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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Coming into this discussion a little late as I was on a much needed rest and relaxation holiday. Much of what is being posted here in terms of play balance should be addressed in the next patch and in fact I believe some of the latest beta changes have also been included in Blashy's Mod so in some ways everyone is indirectly testing the next patch which hopefully will make v1.03 that much better. I'll also be taking a look at some of the other changes proposed as well as reviewing some of the AI scripts Edwin is working on as he has also now officially joined the Beta team. Give me a few more weeks (roughly) and we should have a pretty solid v1.03 that hopefully addresses the biggest issues found up to date. For a current (unofficial) list of changes, those that I managed to get done before I left on holiday I've listed these below: v1.03 (Current Unofficial Changes) GAME ENGINE CHANGES - fixed a bug where Air Fleets, Bombers and Rockets would sometimes attack friendly resources (Wolfe) - fixed a bug where Amphibious and Sea Transport plans (once activated) did not take into account #CANCEL_POSITION conditions - fixed an amphibious bug that caused a fatal error (Louis, Normal Dude) - fixed a transport bug where transport units without a plan would not unload if they started a turn in port - fixed a bug where HQs would continually load and unload when assigned to a transport plan (Edwin P.) - fixed a bug where amphibious units were not ideally unloading once reaching the 50% (within range of attack position) threshold - fixed a country surrender script bug (Lars-Holger) - fixed a bug related to FoW and friendly resources when moving friendly units off of them (Chris) - fixed a bug related to the repurchase cost of HQs after the 60% discount cost had been applied, re-purchase cost was not properly calculated if a Production Technology discount also applied - fixed a bug where the AI did not repurchase destroyed HQs when available at 60% discount cost - AI now reclaims diplomacy chits when no longer applicable, i.e. targeted country is already at 100% activation - AI now reclaims research chits when a particular research area has been fully achieved - land units that move into a friendly fortress/fortification now automatically entrench up to 1/2 the max entrenchment value - land units that start a turn within a friendly fortress/fortification now automatically entrench up to 1/2 max entrenchment regardless of initial entrenchment value - fixed a bug where free units would surrender if their original parent country surrendered a second time - fixed a bug where unit purchases were still possible in some circumstances under 'Hard Limits' (Major Spinello) - fixed a bug related to UNIT scripts where the game engine did not properly handle the case of units arriving with unavailable destination tiles. For now these units will be skipped by the game engine (Lars) - convoy routes are now shown on the game map - sub raiding has been adjusted to check for subs directly on a convoy route first followed by a range check if the initial check fails. This will allow, for example, Axis subs to raid a US convoy if directly on this route whereby previously if the US convoy was within 1 tile of a Canadian convoy then the Canadian convoy would be raided first until all MPPs are exhausted as a result of convoys being checked in event order. - fixed a bug where transport information was not shown in the unit box when unloading a unit (Randy) EDITOR RELATED CHANGES - added Wolfe's unit mod to the Extras folder - added Fevsi Turkish HQ - added 2nd Turkish Army - removed ACTIVATION#1 events for Axis DoW on Denmark and Norway with a subsequent bump in initial US activation from 15-22% - removed ACTIVATION#1 event for an increase in USA % when Allies DoW Norway - lowered ACTIVATION#1 event for an increase in Swedish % when Allies DoW Norway. #TRIGGER was also lowered to 25% - made adjustments for Axis DoW on Turkey resulting in a higher % increases for Syria, Iran, Iraq towards Allies (ACTIVATION#1) - made adjustment for Axis DoW on Iraq resulting in a higher % increase for Turkey towards Allies (ACTIVATION#1) - made adjustments for Axis DoW on Syria resulting in a higher % increase for Iran and Turkey towards Allies (ACTIVATION#1) - removed a plan for the UK to amphibiously attack Essen if vacant as the automatically calculated ideal coastal landing position was less than ideal - fixed a bug related to setting Amphibious #GOAL_POSITION as an island location (i.e. Malta). Editor no longer complains that it is not within 2 tiles of a coastal position - fixed a bug where the unit name text limit was not the same in the Properties dialog and the Rename dialog. Text limit for unit names is now 15 characters for both dialogs - changed USA ACTIVATION#2 increases for Axis Sealion landings to a #TYPE= 1 event with a one time increase of 15-20% from multiple increases of 5-15% - fixed a bug related to VICTORY scripts that allowed for sea tiles to be selected as a Victory #MAP_POSITION. Only Land or Land + Sea tiles can now be selected (Lars) - adjusted how the Convoy scripts have been implemented... now you can set multiple scripts for the same #COUNTRY_ID and/or #TRANSFER_ID essentially allowing for several convoys between countries. Note, there can still only be one convoy at a time but should a destination port no longer be available due to occupation or a strength level less than 5 then the secondary convoy script will be used. This will also allow, for example, for Canadian MPP convoys to be redirected to Egypt from Canada should the UK become Axis occupied. Under this new system, validation checks for valid source and destination ports relative to #COUNTRY_ID and #TRANSFER_ID respectively are no longer performed by the Editor during complilation but rather by the game engine at game time - following lines were added to the localization.txt file: - #CAMPAIGN_DATA_TEXT_14= Advanced - #IMPORT_MAP_INDEXES= Import Map Indexes - #EXPORT_MAP_POSITIONS= Export Map Positions - fixed a few AI scripts relating to Amphibious assaults and the lack of proper cancelation checks, i.e. USA sending units to liberate the UK and not checking to see if mainland USA has Axis units - fixed a few AI scripts so now the AI will re-try D-Day should the original assault fail via a change from #TYPE=1 to #TYPE=2 (Blashy)
