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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Ok, this could depend on a few factors where I have the AI focus on the #GOAL_POSITION rather than other units unless it can destroy a particular unit and even then not suffer losses that reduce it to lower than 3... but it sounds like this is not the case in your example so I will take a look.
  2. It's a good idea and I'll have to add it to the list
  3. Mike, the lines that start with a ';' (semicolon) are considered comment lines, i.e. a way to add in descriptions of what you have done that is not interpreted by the game engine. In general though all I can say is that it seems like you have a good introductory understanding of what is going on so don't be too discouraged... take a look at the script notes at the top of each script and try a few experiments and I predict you will get the hang of it in no time
  4. 1. At the moment I don't have anything that could handle strength point losses although a new script could handle that, similar to the supply script, and this has often been suggested even for situations like the War in Russia to better simulate the winter of '41. No promises though if such a script will ever come about but who knows? 2. Best bet is to release the Beta version and perhaps some within the mod community here will find the script error. If not I can certainly look a little further into it code wise and if there is a bug correct it for the next patch. Either way, looking forward to see what you might come up with wrt this customization
  5. nOknOk, thanks for the file... problem found and fixed and I think I can salvage your turn as well. Hubert
  6. 1, 2. This might be a problem linked to the #FRIENDLY_POSITION, perhaps it is not checking properly for HQs and this in combination with your successive scripts could be causing this issue. I'll have to take a look. In terms of the #FREINDLY_POSITION parameter it should only be looking at the first position listed and only for those units that are on the same connected land mass. 3. Ok, I'll take a look at this one as well. Also, can you confirm that the Army could reach the weakend HQ in this example?
  7. Nice idea but unfortunately this is not currently possible.
  8. Based on your description, I would suggest trying to update your sound and video card drivers and hopefully this will resolve the issue for you.
  9. For the bomber I think I found the problem, essentially the Amphibious plan is still on since not all units have made it to Vichy Algeria and the Bomber is attacking the port as part of this plan but is not checking to see if the port is under friendly control... consider this one fixed.
  10. Gentlemen, I think I found the source of the problem... essentially I check for the number of transports in a plan and then if I have 50% within unload range... problem is the number of transports in a plan reduces by 1 each time it unloads and so it causes a slight issue with follow up transports. For example, a plan with 6 transports and only 3 in range satisfies the initial check, i.e. 50% within range, but as soon as I unload the first one, I now only have 2 transports in range and so the check fails for the follow up transports. Slight oversight, sorry about that, but I will fix this for the next patch.
  11. Correct, setting it to 0% means it is looking for any value > 0 and up to 99, not 100.
  12. Unfortuantely I don't see a way to control this as the % value is always checking for the greater than condition and not for a less than condition.
  13. Probably a good idea but at the moment it is not an option unfortuantely... I'll see what I can possibly do with this for down the road.
  14. Ok, I thought I had this one figured out but looks like the fix did not work exactly as intended... I'll take another look.
  15. I would say to check through all the ACTIVATION scripts, i.e. 1,2 and 3 as there might be one you might have missed.
  16. SirKid, take a look at the right button panel and you'll notice one for accessing the game 'MAPS'. Click on this and then select WAR MAP. From there you just need to find the flag for Benelux and click on it to enable the 'DECLARE WAR' option. Hope you like the Demo Hubert
  17. Ok, send me a turn where it is known to happen, i.e. a less than ideal landing and I can take a look.
  18. Correct Yes, scripts are read in event order and so on the same turn, USA and then France (of course depending on which order you've pasted the scripts) will have their activation % increased.
  19. I should add that the idea behind this is that if you were to allow stealing from Build Ups you would lose absolute control over AI behaviour as plans could cyclically steal from each other and therefore go nowhere. If you only allow stealing from Offensive/Defensive plans then it is a safer instruction as these plans are already automatically assigned by the AI, and therefore not assigned anywhere else, or recently converted by a Build Up plan which at least has been able to transition to an activated plan. The trick is to of course anticipate and allow for the formation of plans if needed and not steal from them if units are needed elsewhere. Sometimes it is one plan at a time, or prolonged build up periods (#LENGTH) to ensure they are not eventually stolen from (once activated) by another desired plan.
  20. Correct, but IIRC this is a special case for the AI scripts and not when the #VARIABLE_CONDITION is used within the EVENT scripts. You can see this where I have AI scripts set, such as Garrison scripts for the USSR, that are pre 100% activation and then post activation. Sometimes they are the same script because I want the same behaviour pre and post activation.
  21. It would only steal from its activation phase and in this case only Offensive/Defensive plans.
  22. This is great Terif and many thanks for doing something like this... I'll add a link to this from my homepage Hubert
  23. Good idea Edwin... we'll see if I can eventually sneak something like this in
  24. This cannot be done script wise and only via code... I'll consider this sort of change for a future patch.
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