Example: I am playing Allies, and you are Axis. I have invested 2 chits, costing me 150 MPP's (... since the country in question LEANS towards the other side) In, let's say - Sweden, So that I might "turn them" to my way Of geo-political thinking, And thereby END that iron ore convoy. So, You WANT TO KNOW? That I've done that bit of duplicity? Right away? Wouldn't it be better to check - now and then, To see if your relations with Sweden Are still solid and good? WHEN you notice, geez, how did they SUDDENLY Get over to Allies way of thinking! :eek: Isn't that better than: Not knowing UNTIL Sweden "activates" as Allied partner? Thing is, you won't know HOW MANY chits I've put in there, So it's an interesting game Of "cat & mouse" Where you cannot be SURE Of... precisely what I've done. Will your ONE "counter-chit" be sufficient? You'd have to keep an eye out To make sure. Different kind of design Rather than a poor one, IMHO.
  5. Yep, There was that LINK Edwin, Plain as day, Staring me right in the face, LOL! Here's one more for you, Gotta have some old time Baseball in there! ___________________________________ ; Joe DiMaggio's Record Setting Hitting Streak { #NAME= Joe DiMaggio's Hitting Streak Ends After 56 Straight Games #POPUP= CLEVELAND (API) Joltin' Joe DiMaggio's Hitting Streak Ends After 56 Straight Games #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 100 #DATE= 1941/07/17 } ___________________________________ Trigger is 100 in this case, Since I never tire of seeing that one. :cool:
  6. Lars, I respect that fact that you, and Many others would prefer Something akin to what you've proposed. That's cool. :cool: To specifically answer your question: I would guess That MOST players will NOT check every turn, But, Casually, occasionally. Then! They might be astonished to learn :eek: That, for one instance, Spain is now 5% ALLIED! All of a sudden it was! That VERY rare "big bounce" that would only occur so infrequently, that MOST players just won't worry over it. Many pressing concerns all over the map! Well, At least we can agree that dis-agreeing Can be... agreeable?
  7. Well, In the interest of having an open discussion, So that ALL points of view Might be considered IF you do NOT have the element of "surprise!" What worth? Do you really suppose that EVERY single Diplomatic "deal" made behind closed doors Would be completely, and! immediately KNOWN To every other Nation on Earth? Practically speaking: IF you "automatically" realize that the Opponent is "secretly enticing" some neutral Nation, as with proposed "pop-up," THEN... presto! You may, or may not... quickly "counter" your opponent's effort, true? What worth, I say again, unless there is some element of surprise? Every game would finally result in being very nearly the SAME, wouldn't it? Who would even use it, if they knew that - no matter what they would try to do, the other side would ALWAYS be aware of it? Sure, it would also depend on "chance" since there is built-in variance, But, IMHO, it is better when you can conduct your Diplomacy in secret, as it was in actual war-times? Wasn't it? Was GErman Intel - ALWAYS aware of what EXACT pressure, and/or enticement Britian was applying to Sweden, or Spain, for instance? I seriously doubt that. Perhaps more a case of... rumor. Or, speculation. Or, wishful thinking even. Thus, as is, you have to watch - only OCCASIONALLY. When I said 90 seconds, that was for the WHOLE game and not EACH turn, BTW. I guess I just don't get it. :confused: Why the Spy VS Spy Diplo-Game cannot be an integral, and very dynamic part of the over-all Strategy? :confused:
  8. EP, I like all of these, very original And, really add (... to me) immense "flavor" To game play. How many more of these do you have? I wouldn't mind having your ENTIRE list, Could you provide?
  9. Interesting map changes and OOB's, Honch. I've made some of the same Ones as you have done. :cool: I'd be curious to know How did the game turn out? Balanced? And if so, Could you elaborate a little more On what CHANGES you made In the Editor? Also, and if you are able to do so, Could you post up a screen-shot Say, From France to Poland, England to Italy?
  10. Couldn't agree more, In goes my (... forward-worn) ball-cap. Cloak & dagger. Spy VS Spy. I think in my last TCP game I spent all of... maybe 90 seconds checking on Diplomatic actions. It's just not that onerous to keep track.
  11. Well, this is pretty awful Eerie if you ask me. Yer not so much a mere man, Who's been gone - God could only Know where at, As you SEEM to be Prognostication SC Cat! :eek:
  12. LOL, ah, hellraiser, Seems as tho its true, You put up one helluva fight No matter what! Kind of costume yer opponent Might be wearing, and Scaring 'em little kids :eek: Witless with, eh? BTW, next time you take on Terif the Myth, Be sure to bring plenty Of... Mobile Artillery, And Doom Guns too!
