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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Amadeus, I've just sent you a test EXE, let me know if it does the trick for you.
  2. I suspect this is actually the normal behaviour as they are likely flagged to surrender by the game engine check for any nation at 0% morale, but may hold out a few turns due to the number of remaining units on the map. I'll take another look either way before the next patch.
  3. I've had this recently reported in Beta for GOLD as well, very odd and it seems to be very rare. My guess is either the 'Retreat' function but I can't seem to find the error there or perhaps the new 'Forced March' feature for the AI. I'll take a closer look.
  4. Hi MA2, It is the same game but Schrullenhaft is likely correct that the Excalibur retail distributor may not have the latest patches available for download from their website. From what I remember we did send them the latest v1.07 patch but I am not 100% certain it was ever published for download on their end. You might want to double check with them as the last I remember is the v1.06 patch was the latest available. If this is satisfactory then the game will match the Battlefront version up to v1.06, otherwise for full compatibility, i.e. for Multiplayer games and so on, the Battlefront release of the game contains the latest and greatest patches for all of our games. I hope this helps, Hubert
  5. Fantastic and this is the first I've heard of an anti-virus company actually listening and making a change on their end... great stuff and thanks for following up on this with AVG
  6. At the moment they are not scripted to mimic their historical use which was to mostly just sit in port and to guard against incursions into the Adriatic... but you are right they will react if an Allied naval presence is detected.
  7. These are some really good ideas and I'm only hesitant to make any further changes on our end as there will likely be already some significant changes to how China and Japan are played out with the next patch... we'll keep you posted but I think everyone is going to be very happy with the new changes
  8. Great stuff guys and nice to see some adaptations with the new engine
  9. Hi Mike, We are experimenting right now with some significant NM changes for the next patch and I've just incorporated an Italian surrender should their NM reach zero as suggested. For the AI scripts, what I can do is set the AI to hold a position with its current units and so this way it will not swap out with a weaker unit and this should help for the Moscow and other surrounding GARRISON scripts. If you see anything else like this just let us know Hubert
  10. Hi Blitzkrieg_49, sorry to hear about the trouble and can you be a bit more specific? For example, did you still have the base game installed before you installed the patch? What launch mechanisms are you missing, is it the desktop shortcut? Are the game EXEs not in their installation folders?
  11. Rockets should have been able to at least Transport... this looks like an introduced bug and I'll correct this, thanks
  12. We like the idea and we are looking to add this in at some point, thanks!
  13. Can you send me a saved turn of the 1 mpp bug with instructions on how to repeat this? Please send to support@furysoftware.com
  14. Interesting idea and definitely something to think about for the newer engine.
  15. Thanks for the feedback and we are now working on and testing a few ideas to have National Morale play a bit of a larger role. The trick is to balance things just right as NM did not play as significant a role in WWII as it did in WWI but we'd like to incorporate it some more nonetheless.
  16. Part of the problem here is just how I've scripted the campaign and it just looks like it needs a few tweaks. With the new AI I can de-list cities for the AI to consider as an attackable option and this helps to speed up the AI so that it is not considering every single city on the map. There are also range restrictions on possible targets and this helps to speed up the AI as well. Once I do that I then just need to list the right combination of cities and couple that with the appropriate OFFENSIVE scripts for the AI to focus on and it should play much better. Essentially what you are seeing is a situation where units will go to attack the nearest enemy units but without official support as the AI has not assigned an HQ to that particular city. But now based on your feedback it should hopefully do a better job as I've made some adjustments in these areas so that ideally HQs and Air support will now be engaged.
  17. Forgot to mention that the supply amendment was something I changed in the Editor via the Edit Country Data dialog. You'll see that under the 'Cooperative' flag section there is a 'Restrictions' drop down box, I just changed it to 'None' but did change China to have an Air Op restriction under 'Flags' to 'Home Country Only'.
  18. If I can ask those that play Japan and feel that they can mostly skip over the Pacific and focus on China, which Pacific Islands do you capture, if at all?
  19. Thanks Sapare, I've made some adjustments and hopefully much of this will be addressed in the next patch release.
  20. Hi Sapare, I've edited Japan to now provide supply, thanks for catching this, but I'm not 100% sure if I want to fully enable operational movement into Japan and China just yet. Would supply help enough or would operational movement be absolutely necessary? I'm only hesitant as the historical relationships between the US and Japan at that time were not the best... but perhaps enabling it to China would be enough? Hubert
  21. This looks like a bug, I'll fix this as the shown range should match the actual interception range. FYI, right now Interceptors are set to strike range - 1. The displayed escort range looks like it is correct though.
  22. Welcome aboard Adda and for the game engine question, SC WWI and SC Global GOLD use the same game engine. What happened behind the scenes was SC WWI was built up from our original SC2 engine and it incorporated many new and key features to ensure a proper WWI gaming experience but we never removed the core WWII functionality. This is of course on top of all the other game engine enhancements including the improved AI and so on. In the end we added a 'switch' to either enable or disable the WWI functionality and this is why we are able to have a full WWII mod within the SC WWI game release as well as use the same engine for SC Global GOLD. I hope this helps, Hubert
  23. Thanks for the report, I've fixed this for the next release
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