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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. It IS true, Liam, RE: EVERY single thing in this World. The luck of the draw; Whether that be beauty, Or brains, Or who has been GIFTED With pluck and brawn. Games reflect that, Since humans prefer Their leisure hours Would match how it IS out there, IE, Red tooth and snaggled claw, Broken will and a Soul in awe.
  2. Well I'll be doggoned. If this doesn't match what I said in the "darkness & light" thread almost identically. So yippee, there you go. It's been said... twice. One from Anglophile source, one from French files. It's a miracle - these 2 ancient civilizations agree on something!
  3. The game will be balanced, 50/50 As Hubert has ALSO deemed desirable. :cool: It's only a matter of... time. Time time time time time. You only got just so much, You gotta have some FUN In this ol' fast-cindering world, Then, sooner Than you might NOW Suppose... you are like Pink Floyd Singing 'at fat old Cat kicker: "Waiting for the Worms... "
  4. No, HR, It would be X-tremely tedious, To say the least. We keep addin' ALL these kinda things, Next thing you know You gots Some ruthlessly stupid And gruesome miasma, As with... HoI. :eek:
  5. Couldn't agree more. Thanks again, TK, For all the VERY tedious, though, Surely enjoyable WORK (... as opposed to jerking some jungle-wise Cats around) You have done thus far. Looking forward to your new iterations Once the patch arrives, Very soon - so sayeth Lars.
  6. Youse applyin' 'at cradle-to-crib Slum street grokk, why, How very... fly! Now, if only them there Theocratic political party members Wouldst talk More akin To the One what walks in the Garden Without actually imprinting the ground, well, There you go Harp Cat! You gots - RE-SOUNDING... fly. :cool:
  7. Exegesis, As is appropriate, given Recent discussions, and How very wrong most assumptions are, Going all the way back To Thucydides, The Golden Age Historian. It is NOT what you can see, Or read, literally, Nor what you can - ken Using merely yer 5 circumscribed senses. In above story/joke, There are things that are NOT there, Much like in the story, The Hound of the Baskervilles. 1) The son very likely has the same falling over hair as the Father, and yet, what's missing is what's vital... the mustache. Neatly and completely separating Father from son, maturity wise; however You might "6th sense" that there IS one, Even if caused by the Son drinking A glass of milk. 2) Freud has been mentioned, as a figure of disgust. Freudian "psychoanalytic theory" might suggest, for those inclined to speculate in such existential dynamics, that the Son harbors a deeply secreted desire to... kill the Father. Therefore: First bang! The ineffectual and "lazy" Father in his easy chair has taken his best shot at resented Mother figure and... missed. Second bang! The Mother with the "iron hand" does not. Which is WHY the Son shouted it out! Father is over and done with, la, NOW I have Mother all to myself. 3) The little Beast BELONGS in a Zoo. Yet, it is the Zoo-keeper who MUST come for him, since, as with all "good GErmans" (... and "good Americans" of these times) the 2 parents abnegate responsibility, PRETENDING That the "little Monster" deserves merely to face the 2 walls - colliding. They even let him draw out his subconscious wishes. How kind. And yet, KEY to the whole shebang: The Zoo-Keeper will not come. Nobody will. The Child is grown, The Wish is fulfilled. Terribly so, And now, All... "not-Mothers," are to be assaulted. Well, That's how some "writing" works. As Hemingway once said in Paris Review, Edited by George Plimpton, "You mistake my simple-seeming writing, You are ONLY seeing, since that is ALL You have been taught to look for, The tip of the Iceberg." Tra la, I have paraphrased. Historians lie, usually not deliberately. Historians make crucial mistakes, Also not usually on purpose. EVERYTHING I read or hear, every single Item of "WW-2 History," well, Pardon, it's only me, But I don't believe it. Literally. Jokes and Myth - now therein You'll ALWAYS find The acorn that becomes The mighty Oak tree. You just... gotta find it. _____________________________________ **BTW, NOBODY has to read this, though, I suspect one or two out there May take something very small, That they need. Which took me ~ 40 years to learn. Either way, Read it, don't read it, Say la vie, fine by me, The World, A Forum, Does not exist on "nuts & bolts" alone. LOLOL! (... musing... this would be a good last post) [ May 17, 2006, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  8. IMO, it wasn't HALF finished, But MOSTLY finished. To name just two obvious recent examples: HOI and CIV 