  2. JJColorado, feel free to ignore Kuni as he is just an old forum fart that likes to get a rise out of people... actually you'll find quite a few characters around here Hope you are enjoying the game, Hubert
  3. Miguel Molina, The campaigns at CMMODS are only for SC2 and would not work with SC1. Hope you enjoy the games, Hubert
  4. The challenge is in finding the right balance between what every player considers an appropriate model for WWII in this game... for example the above discussion on AF. Some like the current model and some don't and it is of course very difficult to please everyone What we try is our best to find the middle ground and if that middle ground doesn't satisfy your needs there is of course the editor. It is not to say we are hiding behind the editor but rather it is an extra tool to get exactly what you desire should you in the end disagree with current implementation.
  5. Essentially it is a balance issue... if AAR were included against AF then AF would need a counter balance tech otherwise AAR could make AF completely ineffective after a few applied levels. As HvS pointed out it was also a way to differentiate between AF and Bombers and if AF could also upgrade their attacks on resources then there would really be no need to purchase Bombers. Either way I'll think about it some more and perhaps down the road I'll come up with something.
  6. We tried to match the forcepools to what they had historically as well as balance them out with the force pool numbers available for all other combatants. Now if you are looking at the 1939 campaign the game design allows you to make the choice on how you wish to build up your forces and that includes how you choose to build up your economy as well. If it is a question of this all being automatic then it is simply a matter of disagreement between what is desired and how I've modeled the game, and that is certainly fair enough, but essentially the fate of the US is in your hands where you can build it up however you wish. Granted each game will be different due to the random element but if you look at the actual US OOBs from the war in most cases you will not be far off from what the US had historically by 1944.
  7. Downloaded the interface and I have to say this looks like some very impressive work I've also added a link to your Yahoo Group in the Scenarios/Links sticky for this forum. Hubert
  8. Yes, you simply need to paste a copy of the original bitmap 'national_tile_sprites.bmp' into your customized bitmaps folder and re-order it as desired using a graphics editor.
  9. Actually all this is saying is if there is at least 1 unit within the vicinity of the target in order for the script to be satisfied. If you specify 1-99 then a random number would be selected from 1-99 and then this would be the minimum number of units needed in order to satisfy the condition and this would not be desirable if you want the condition to happen whenever there is at least 1 unit within at least 1 tile of the target.
  10. Hi Terif, Thanks for the report and I'll look into this for the next patch. Hubert
  11. Iron Ranger thanks for the bug reports and I'll have these fixed for the next patch. Hubert
  12. It could be that your are both not running v1.02 and/or the email issue Bill has described. First I would check to make sure that you are both running v1.02 by making sure it says so in the bottom right hand corner of the MAIN MENU screen and then trying to compress the files when sending back and forth for email games. Of course you will have to decompress when you receive them. Hope this helps, Hubert
  13. Thanks for the reports guys and the files... good news is that this has been fixed and will be available in the next patch which should be out in a few weeks or so. Hubert
  14. Each copy of SC2 allows for 2 installations. After that if you want to install on a 3rd machine you have to unlicense one of the previous installations. If you take a look at your Elicense FAQ that came with the SC2 purchase or the one available online it should answer the various possibilities in more detail. http://www.battlefront.com/elicense_faq.html
  15. I've actually tried to reproduce this error and have had a hard time doing so and this despite seeing it happen once myself... I'll see if I can track this down for the next patch. Hubert
  16. Difficult to say as this is not a universal error and most likely related to the drivers on your system. I would suggest updating and reapplying all your drivers, sound, video etc., as well as updating to the latest version of DirectX to see if that resolves the problem for you.
  17. Tommy, thanks for the report and yes this would be a bug... I'll look into this for the next patch.
  18. The next patch will not be available for at least another month as there is still some testing and implementation to be done. Hubert
  19. Timskorn, one change with the v1.02 patch was that the AI no longer automatically assigns Fortresses as offensive objectives and thus the reason it goes for El Agelia. If you write a script for the UK AI to attack Tobruk manually it should then work as expected.
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