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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. I'm looking at the scripts and the DECISION to move the capital to either either Canada or Australia should kick in as soon as Axis units land in the UK and ideally this should prevent the surrender described above... is this not the case? i.e. did the DECISION event not fire?
  2. I just looked at the default medal sprites in the Interface folder and they appear to be reversed and I will correct this for the next build. If you set it so that the Allied minor medals appear before the Axis minor medals (i.e. the Axis minor medals appear last) then it should correct it on your end.
  3. The parent country for any minor is pre-set in the Editor based (in most cases) on the historical relationships at the time so once it joins a particular side it just aligns with the parent that was pre-determined for either the Axis or Allied side.
  4. Please send them and I can take a look, send to support@furysoftware.com
  5. This looks like it is by design as the original Global campaigns are the same way. To be honest I'm not sure why there is a difference between the campaigns but I'll take a closer look and make any adjustments if warranted.
  6. Thanks for the report and I can look into keeping the last turn summaries available until the end of the turn.
  7. Not sure, thanks for the report and that could have just been an OS hiccup if it is not repeatable.
  8. Terrain does have an effect on command distance and the only way to know for sure (right now) if the unit is still going to be in command range is if you count out the distance including the terrain manually.
  9. Can you send me a saved game file as well as instructions on how to repeat this at support@furysoftware.com? Thanks, Hubert
  10. Funny you mention that since as a kid Orange Sherbert was my absolute favourite
  11. No problem David and glad to hear it is finally working
  12. In this case, reinstalling on the same computer is the way to go as it does not use up a license and I would suggest doing a full uninstall and then reinstall and see if that does the trick.
  13. I can see how this might be a problem and I would actually suggest an alternative mechanism which would simply change the 'green' highlighted circle that indicates the current move to tile to either another colour or an alternate pattern when maximum range is about to be selected. Thoughts?
  14. H Dellinger327, Sorry about that and here is a quick download link to a hotfix that will correct the 1942 Brute Force campaign for you: http://files.battlefront.com/1330530300072 Note, you'll have to start a new game for it to take effect. For the Engineer issue, I believe this has also been fixed with the v1.01 patch. Hubert
  15. Hi Mike, Officially the victory conditions are territorial based as you've noticed but I can see the argument to also include something of a consideration regarding MPP balances and or unit destruction disparity... albeit considering those might be a bit more complicated. I don't know of anyone using house rules for that either but it is certainly an interesting idea and probably one to try out if you can find a willing opponent For the build limits it would be more or less to keep the game closer to historical capabilities but of course this can be disabled as desired. For the negative build number this is likely due to several of these units arriving by UNIT script which by their nature, i.e. they may or may not appear due to the described script conditions do not take account of available builds so in the end may result in a negative number showing as you noticed in your game. I hope this helps, Hubert
  16. In the future we'll likely be less reliant on the UNIT scripts as have some planned changes to not only have more (if not most) of these units appear in the P/Q as well as showing their final destination position so there will be less of a surprise to players going forward.
  17. This is now fixed for the first patch as well and the way around it temporarily for now is to skip watching the replay for just this turn.
  18. The issue for the Australian and Nauru merchant raiding tiles for the 1939 campaign have been fixed for the first patch, which should now be out soon, but as you have seen they are not a problem in the later campaigns.
  19. The text for the GOLD release was incorrect and will be corrected for the first patch. Looks like TACs start at a value of 2 de-entrenchment and increase by 0.5 per research level applied.
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