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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Apologies for any delays on the patch but acrashb is correct in that there is more than just coding fixes to be included as we've also made campaign changes and testing of all of this takes time to ensure we've got it right. Hopefully soon enough though and the patch will be released when it is ready, Hubert
  2. Hi wlape3, Yes this is just a limitation with the current PURCHASE UNIT screen as originally we never had this many countries. For future games I'll see to have this corrected. Hubert
  3. Send me the saved turn where it crashes and I'll be happy to take a look. Send to support@furysoftware.com
  4. Hi Wlape3, unfortunately these cannot be modded. Can you tell me which dialog box cannot hold all the needed minor country info?
  5. That could be the case, I'd have to look at the converter again but there is a possibility that you'd have to manually reset that info as needed.
  6. Do you have the latest patch installed? If so can you send me a copy of the saved game where it freezes and is repeatable and I'd be happy to take a look and fix the issue. Send to support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  7. Germany does not have any default NM targets and likely only because at this point in the game it is usually curtains for Germany regardless.
  8. Interesting analysis and to be honest I never looked into it in such detail... always so much to do on my end I often quickly move on once an aspect seems to be working sufficiently enough
  9. Hi Mike, It should work as expected, I have used the converter to convert the non gold campaigns to GOLD and the only thing I can think of is that perhaps the country ID is incorrect for Italy? For example, I believe Italy was ID #26 whereas now it can be set as a major. I'm guessing there might be something amiss like this but without seeing your conversion, i.e. to see if you set the new country IDs correctly, I can't say for sure. Hubert
  10. This is a very odd error as it runs very smoothly on all the systems we've tested on outside of those initial release issues related to National Morale. We'll be using a slightly different graphics rendering engine in the future and hopefully this will resolve the issue entirely for those rare systems where this occurs.
  11. This is a bug that we've now fixed and likely due to swapping onto a non rail tile as Winti described.
  12. Unfortunately there are no external settings to adjust this, sorry about that and we'll consider doing so in the future.
  13. Hi Mcarfy, It looks like we still had some older information for the raiding formula... here is the new info which will be included in future games: Multiplier = 1 + Sub level - ASW level The minimum multiplier is 1. Therefore, ASW level greater than Sub level will not affect convoy raiding results if Subs are present. Resulting enemy MPP losses – up to the maximum value of the convoy, are then determined by formula: Random Value = [raider strength + raider strength * (Multiplier - 1) / 2, raider strength + raider strength * Multiplier / 2] Convoy MPP Loss = Random Value / 10 * raider multiplier Example: A Level 2 Sub of strength 10 versus ASW Level 1 (Multiplier = 2) with a raider multiplier of 10 could inflict 15-20 MPPs in convoy losses, i.e. [15, 20] / 10 * 10. The raider multiplier is included in the formula so that players may create custom campaigns that use different raider multiplier values as set in the Combat Target Values. This allows convoy losses to be adjusted to precisely fit the scale of each custom campaign.
  14. One right click is the default that is coded for the game, are you using a unique mouse or another operating system other than Windows?
  15. It is something we've discussed but nothing officially in the works at the moment (unfortunately) as there is always so much to do... but if things work out as planned then I would say that this would be a serious consideration at some point... and hopefully sooner rather than later
  16. I can answer the first one in that unless there is a bug the Artillery should be firing back... can you confirm that the attacking unit was in range of the defensive Artillery? The only other thing I can think of is that I believe Artillery need a strength >= 5 in order to return fire.
  17. 90% is the "Prepearing for War" trigger and there is no going back after that.
  18. Thanks for the reports and I can confirm that this is now fixed on my end... I believe it was corrected for AI games but the multiplayer fix was not included in the last patch but has been already fixed on my end for the next patch. Sorry about the trouble and I can also confirm that I've fixed the new error that acrashb has described above as well.
  19. Sorry to hear about the trouble and probably your best bet is to try and contact AVG to let them know about the issues you are having. We've contacted a few of the major virus protection providers but unfortunately I am guessing it is one of those things that until they hear more complaints they are not likely to make any changes.
  20. Thanks gentlemen and we can take a closer look to see what might be needed to re-balance things as applicable.
  21. In the Repository download section there is a subsection under Global Conflict for GOLD campaigns... if you are attempting to run a non GOLD campaign under GOLD then this is unfortunately a likely error.
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