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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Gentlemen, It just means that whatever they were collecting under v1.00 and v1.01 will now see them collect at least 10 MPP extra per turn under v1.02. This is just due to an extra resource they have been given. I hope this helps! Hubert
  2. Thanks for the report and I can confirm what Winti has mentioned that this is now fixed and will be a part of the next patch
  3. I really don't want to have to start locking up threads so how about we take a break from the Spanish translator utility and get back to discussions on the game. Let's also keep the posts in English as well. Sound good Kuniworth?
  4. Hi Pvthudson, I just posted a response in the other thread, hopefully that helps. Hubert
  5. Hi Pvthudson, It sounds like you've correctly installed the base game of Global Conflict which is at v1.07 but GOLD is a separate installation with its own folder and files etc. Currently that installation, GOLD, is patched up to v1.01 so it sounds like you are only currently playing the base game of Global Conflict. Can you check to see if you installed GOLD properly, just the Program file links or for the GOLD desktop shortcuts and let us know if that helps you to resolve the issue.
  6. Hi Kuniworth, No updates just yet but I can at least give you a sneak peak of the official Fury Software world headquarters. This is me hard at work in my office with some of the latest equipment to help expedite the development of SC3: Fury Headquarters Interesting game link there Bill, name of the game even sounds familiar too Hubert
  7. Ran a few tests on it at my end and it seems to work as expected without error, I just sent a message reply to your email and let me know if you can confirm. Thanks, Hubert
  8. I'll echo what Kommandant mentioned and also ask if this is a repeatable error that happens every time during a saved game etc. If so please send me a saved turn so that I can take a look as otherwise this might just be a one time OS error etc.
  9. I don't disagree but I would defer to the resident naval experts on this one as I definitely wouldn't want to introduce a feature change in error... if anyone else has some feedback on this, one way or the other, now is the time
  10. Quick question for everyone with this issue, does this happen if you only have a single installation or does it happen if you've installed multiple installations with the same base installer for the game?
  11. Hi Baron, If this has been happening for a while then there is likely an error on my end even though it has not shown up in testing. I will look into this further and if you could please send me an email at support@furysoftware.com as I'd like to take you up on this. Thanks, Hubert
  12. Also, if anyone else has seen this with the installer let me know as I am curious if this is what has happened with Ivanov and/or Blitzkrieg as well. Hubert
  13. Very odd as the scripts for this installer haven't changed over the v1.04 patch installer or any of the other previous installers in fact. We also tested this installer prior to release with our Beta team and this issue never came up... which makes me wonder if perhaps the installer you downloaded was slightly corrupted as I've just retested on my end and it installs as expected. Can you tell me where you downloaded the patch from, i.e. for example from the Patches Scrolls, Atomic Gamer etc.? I can then try and download from the applicable site and see if it then occurs in error on my end as well to try and narrow this down.
  14. Thanks for the info and this makes sense as they use their own routines and checks and sometimes this happens where I make a coding change in one area and forget to change in another area or introduce an error in one area and not the other area of the code.
  15. The latest game engines (WWI and GOLD) allow for subs to pass through Destroyers, usually the only enemy unit that can stop a sub when the sub is running in Silent mode, 50% of the time. This was just to help enhance the cat and mouse game at sea. For the idea of slipping by a ship that is visible I can definitely see the argument whereby the ship is visible to you but the sub is not visible to the ship, i.e. if it is spotted by other naval units or by recon air etc. But if the ship also sees your sub then I think the current rules are more valid. Interesting idea though and definitely something to think about
  16. Hi Thomas, Sorry to hear about the trouble and can you be a bit more specific with the errors you are encountering? For example, are they Norton360 related similar to the issue you had with the v1.04 patch? Hubert
  17. Hi Ivanov, When you refer to running the v1.05 exe, do you mean the patch installer for v1.05? What you report is a bit confusing for me and I was hoping that you can help me out to clarify. For example, I just looked at the v1.04 installer and this installer also does not create EXE shortcuts for the same reason that the v1.05 installer does not create the shortcuts, i.e. they are already there from the installation of the base v1.00 game originally downloaded or installed from a CD. As for the missing files, I'm not really sure what that could be either as the files you reported are not included in the patch installer either as those too are already installed with the base game. Do you perhaps have multiple installations? For example, one that was installed via the installer and one that was copied and pasted to a new folder. If this is the case then some of what you described is possible as the patch installer will only install to the original base game folder or the default game folder if it has already been removed etc. I only ask these questions as what you've described sounds unique other than what Blitzkrieg has described which sounds similar yet somewhat different. Additionally can you try installing the base game from scratch and then the v1.05 patch and let me know if it works as expected? Hubert
  18. Welcome aboard EdR and glad to hear that both games caught your eye and interest
  19. Hi Tindillere, I would suggest opening a support ticket at http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk and they should help you sort this out. Hubert
  20. Hi Blitzkrieg, The only thing I can think of is that the base game was no longer installed before you installed v1.05 as that seems to be the only reason that v1.05 is not showing up as expected. Forgive me if I am incorrect here but can you confirm that the base game was installed before you installed the v1.05 patch? I only suggest this as a possibility as the v1.05 patch does not include the full game and only updates the base game and would therefore also not create desktop shortcuts to the game etc., as those would already be there if the base game is already installed. I hope this helps, Hubert
  21. I suspect this issue is different from the one that Ivanov was having and the only thing I can think of is that the base game was no longer installed before you installed v1.05 as that seems to be the only reason that v1.05 is not showing up as expected. Forgive me if I am incorrect here but can you confirm that the base game was installed before you installed the v1.05 patch? I only suggest this as a possibility as the v1.05 patch does not include the full game and only updates the base game and would therefore also not create desktop shortcuts to the game etc., as those would already be there if the base game is already installed. I hope this helps, Hubert
  22. Glad to see you got it working and I wonder if perhaps your anti-virus stripped this file as I just ran a test of installing v1.05 overtop of v1.04 and it worked as expected, i.e. all files are included right where they should be. Either way, seems like a minor hiccup and as long as the game is up and running that is a good thing
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