  13. And so, not Kafka's K, You are determined to perpetuate The idyl Idol dreams Of the Ancien Regime, eh? It's another day. A TOTALLY different game. My best guess? Somebody who NOBODY has ever even heard of! Will... rise right up, Break on through. Not to mention, Some weren't as competitive In the distant past, Could suddenly appear As though from out of the blue? I would hold off on announcing who Is, or, will be! Top Cat. :cool: That way, you won't have to retract Your inaccurate predictions Later. Can't wait for that first North America VS Euro's Match-play. [... is rambo jr still wearing the Captain hat?] I suspect there will indeed be Some definite re-arranging of How the Old Guard is ordered.
  14. Benelux had no ability to muster Corps sized troops in any of its colonies; Japanese soon put an end to whatever meagre Navy yet existed. France became Vichy, and Marshal Petain agreed to remain on the sidelines, cheering for the Winner, whomever that might be. England? Well, What might they eventually gain? From the following Nations: 1) Australia 2) New Zealand 3) India 4) South Afrika 5) Free French, based in Central Africa The "Commonwealth" or "British Empire" had multiple resources to extract, men and materials. Since the "geographical center" of the Empire cannot be placed exactly, let's say, nearer to Burma or Singapore, due to map restrictions, Then it has to be located on map, so that potential Empire power might be realized. Egypt.
  15. Truth is, none of us Testers knows Very much more than you do About what might be coming next, And ONLY Hubert will be answering These sorts of questions, IE, ANY possible changes to game features, From here on out. Which is how it should be. In mid to late 1941? You are going to extract ENOUGH units From the Eastern Front? What has Russia been doing all this while? Perhaps? Building a human WAVE That would at first trickle, Then FLOOD through all yer Thinned out pickets? UK is building MANY units right from The get-go, I would imagine? IF no See Lowe, THEN these are diligently escorted To a theatre near you, Or North AFrika maybe. You've got yer ASW installed by now, What trouble a Wolf-Pack or 2? Not obsolete,IMHO, but instead, Carefully deployed, and protected, And BTW? WHEN does Bismark arrive? Surely not QUITE in time? Can it even break out Of the (... potential) blockade? What of weather, you only Have a limited time-frame In which to carry out amphib invasions With best possible chances of success. And small GErman Navy will escape ALL this mayhem - unscathed? Some of that Navy will be needed To knock out the Russian CA's? Ah, OK, The FUN is in the quest, The grand adventure, and so, Proof will be in GrossMutter's Pudding, ya? :cool: [ April 18, 2006, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  16. Far be it for me to debate The undisputed #1 SC Game Player, but, Since I have kleine free time, What the heck! How many? I mean, how many amphibs can sail From Bordeaux and Kiel? Enough? To make the CRITICAL difference? You wouldn't have them roaming around Like long lost souls, or, That ragged Albatross that followed The Ghost Ship? Everywhere it went! Would you? A few sturdy, stationary ships, Protected by the fighter, Might just do it? I don't know, maybe in that soon! Coming attraction: Terif VS rambo jr, We would discover some other Not-yet-wrangled... intangibles? Well, They actually COULD, and there would be A small chance of hitting the target In addition to the Port, But, Why do that? Just hit the amphibs which HAVE TO BE In the sea tiles surrounding the port. Unless you are sending only the one At a time? You wouldn't block ALL possible landing sites, You'd likely merely be in A very carefully selected position Which would give you BEST possible access To ENOUGH of the amphibs To create certain harm & havoc And disturbance of them Well laid plans. Granted: attack ratio is 2 : 2 And since ships cost more than AF's, Even a tie would go to the attacking Nations Air Fleet. However, IF your whole Nation is at risk, Well, You gladly - take a few hits, And make those up later when USA Is sending all that Lend Lease MPP's. A 2:2 attack on RN is likely NOT Going to impair their ability to deflect Some amphibs... though Would it be enough? I guess... we'll see come Saturday? Was it? Then the Ramblin' Man can contest Your... DEFINITE Sea Lion??? You are going to SURELY attempt This, terif?? Hmmmm... should be interesting to see, Can't wait! [ April 18, 2006, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  17. LC, By this time of the game, I would think that Axis Would have L/R air tech advances? Therefore, Extended strike range. And a few naval bombers, Precisely placed, And protected by Fairly experienced escorts? And could first spot, Then attack! Amphibs that are waiting to head On over to French coast? I don't know, Maybe not, Maybe only some lurking, And advanced U-boots, well, Just wondering.