3 & 4 Had, I'd bet the ranch, MANY coders and testers, And what was their wonderful result? Who doesn't know how to "patch" a game? If they don't, they ask. Very many will rush to answer. IF the game is released to retail, You can be assured it will be finalized So that those who REALLY Don't buy over the net WILL have the completed game. Hotseat - it's a VERY good method to learn How better to play, though, HvsH or PBEM is the best way. Just a guess, But you are reacting to a "general trend" In the PC game niche industry, And not necessarily THAT unhappy with This particular one? After all, You have an unprecedented Editor, Which MOST don't have, And very best of all, You have a Game Designer Who will not quit! Until he feels the game Is how it should be. What more do you want? :confused:
  9. You've been shouting this for some time now. How about giving it a rest. In Potter's Field, where it belongs. I have aleady STATED, On MORE than one occasion, That 100's of excellent players (... MOST, we don't know about since they never talk much, like 'em Cowboys and Knights of Olde) Are absolutely REQUIRED in order to find ALL The various "niggling bugs" and Those IMMENSE numbers of possible Stratagems, gamey or otherwise, Finely realized. :cool: Ain't that enough? Or, need we continue to debase the efforts [..."good intentions don't mean good results"] Of those who have spent, in 2 cases Anyway, two YEARS trying To help Hubert - the LONE Coder, Get the game out - RIGHT NOW! As it was wished for. And so, it's here. Let the most X-cellent Players **(... and yes HR, I agree that these DO exist, and I doubt that I personally could climb the ladder all that far, though, who knows? Unless you would try, eh? Perhaps, one fine Robin-warbling day, I so do. ) Continue to test the hell out of it, It's what is... REQUIRED. Everything... Jake? [ May 17, 2006, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  10. Some more material from the researched report, Cheese Panzer, Which, As we might suspect, Is ONLY as good as the one what'd done The time-consuming preparation, And ipso So, Take it for what it's perceived to be Worth: _________________________________________________ Free French Forces at the end of 1943: 4 FF Divisions in Italy + 3 Moroccan Divisions and 1 Algerian Division also there. By the end of the war, 100,000 Free French Forces would have fought in Italy. In North Africa, a total of 3 Infantry and 4 Armor Divisons. Free French Forces at the end of 1944: Alsace - 6 Infantry and 3 Armor Divisions (... de Lattre); Alps - 1 Inf Div; Atlantic - 1 Inf Division. At the time of D-Day, FF Forces numbered ~ 400,000. At the end of the war, roughly 550,000 men (... some place this figure at closer to one million; however, it must be recognized that half, more or less, of these were "jubilant joiners" who were not soldiers in the strict sense; rather, more akin to "rear echelon... happy helpers" Much of this late volunteerism was meant to show patriotism, IE, I was NOT a collaborator). The FF sent 8 divisions into GErmany in 1945. More details of combat by "the Fighting French:" On August 23, 1944 a FF Armored Division was 30 miles to SW of Paris; August 25, 1944 the "2nd French Armored Division" commanded by General Leclerc entered Paris, The day before, August 24, the Allies "preferred" commander, General Bilotte, entered Paris with a mechanized force. However, this typical attempt to keep de Gaulle "out of the lime-light" failed, for one good and simple reason... de Gaulle had landed in Normandy - first time back in France since defeat... on June 17, 1944, and eventually made his way to Paris on August 25th. He went to the Arch d' Triomphe and Notre Dame Cathedral and was greeted and acclaimed by the great majority of French Resistance leaders and citizens. The others, put forth by a still resentful FDR and Churchill, were totally ignored. De Gaulle had won. Not only for France, but assuring his OWN place in the liberation and eventual resurrection of "his ancient great nation." On August 15, 1944, a substantial force of Free French soldiers (... ~200,000) were part of the invasion and conquest of Marseilles and southern France, marching northeast through the Rhone River Valley. They were led by General de Lattre. At D-Day and beyond, the French Resistance (... still loyal to de Gaulle and the Cross of Lorraine) went into action, helping in terms of sabotage and information gathering, but also active in a military sense. The equivalent of a full battalion of well trained, and armed men fought the GErmans. ___________________________________________ Tra la. And these further excerpts Have omitted, entirely, The Free French Navy. That would take up LOTS more space.
