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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Thanks again gentlemen for your support and definitely feel free to spread the word as every little bit helps
  2. Hi Aryaman, There are always people looking for opponents, feel free to post here as Sapare suggested that you are looking for an opponent and someone will definitely take you up on the challenge. There is also the opponent finder thread we have stickied at the top of this forum, alternatively you can find it here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=95251&page=8 Happy gaming, Hubert
  3. All good points and I think the future we will be doing a few different things to make this work better. Did you try the Hotseat mode which allows saving to play your team game?
  4. First review of Strategic Command WWI Breakthrough! and a comparison with Commander: The Great War "Strategic Command wins on most fronts... [it] has much greater depth [and]... is much more satisfying". Read more here: http://www.daveenjoys.com/2012/11/19/game-comparison-review-commander-the-great-war-and-strategic-command-world-war-i/ --
  5. Great stuff crispy131313 and I hope players to take this mod out for a spin as it will really show just how much the AI has improved from the original Fall Weiss map so many years ago. Especially the AI speed as it might not be so immediately apparent on the bigger maps that SC uses these days, but you are correct, with the older smaller maps it is lightning fast
  6. Great to hear and please don't hesitate to spread the word on the game as every little bit helps
  7. The problem was that this feature can be cheated against by simply replacing the original email saved game file and then re-opening it in game, i.e. it will show as only played once. Hotseat mode should be playable as a team game but the downside is of course no previous turn replay.
  8. Hi Sapare, Your analysis is correct and the code should prevent this from happening, i.e. HQ2 should only take supply from HQ1 if it increases its supply. If it is taking the supply from HQ1 and it is decreasing the supply of HQ2 as a result then this is a bug. Please send me the turn at support@furysoftware.com and I'd be happy to take a look. Hubert
  9. Thanks for the posts gentlemen and I agree there is much to digest... I will definitely take a closer look in a little while.
  10. That's a good idea and I think we can look into this for the future as well
  11. For supply drops, yes there are the normal supply rules that consider connections, and being cutoff and then on top of that supply can be reduced further when there are 4 or more units adjacent to a town, resource etc. The only exceptions are Capitals and Fortresses. For HQs the way it works is like this: HQs are given a supply value based on their distance from a resource and the supply value of that resource. There is a table in the manual that outlines what they will receive, but I believe it is 10 for maximum supply value, 8 and then 5 if it is cutoff. But after that an HQ can have its supply increased by another HQ just like how an HQ increases regular unit supply. So if let's say there is a supply 10 HQ that is in 4 tile range of another HQ that is considered cutoff or out of range, then the cutoff HQ which would normally have a supply value of 10 will now have a supply value of 6. For example, 10-4 = 6. Hopefully this makes sense, Hubert
  12. Hi Theodosien! Welcome to the forums and the SC series of games... I hope you find an opponent soon enough Hubert
  13. If you are playing an email game then the save option is disabled. This was only introduced as a request to help prevent cheating where a player could reload their turns over and over again until a favorable result. However in Hotseat mode saving should be possible during a turn. I hope this helps, Hubert
  14. Great to hear To change the unit display, please go to the OPTIONS dialog in game and turn on or off the 3D units. That should do the trick and happy gaming
  15. Great to hear and we should have a solution on Windows 8 shortly.
  16. Hi Hadberz, Is it the scrolling that seems to run slow? If so there is an option to disable map text during scroll. We added this option in as on some systems, the map text seems to slow the map scrolling down for some reason. That being said, on most systems it speeds up map scrolling regardless so we added the option in as a new setting under the Advanced settings dialog. When you start a new game and you are in the Options dialog, just click on the Advanced button and enable the 'Hide Text During Map Scroll' option. This should do the trick for you, Hubert
  17. Unfortunately these are false positives by some of the anti-virus programs. This happens as they are sometimes over aggressive in their analysis of the files. If you whitelist the patch installer it should then download and install fine. You may have to whitelist the game EXE as well but once you do this it should solve the issue for you.
  18. The game should run fine with the latest patch. There is just as mentioned a Windows 8 issue that is being resolved but this does not sound to be related to you as you are running Windows 7. Based on your last post though this might be your anti-virus software not liking the EXEs. Can you open a support ticket at http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk as they will be able to help you sort it out.
  19. Hi Panzer1962, Sorry to hear about the trouble and I can confirm that the Windows User Access Control is not the culprit here. It is one of two possible issues. 1) If you are running Windows 8 there is a problem with the WWI game that we are attempting to have fixed ASAP. 2) If you are not running Windows 8 then the latest patch should resolve the issue for you... can you download and install the latest patch found here? http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=266&Itemid=475 Let me know if this helps, Hubert
  20. Hi Amadeus, does this happen for every time you attempt to end and save an email game, or was it just for this one particular turn? I only ask as I'm not sure if this is a Windows 8 problem specifically or perhaps something else.
  21. I can say that unfortunately full time on SC3 did not happen this year but we are hopeful for better progress in the new year. In fact we are lining up our efforts to ensure that this happens and when we have more to announce/share we definitely will. Unfortunately these things take time, and while some work has been done, rest assured the goal is to get there eventually
  22. Thanks and this is just a display error as the section where the amounts are being totaled is just not erasing/refreshing properly but I can confirm the internal data is still correct, i.e. 55% is being applied at Finland despite the display error. I'll fix this for the next patch.
  23. This is just a false positive from your anti-virus and in most cases it is just flagging the EXEs as 'suspected' viruses and not actual viruses. If you white-list the flagged EXEs within your anti-virus program then the game should run fine and your anti-virus program will stop complaining.
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