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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Marines or Special Forces have the ability to Amphibiously Transport without the need of a port or a port at supply level 5.
  2. Ben, send me the file where this issue is repeatable at support@furysoftware.com and I'll be happy to take a look at what the problem might be. Great game again from the young buds, maybe the'll actually make the playoffs this year
  3. Hi RaRa! Glad to hear you are enjoying the games and especially PDE as that is one of my favourites as well Hopefully one of the vets pops in with some further advice as well Hubert
  4. Shouldn't be too long now actually... just running some final tests.
  5. Hi Peter! Welcome back and I'd say that if the game seems to run fine on your system via the DEMO then it will run the same with the full game as the DEMO is just a stripped down version of the full game feature/length wise but not any different performance wise. For advise on how to possibly handle the Axis side I would recommend reading the AAR as it should give you some pretty good ideas on strategies and so on. You can find it here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=101553 Hubert
  6. From memory Nanjing was not used so it is more or less a free country slot to be modded as desired.
  7. You are correct, it is a combat loss evasion that is randomly determined for both the attacker and defender depending on your settings... unfortunately not a avoid combat all together series of settings.
  8. Hi Mcarfy1, There is now a sub container for GOLD campaigns within the Global Conflict repository which should help a bit. Hubert
  9. Our pleasure and just a reminder that for those that were experiencing some scrolling issues, you can now disable the display of map text (as a last resort) under the Options->Advanced dialog as that seems to ultimately resolve the issue for those that couldn't resolve it any other way.
  10. One option might be to go through the list and incorporate all the changes listed as that might be easier than starting completely over.
  11. Hi Masayuki, Sorry to hear about the trouble and I would suggest submitting a support ticket with http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk as they should be able to help you sort out the issue with your Anti-Virus software. Hubert
  12. I would also suggest trying several different resolution options in the SETTINGS dialog in game to see if that helps and picking one that matches more closely to your native resolution.
  13. The 1945 victory condition scripts are only there for those that prefer the game to finish in 1945. To achieve this you would just have to disable the 1947 scripts in game and enable the 1945 ones. This can be done via the OPTIONS->ADVANCED_>SCRIPTS dialog. For Seoul this was just a design decision to reflect the importance of defeating Japan in mainland Asia as well.
  14. The only things I can think of are to try the sound driver update or even possibly a different sound card but I can see how the latter suggestion is less desirable.
  15. Quick Google search of that error code and it looks like an Audio Device error. I would suggest updating your sound driver and/or a reboot to see if that helps.
  16. There are going to be some adjustments regarding China in the first patch as there was an unfortunate MPP collection error introduced prior to official release and a few other items we are going to look at fine tuning.
  17. Sorry for the trouble Awen, and I can confirm that this system will no longer be used on future games due to these issues on some computers.
  18. Hi Happy Hedonist, I'm going to look to see if we can release a new DEMO along with the up coming v.104 patch that resolves this issue, but in the meantime if you try the Global GOLD DEMO, it includes all the fixes we could think of to resolve the issue. For example, you can disable the display of map text entirely and this seems to resolve the problem for those systems that are running into performance issues. If you can confirm with the GOLD DEMO found here then you should not have an issue with WWI either: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1956&Itemid=318
  19. Thanks Wolfe, great tips and for those that will still have some trouble with scrolling speed, this should also now be fully resolved with the options to disable in game text with the upcoming patch v1.04.
  20. Great to hear Maskirovka and I think everyone will look forward to seeing this when you are done
  21. It likely is but if you'd like to send me a file to confirm I'd be happy to take a look... send to support@furysoftware.com
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