  11. CP, Yee of the most delightful CD (... IE, cognitive dissonance!) See The *bumped up" post Darkness and Light, So I won't have to elaborate on Free French stuff All over again, another Long day's journey into night, LOL!
  12. Rice all by itself ain't enough. You gotta have, As most humans far prefer it, Some semblance of "safe housing" And, at least, The equivalent of... Zen bells Harmoniously bonging. It's a very normal longing And any fool can figure WHEN It's own ARMY-dominated Government has gone... Cuckoo daft. :eek: Lessons learned, How the aggregate Past can teach us well, And etc, like that.
  13. You blockade, yea, Considering IJN was done defunct, And then, as with East Berlin in 1961, You air-drop basic necessities. What's so hard? Might've taken - what? A year before the common "rice farmer" Over-threw the rabid Army tyrants (... actually, IMO, would've been a matter of months; the Emperor was on record as favoring peace... I do believe the peasants would have listened to Him, being "superstitious" and all ) Well, In the tremendous ARC of Eonic history, What is that? A month. A month or two and - no Nagasaki, And no Hiroshima. I'd take it. Truman was... guilty. Of what? Each can decide for themselves. Related: I for one am VERY glad there are no Atomic bombs in SC-1, or SC-2.
  14. Not quite accurate, CP. Free French could, and did field a "full Corps," By mid 1942.
  15. Well, Lars, This is only anecdotal And not culled from the, literally, THOUSANDS of opinionated, Thus compromised "histories:" My Old Man served in Pacific From 1942 to War's End, Was involved in "island hopping" All over the bloody running ocean, Guadalcanal to Iwo. Was on a troop ship, Looking over the railing and READY To invade an already annihilated Japan. HE has told me, on one of those rare moments When he would even talk about it, oh, Once every 10 years or so, And then, maybe About 6 or 8 words in toto, Well, Long story short, This career military man told me: "It was a tragic mistake, never should have happened." I go with that, EQUALLY as much as the fact Of "diplomatic initiatives" by Sweden On behalf of the non-kamikaze element Of the "better natures" That did indeed exist in Japan. No use arguing it over, It's a sore point for Americans, And the collective guilt [... so vigorously and vehemently denied, well, that's a sure SIGN that there is some hidden TRUTH to be finally reckoned with, in there somewhere, eh?] Of these - first time ever! Outright air assaults on non-combatant, Citizens - now fobbed off, double-speak, as "Collateral damage," Which PREVENTS Americans from confronting This horrendous escalation Of - just what is a LEGITIMATE Target in war? Well, Events have since indicated That we have no more shame, nor remorse, We just bomb the hell out of Whatever we choose, And if some don't like it - tough, Get with the program! Or we call you a traitor. LOLOLOL. Enlightened "progress." She ain't what she used to be.
  16. Thing is, how do we KNOW who those are? From a VERY tiny group that plays competitively, MERELY? Or, might there be... quiet, experienced and competent players that you don't even know about since they prefer, Like the fence-fixing and windmill-blade-adjusting Cowboy, not bragging all over the place about it... yep, just doing the job, doing the ordinary thing, as is required. It USED TO BE a more common trait among Americans. Notso, nowadays. Information Age, and every body just aching for their 15 minutes of FAME, has caused there to exist... fewer Cowboys, and many more itchy-fingered "city slickers." Couldn't agree more, and have said so on more than one occasion. :cool: You KNOW what's what in this ol' commercial world - is careening 'round the bend like a runaway train, HR, as do I, having helped run a successful "small business" for over a decade.
