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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. I'm guessing you are referring to a Network game and I've just tested this and unfortunately I am unable to repeat this. Can anyone else repeat this?
  2. Is this an email replay or are you playing a network TCP/IP game? Also, are you running in full screen or windowed mode?
  3. Activation medals yes, but unfortunately not for experience medals. As far as I remember this goes all the way back to SC2 Blitzkrieg.
  4. Are you running Global Conflict or GOLD? Also are you loading the Global Conflict version of the campaign or the GOLD version of the campaign if one exists?
  5. The way it works is that there are only Axis and Allied minor medals, so if the Italians are a major country in your mod and you also have Italian minors then they will only show the Axis minor medals for experience which are the German Cross. Hope this helps, Hubert
  6. Hi Amadeus, Not that I can think of offhand. Hubert
  7. Unfortunately no on both accounts, but you can likely change the brightness/contrast via your monitor as a last resort if applicable.
  8. Thanks MJY, this should have been fixed, we added a script for it but I see now that on my end there is a slight error in the script. Sorry about that and this will be fixed for the next patch.
  9. Retreats should only happen when the defender has an entrenchment level = 0 and a strength value <= 5. After that there is still only a 75% chance when in a non city/capital/fortress tile and 25% when in a city/capital/fortress tile. I've got a few of these turns to take a look at and I found a rare error that caused a unit swap with an enemy unit in this case. Consider this fixed for the next patch.
  10. I can see from a test that this is possible but only 2 AP at most and it does reduce your morale considerably for such a small movement so I'm not sure if it is worth it but in some situations it might be.
  11. Great suggestion and as everyone knows these things take time but as soon as we have something more concrete we'll definitely start posting whatever information/screenshots that we might have as we go along.
  12. Thanks and it looks like the changes I've made resolve all the issues and this will be included in the next patch
  13. I've tried to re-create this without any luck as the UK Government transfers to either Canada or Australia even if Manchester is first captured. If it happens again, please send me a turn right before the UK surrender and I'd be happy to take another look.
  14. The GOLD release is an expansion and a separate installation and should go into its own unique installation folder. Can you confirm that this is the case?
  15. Are these possibly different campaigns? If so, can you tell me which campaigns the saved games apply to? The only reason I ask is that it is possible that the maximum number described will vary from campaign to campaign as otherwise in game there is no setting to change the maximum research MPP allowed.
  16. Can you describe precisely what you would like to see regarding swaps?
  17. Hi Amadeus, Regarding your last point, what is happening is that all swapped units are reduced to 1 AP if their start AP is > 1. Otherwise they are reduced to 0 AP. Hubert
  18. Can you send me a saved turn where I can view this at support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  19. The Rail gun unit swap should now be fixed, thanks
  20. When you navigate to your Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict GOLD 'Campaigns' directory, check to see if you see a 'Compatibility Files' button in the Windows Explorer. It should be near the top left or middle. Click on this and if there are any files in there these can be deleted or if you created custom campaigns, moved to your default 'Campaigns' folder. This is a virtual folder and basically windows is defaulting there and no longer reading your default folder. More info on this 'Compatibility Files' issue with Windows can be found here: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/VistasShowCompatibilityFilesAndTheScrumptiousWonderThatIsFileVirtualization.aspx
  21. With the Editor, if you open the desired campaign and then go to Campaign->Edit Campaign Data, you should see the option to change the end dates. After that you'll also need to adjust the VICTORY scripts by changing the applicable dates there as well. This can be done via Campaign->Edit Event Scripts and selecting the Victory scripts. Alternatively you can just disable the Victory events by changing the #FLAG value to 0. They can also be disabled in game via the OPTIONS->ADVANCED->SCRIPTS dialog. Hope this helps, Hubert
  22. This might be created at some point but I honestly can't say for sure... it all depends on how things work out in the future but there are the Brute Force campaigns that are also included in the GOLD release that are at a scale much more similar to that found in SC WWI... have you tried these?
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