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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. This is not normal behaviour and I've had this bug reported to me in the past but so far it seems very rare and I've never been able to repeat it and thus track it down and correct it. If you have a save where you can repeat this behaviour please send it to me at support@furysoftware.com
  2. Naval bombardments target the underlying resources first and then there is a percentage chance that the unit within the resource will be hit as well and only then will you see a decrease in entrenchment.
  3. The new majors don't share research and actually no majors share research in this way but do have the benefits of cooperative status that allow them to operate within each others territories and share HQ supply etc. There could be more majors added in the future but it is a bit of work as it would require some code changes as well as a rethink of the interface design but since we already did that to get up to 8 majors in WWI we just reused the idea for GOLD.
  4. These are scripted units to arrive and they can only really be viewed in the UNIT scripts under the Editor.
  5. Thanks, consider this fixed for the first patch.
  6. I can confirm that the text has now been amended, thanks
  7. Thanks for posting this as well and this should be all sorted out for the first patch
  8. I've just looked into this and it looks like that they do upgrade but on the map they are just not shown with the appropriate level indicator. If you still have the saved turn, does this sound about right?
  9. Thanks and I've taken a look at a few other issues as well here brought to my attention via an email.
  10. Hi Templer! The biggest reason is the size of the map for WWI and the ratio of land tiles versus sea tiles for the WWI map in comparison to how many land tiles there are for the Global map. The Global map is 256x64 tiles which equals 16384 tiles in total. The WWI map is 384x102 tiles which equals 39168 tiles in total. As you can see the WWI map has more than 2X the number of tiles and if you do a visual comparison it has many more land tiles in general and the AI distance and pathfinding calculations over such a large land mass can be more expensive and require more computational time/effort. Also the WWI map starts with many more units on actionable fronts and that will take more time as each unit is checked for attack/defense or reorganization and so on, i.e. each unit has something to do and this takes time in general. Hope this helps, Hubert
  11. It just means that Operational Movement is allowed by default for air units, i.e. on top of regular movement/rebasing within their AP. If the option for Operational Movement is disabled then they of course cannot Operationally move and can only move/rebase within their AP. Hopefully this makes sense!
  12. The image is adapted from an actual photo from WWII so it could be a captured MP 40 but I believe Preusse is correct here.
  13. Welcome aboard Strategiclayabout Glad to hear you are enjoying the game and definitely don't be shy to spread the word on our games as well
  14. I believe you are referring to the options available under Campaign->Campaign Data->Advanced. As far as I remember this is just an option to enable or disable Operational Movement for either Land or Air units and is naturally turned on by default for most campaigns.
  15. Welcome aboard and to confirm, the original Global Conflict game is v1.07, while the GOLD release currently sits at v1.00. The Manual is used for both games and is up to date with the latest v1.07 release, while the GOLD release includes Expansion Release Notes highlighting the key changes for GOLD. Hope this helps Hubert
  16. Unfortunately no, there is no official version for Linux.
  17. You might want to try a clean installation of the default Global and then apply the patch and that could resolve the issue for you.
  18. Off hand I can say that it shouldn't have deleted the Editor, can you be more specific? Is the desktop link missing or does it point to the wrong EXE? Also, can you find the Editor in your installation folder?
  19. Off hand I would say that the AI handles almost all the modes but of course there are always a few exceptions and the fact that it might never be as good as a human player in doing so.
  20. New unit classes cannot be added but depending on your customization there are options to limit upgrades for unit types and change the combat statistics etc., but these are then universal changes for all of these unit types per country.
  21. Once you get a chance to send us some more details we'll be happy to help.
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