  17. Obviously, considering Hiroshima and Nagasaki were strategic bombings. </font>
  18. Good that you should mention this, Moon, since more than one member had wondered quite ALOUD: _________________________________________ "How could those *%#$@ Beta Testers have missed such an OBVIOUS thing, how TERRIBLE they all are! You should have got PREMIUM players (... like ME, naturally!) to test this!" _______________________________________ And, ahem, there was NO explanation forthcoming, such as yours just above, to say otherwise... until now. Blashy was actually pointing out the obvious... and NOW we are ALL on the same page, eh? :cool:
  19. Ein Kleine Scherz: Austria, early 20th Century. Papa is sitting in favorite easy chair, Shaking his head in disgust After reading of the latest news from Vienna, Some Dumkopf talking of Ego And Super Ego and ID... dark hair Falling - slanted over his forehead, He brushes it back, It falls awkward again. Mama is ironing the assorted Hosen, Large and middling and small, Shaking her head also in disgust. How that Kinder canst machen Such messes of - Alles! Indicated kinder is in corner, Facing the wall, As is his usual condition, drawing Little stick-figures Shooting at each other, Bang! Bang! (... this last shot, shouted out sehr loud!) Papa looks up, Shakes his head in another direction And says to Mama: "Don't you think time it ist to taken our Son... to the Zoo?" Mama wisely replies: "Ach du Liebe, Zoo-keeper kommen and get him, Papa, if they want him badly enough."
  20. The best SC-2 can be could NOT be done Otherwise, thank you. At least you are forthright. Most Machismo Sorts REFUSE To allow their "Jungian animus" To even SEE the freeing Light of the day. Doesn't mean you should, necessarily, Cross dress, LOL, But, Artistic and Aesthetic sense Derives, arrives From out of the right side of the brain. Tra la! No doubt. It shall be accomplished! BTW, the PL-approved list # 1-6 above Will very probably be not necessary ... "as time goes by..." (accompanied by Sam soft on the Ivories, Ilsa looking on, looking good, radiant! like 20,000 assembled Suns, in her role of... cherchez la femme :cool: )
  21. That ain't the way Mondo Skando Originally stated the arrangements, Capitan jjr, IE, It's to be: North America VS Europe. Get yer signals straight! Hip hep hup... 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 Who do we appreciate? O Canada! For very many reasons, not to omit They were the ones instrumental In getting our "captives" Out of old Aryan Persia, Do you forget so very easily? I don't. Besides, LOTS of very good Canadian Players Out there, I would strongly urge including them. We are no throw-down chauvinists... oui?
  22. Yep, I had requested this long ago for '41-42 North Afrika, and would have to go along with all you guys... I do hope we can eventually get this enhancement for that garrison script.
  23. Sounds a bit fighter happy. Wouldn't tweaking it a bit more towards Bomber be more realistic? Say 2 Bombers, 2 Fighters for escort, and hit the three techs, especially Long Range. </font>
  24. No, Sombra, It really wouldn't be so hard Since all of us assisting are sort-of aware The "general nature" of potentially Implemented things. Not ALWAYS though, As Hubert loves to spring surprises! However It would no doubt be - off to Gaol, Sans ANY gruel for me Should I reveal what I know The future to be, Which is, as per usual, not An awful lot. You guys know what's up anyway: --Improving plunder calculus. --Something RE: amphib. --Help for UK in some certain ways. --Improved AI. --Other cool stuff too. :cool: And, I guess I could venture That you'd see something By Canada's "Victoria Day?" Or, at least - USA "Memorial Day," that Seems OK to say? Or, Is it? Off to cruel, gruel-less gaol Yet again! When! Will it end? :eek: LOL.
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