  18. You have a bomber at start in Britain, Spotting = 5. You have a fighter at start, Spotting = 4. Would you not KNOW, During the critical time Of go, or NO go, IF GErmany had amphibious forces In and around (... they cannot all be in port) BOTH Brest and Antwerp? At this point, Kriegsmarine is limited In what it might do. In terms of amphib protection, yes? RN would yet have superiority, EVEN if some are sent to assist Med Fleet (... though, that could be left until later, perhaps?) Amphibs arriving from Bordeaux Or Kiel, Could not be spotted, UNLESS Occasional "ship sorties" Were undertaken. [... or, some quick success with research into Long Range Air? Well, that is not vital, yet ] OK, GErmany has some Air Fleets. Yet, They are NO LONGER "naval bombers" And so, Cannot really inflict much damage. You need to purchase GErman bomber for that, And, Given the 8-month wait on build queue, AND other pressing needs, Would you be able to effectively Bother the RN? As it forms and re-forms A kind of "metal umbrella" Around the vulnerable Landing sites? What Diff, Terif, IF a couple amphibs DO land? UP goes the War Entry % for USA And USSR! Will you risk an expensive HQ On initial landing? If not, say, It arrives 2nd turn when "Coast is clear" So to speak, Hasn't UK - then Been forewarned? Well, I'd agree with Blash Man, That What we NOW have Is better than what we used to have, Mainly due to X-treme Vulnerability of amphibs just sitting Around waiting to be annihilated, OR, Moving Corps around to BLOCK each Landing spot. :eek: Anyway, Good to discuss and wrangle out ALL possible strategems, eh? :cool: [ April 18, 2006, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  19. Hey thanks! Wasn't necessary, but Just - terrific, Terif, All the same. Hope there are MANY more AAR's to come. :cool: Hmmmm... last time Anybody dedicated anything to me Was when my high-school girl-friend Called in to a late nite radio show And sent along some personal song, "Love Potion #9" I think it was? ________________________________ Anyway, REALLY great to have you guys Do this, It truly helps us to sort out Some of those items That might need attention, and A little more adjustment. And, Some of the folks Who haven't played as much, or, Also those such as I, who Could ALWAYS use some more sly devise, Can learn a LOT about the game, Gradually, In great fun, While YOU also are learning. Great AAR's, From everybody! Keep on keeping on! :cool:
  20. Kai Yai, Hip Hooray! THIS should be interesting to see, Soon! If not today! :cool:
  21. Couldn't agree more, ESPECIALLY For those that really like to raid And conquer and finally, parade. Hard to then switch-over And become the Zen Warrior, Content with apparently ephemeral Accomplishment. _________________________________ Incidentally, and consequent of nothing At all, IE, a bit O/T, When I lived in GErmany Those 4 years, I really enjoyed Cologne in the rain, How it made that brilliant Cathedral there Seem as if It had been constructed by ancient gods, Determined to show HOW A thing of lasting beauty MIGHT inspire and, infuse The casual observer With an... ever-lasting inner-fire. The kind... can NEVER... be kicked Into dying embers. :cool: [ April 17, 2006, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  22. Speaking historically, And once Fleigerkorps X had utterly DECIMATED That little mid Med island, So much so that there were barely More than a fist-full Of kite-like bi-planes Able to defend, Churchill himself gave VERY serious consideration To just... abandoning the place. Politics probably finally put that to rest. IE, IF he would so easily abandon The courageous population there, Where else? Might he also fall aside so easily? What OTHER out-post Would then have LESS resolve? Who else would THEN doubt the back-bone In the far-flung Empire, Upon which the sun never sets? The GErmans opted for Crete. Closer to eastern Med fleets And perhaps, if lucky, In & out-bound transports, Not to mention, Keeping UK bombers Out of range of the Ploesti oil-fields. In the process, they lost FSJ For duration, essentially, Which was a major defeat, Snatched from other potential victories, IMHO.
  23. Meanwhile, The Royal Navy, Reinforced, and WITH "upgraded" Carriers, Is doing what, exactly? All depends on WHERE you are at In the course of the war, And WHEN you apply "counter-measures." Also, WHO got what tech advances and when, Presuming the Wily Foe had anticipated Such a predictable? Assault on Malta. How many AF's - which NOW do not have Abilities as "naval bombers" **(... did you purchase your own naval bomber in time to lend support, or, could you not even afford it, given requirement for sufficient armor?) Any longer, Would you reckon you'd need? And if they spend inordinate amounts Of valuable time - in Sicily, TRYING this gambit, Where else are they - not? Vis a Vis the UK Bomber? Or, better deployed assisting ground pounders Slogging through mountains Of Balkan region Which may or may not be inundated With mud and rain and snow? So much to do, So little time, Not as many MPP's. Maybe you could pull this off, Maybe not. SO-o-o-o many possiblities! :cool: Which is WHY I would want to see Green Man Versus Whoever is determined #2, or #3, or #4 world-class player, In that suggested TCP game. [ April 17, 2006, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  24. And so. Two powerful players right here on hand, Ready, set - to go! How about? Public AAR, played TCP? Terif ... as Allies. jon_j_rambo ... as Axis. Let's see IF The Allies have a chance, As a few have said they - do not, Or not. I for one would surely enjoy Seeing this pure power encounter. Plus, we'd ALL learn a lot. :cool:
  25. Appreciated. And, Thanks for the comprehensive compilation.
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