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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Andromahkos, Not sure if you've tried the campaign Editor that came with the game but just throwing that out there in case you've missed it as it will enable you to modify as much as possible within the limitations of the game engine. For example, editing and modifying unit combat data is all possible within the Editor but there are some things you cannot change such as giving tanks shell build up capability as this is more or less handled by the game engine. The combat.inf and other *.inf files are just the default files that any new campaign will use as the default set of data. After that editing that data in the Editor is what gives the campaign its own unique settings so there is no real advantage of editing the default files as they are for reference only. But in terms of coding, the game was programmed in Eiffel and the development environment I use generates C byte code and then compiles that with the MS C compiler. I hope this helps, Hubert
  2. I think this is a good idea but the only problem I can potentially see is that the naval unit defense value against either a Strategic Bomber, Tactical Bomber, or Carrier in Naval/Tactical mode is the 'BD' (Bomber Defense) value. So if we lower the 'BD' value then it might be too low for all the other potential attacks. Ideally we'd have a separate defensive category in order to differentiate between attacks initiated by Strategic Bombers and Tactical Bombers and that might help the most to alleviate the results seen when a Strategic Bomber attacks a naval target. Something for us to consider for SC3 I think
  3. I think TERRITORY event should work but I believe because the Baltic States have been previously annexed, this internal value has not been reset after the TERRITORY event. Let me fix this for the next build.
  4. Windows 8 has definitely introduced a few compatibility issues but we are working on it and thanks for your patience as this is a frustrating experience for us as well when things suddenly get broken beyond our immediate control.
  5. Unfortunately it looks like Windows 8 is not supporting the full screen game setting at this time. I'm looking into this but Isnogud is correct, playing in non full screen mode seems to be a temporary workaround for it, for now.
  6. Thanks for the feedback gentlemen and we are working on a fix that I think will resolve this particular issue in game.
  7. Nothing official planned but I can't speak for the game playing community and what they might be up to... hopefully someone will put together a mod as I know there is a lot of great history in those years
  8. If we do another patch I can certainly look into it as I know this is a very welcomed feature.
  9. Sorry to hear about the trouble, I've alerted Battlefront as this doesn't sound right at all. Best bet in the meantime is to open a ticket at the helpdesk and they will get to you ASAP. http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk Hubert
  10. The behaviour sounds correct, I just looked at the code and the only thing I can see if a country has already surrendered is that they don't subsequently give out plunder a second time. For Iraq there is an event as described but it is on a 50% trigger... so it may have not fired the first time around and only did so the second time around in your game.
  11. Thanks I've got the turn and will take a look and see what I can figure out
  12. Unfortunately I can't seem to be able to repeat it... do you have a saved turn with the exact instructions on how to duplicate this? Any more help would be much appreciated as we thought we stamped out all of these issues prior to release. Send to support@furysoftware.com
  13. Great to hear Rankorian and we are very glad you've enjoyed the game so far Definitely feel free to spread the word as well as every little bit helps on our end to continue to make great games such as the Strategic Command series
  14. Hi Hellfirejet, In the Editor, to avoid having the game engine auto assign naval supply based on the default calculations for the first turn, simply right click the naval units you would like to provide high supply to and select 'Properties'. From there you can set an 'at start' supply level as high as 10. Hopefully this helps, Hubert
  15. I can understand the concerns, and in fairness there are other games that are very intrusive and require a constant internet connection and so on. I can see the pros and cons for any license system, i.e. a weak one that only requires a license number is unfortunately very easy, as you mentioned the phrase, to 'pirate', while the license number system for Breakthrough is more of a balanced approach between user concerns and piracy concerns. Most people activate once and never even think about licence numbers again. In that case it acts just like a simple license number system. In fact, if you ever have to uninstall and reinstall on the same computer (assuming you haven't changed the OS) you won't even have to license again. We do this during Beta and anyone testing the game only has to license the very first time they install and not for subsequent installs or re-installs, this is very user friendly. As far as additional activations, I've yet to hear of anyone not being accomodated by Battlefront in that case... and if Battlefront goes out of business I'll happily pass along unlicensed EXEs to anyone that requires them. I hope this helps, Hubert
  16. Hi Redwolf, This is correct. If you re-install the OS then much like every other program on your computer it will have to be re-installed and re-licensed if it required a license key in the first place. I can't speak for the Mac problem, never heard of it before to be honest, as Strategic Command is currently PC only. Hubert
  17. It is definitely on my radar JP, just a matter of when and not if, if of course all goes well on my end
  18. The primary error at the SC level was that DirectX was complaining that the exclusive mode was already set. This can sometimes happen if you have it in Full Screen and another game or application that also uses DirectX is attempting to steal the required video resources. Does this sound like it could be the case? Basically this is some sort of system error, usually a reboot will solve the problem if it continues to happen.
  19. Thanks for the update Will and no apologies necessary, in fact I'm not even 100% sure that it was spelled out in the literature and I'll have to double check that and make a note of it if not as I'm sure you will not be the first one to encounter this issue That being said, definitely update your custom mod bitmaps to ensure that they match at least the ones that are in the default Breakthrough folder. For example, the wrong unit research levels will show if you do not use the latest levels_sprites bmp etc. Worst case ensure that the custom bmps at least match the dimensions of the bmps in the default folder as that will ensure no crashes.
  20. Just to re-iterate/clarify, this new system only requires you to license the game once per computer. Uninstalling and reinstalling on the same computer can be done as many times as you like without requiring to relicense or to use up another activation. Hopefully this helps, Hubert
  21. Thanks gentlemen and for changes I believe these were the major ones implemented for Breakthrough: - minor countries can now withdraw from the war via an ARMISTICE using a SURRENDER_2 event - Forced March morale losses are now a separate and editable entry under the Morale data dialog. - Swapping units’ morale losses are now editable under the Morale data dialog. - Retreat range is now editable under the Combat data dialog. - Build limits no longer restrict the number of units that can be placed on the map for the start of a campaign. This way once the unit is destroyed in game it cannot be rebuilt as the build limit still restricts maximum builds. - Armored Trains check box is now found under Advanced Game Play Options. This will convert Rail Guns to act as Armored Trains for campaigns such as the Russian Civil War. - Numbered Turns can now be set under the Turn/Economic Data dialog. - Primary and Secondary Supply centers can now be set under the Country Data Dialog; this was required to handle the new Supply Rules. - The Production Queue can now have a DESTINATION RESOURCE set for items arriving off of the P/Q. - New Deployment Queue added under the Country Data Dialog that can be used to set initial turn deployments for both sides prior to regular game play. - DECISION events now use an #ALIGNMENT_POSITION instead of a #FRIENDLY_POSITION field. - OFFENSIVE, AMPHIBIOUS/MINOR, TRANSPORT/MINOR and FLEET scripts now have a new #RANGE field. - RESOURCE events now use a #FAILSAFE_DATE field. - LOOP events can now be set to have any country use a #START_POSITION if #COUNTRY_ID= 0
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