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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Lars, I tried the save file and after a quick initial inspection it seems to be working ok. The first turns I tried with the weather on and it looked like the UK was attacking targets outside of the AF range, remember the AF strike range is cut in half due to weather, and then with weather off the AI selected targets outside of the AF range once again but further targets due to the increase in AF strike range.
  2. Hi CSS, sorry to hear about the trouble... just working on a few of the issues and the fix should be out soon. Hubert
  3. Lars, unfortunately I was unable to reproduce this... if you have a saved game where this is repeatable please send the file to support@furysoftware.com. Thanks, Hubert
  4. Ok I will take a look... note there was a problem before where AF were intercepting when their AP=0 and this has been corrected but I'll make sure that I did not introduce anything new. Hubert
  5. Hey Curry, Just wanted to say thanks for running the SC1 PBEM league and I am honoured the games lasted as long as they did Hubert
  6. We're just figuring out a few delivery issues but hopefully soon
  7. No problemo and either one works actually... more for me to keep incoming emails organized by subject.
  8. Gorgin, yes if you still have the autosave file that can reproduce the problem it is probably a good idea to send it my way just to confirm that it is the same issue. Send to support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  9. Thanks, I've made a note of it and will look into this for the next patch
  10. Once per turn as the supply situation can change after each player's turn
  11. Thanks These are the only two games I have made so far and while I have a few ideas for future work there is nothing 100% concrete at the moment... but soon enough I suspect.
  12. Titan, the BEF is scripted to retreat and possibly sea transport to either the UK or to the Mediterranean. Is it possible that on the AI turn there was a land connection allowing for the AI unit to operate? I only ask as it is most likely the case otherwise the BEF should not be able to retreat as you expected. If you encounter a similar situation again, please save the game prior to the AI turn and if it is repeatable I can take a look and see what might be going on.
  13. xwormwood, thanks for the post and I just wanted to say that these are mostly known issues that I am working to correct
  14. I think I've fixed this one now but if you can still send me a copy of your autosave that would be great in order to confirm.
  15. Gentlemen, sorry to hear about the trouble. Yes please send me the autosave if you still have it ASAP so I can look into the issue and provide a fix. Thanks, Hubert
  16. John, part of the attempt with SC2 was to move as much as possible into scripts as well as config files that are accessible via the editor such as combat target data, unit cost etc. Now I realize that it is not entirely complete, for example there are a few items still hardcoded such as sub dive percentage etc., but if you could list some of the other items that are not currently accessible (that you would like to access) please don't hesitate to do so as I'd eventually like to make the game as configurable as possible.
  17. Capt Andrew, scripts are read in the event order they are listed so you can certainly write up more than one script and just list them in order of preference. For example lets say you wanted to scale the % impact based on the number of units relative to a given tile... then in this case start with an event that checks for 4-5 units first and then a subsequent event for 2-3 units etc. For the question on the script logic unfortunately only the OR logic is used for the SUPPLY script.
  18. Tough question and unfortunately probably not as it would break a lot of code... good news is that I am thinking about it and we'll see what I can come up with for down the road... maybe
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