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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. This was related to Amphibious units unloading in less than ideal areas when attacking neutral countries. For example a script to have Germany attack Norway via Amphibious transport did not work too well prior to this patch.
  2. Best bet is to save your custom campaign first and then take a look at the ACTIVATION event scripts (1,2,3) to see what triggers you are interested in editing. They can be turned off by setting a #FLAG value = 0 or edited as desired.
  3. Unfortunately, new units is not possible whereas editing unit characteristics on a per country basis is probably as close as you are going to get.
  4. 1) The change was made so they could not be re-built up in the UK but rebuilding them in Egypt would be possible. 2) There is a failsafe date for some unit events in Egypt and this is probably what took effect.
  5. Wolfe, thanks for the report and file as I tried to repeat the error you mentioned, i.e. the bomber but was unable to. For the Swedish mines error, if you see this again, and before you move a unit up there to show you the Mine values send me a turn so I can take a look as that will be the only way for me to verify what might be wrong. Thanks, Hubert
  6. Yes, if you can send me the saved turn that would be great, support@furysoftware.com
  7. If you move the mouse over the bar graphs a number should pop up telling you the exact number... not on a per unit type basis but exact in terms of land, air and sea etc.
  8. Setting alternate capitals is actually done in the Editor under Edit Country Data and not via scripts. For extra units unfortunately this is not currently possible.
  9. Ok I thought I had all of them fixed but I'll take another look, thanks!
  10. Is this from a new game started with v1.02 or from a continued game started in v1.01. This might make a difference if units had already been purchased by the AI etc., but it could still have been something I've still missed. Hubert
  11. Hard to say without seeing a turn, can you send me a turn with the problem. Also send me anything else I might need to make a proper assessment like a customized campaign if applicable.
  12. If it is conquered by Germany then it is by design and just a part of how the convoy system works... i.e. the convoy relationship is maintained whether it is friendly or occupied by the country receiving the convoy supplies.
  13. Edwin, can you send me a saved turn where this happens? Send to support@furysoftware.com Moving this to the Tech Forum
  14. Edwin, can you send me a saved turn where this happens? Send to support@furysoftware.com Moving this to the Tech Forum
  15. Just a heads up that this error should now be fixed with the latest patch released today. [ June 09, 2006, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]
  16. Glad you are enjoying the game and thanks for the review To answer your question, yes it needs to have an unbroken line of squares back to it's parent... same for all resources.
  17. Gérard, this sounds very interesting and I honestly cannot wait to see it in action For the Macedonian issue, if you have 2 cities then you can set one to be an alternate capital and this way it will not surrender right away with a surprise capture of Pella.
  18. Thanks and I think it is getting there... essentially the foundation I laid out for the AI in SC2 will generally allow for a much more dynamic AI than SC1 ever had, it is just the time (consuming) part in getting it to run as smooth as expected.
  19. Patch v1.03 should have more logic added to naval units and I'll also take a look at this Malta invasion issue.
  20. At what point do you assign this plan, i.e. is Germany active in any other area or is this just after the Fall of France? I think it should assign Ok after the Fall of France but perhaps not so well if Barbarossa has already kicked off. With a few more details I might be able to narrow this down and make the necessary generic corrections.
  21. Normal Dude, for the land DoW plan issue I would suggest play testing a few times with a much higher #LENGTH value to see just how long it takes the AI to get enough units within the ideal strike range position then set the #LENGTH value to the appropriate number. Note, I did this with the existing Barbarossa plans and sometimes it works out better and sometimes not exactly ideal, depending on the current situation, but you can usually get the general ballpark correct.
  22. Did you set a #CANCEL_CONDITION for the Garrison plans? Take a look at how I have the BEF retreat from France. At the point that Paris becomes threatened, i.e. an Axis unit within 2 tiles of Paris, I have a Garrison plan take affect that moves the BEF to Brest, but the catch is to have the Garrison plan cancel as soon as the BEF reaches Brest. This way you can set a BUILD_UP_SEA_TRANSPORT plan right away with an #ACTIVATE_CONDITION for when the BEF reaches Brest. Another way to help the Amphibious plans is to have a #CANCEL_CONDITION take into account enemy naval unit locations, i.e. if there are enemy naval units close to your desired embarkation ports then the plan will not take effect, but if you have it as #TYPE=2 then it will keep trying until the ideal conditions are met. Also, to make sure units are always selected for plans use the #STEAL= 3 flag as this way it will always steal units from either Offensive or Defensive plans, i.e. less likely to not have units available for the desired plan. Hope this helps, Hubert
  23. Thanks as I did make this game with moddability in mind and I definitely want to help out the creative juices as much as possible . In terms of strictness it should be absolutely strict to take the closest units available. Note that this #FRIENDLY_POSITION flag is used this way only for AMPHIBIOUS and SEA_TRANSPORT plans. Also, it may skip taking units, relative to #FRIENDLY_POSITION, if they occupy a city that is within reach of enemy units or if the city is threatened overall.
  24. Mike, can you send me a saved turn where you see this oil value at 5. Could be that it is cutoff or possibly occupied? Only way for me to know for sure would be to see the turn first hand. Send to support@furysoftware.com
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