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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. The stock vehicle gfx is good, the "problem" as I see it is the terrain. It looks blocky and not very realistic.
  2. Sheesh Volkov, you are just making a fool out of yourself. You come up with some blanket statements andoffer no evidence other than patriotic propganda like gibberish. Others like FK have offered historical statements which reflect how the US soldier performed. I think the problem is that you live in your own little universe and think that every other US soldier, at any time in history, must have been like you and your experiences. Give it a rest.
  3. The ammo load out per se is ok, the problem arises when there is an A/D situation. As a defender it would be reasonable to expect that you have stocked up ammo in your defensive posistions. Especially for heavy weapons and MG.
  4. Very cool to see the tanks "in action". Thanks for the links, do u have anymore?
  5. So.. Im playing happily along with my 2 vet Shermans 76mm and my opponent has a Tiger. My one Sherman is dueling it out with him from a distance of 600m and has "OK" kill chance. But (!) my other Sherman is only 150-200 m away, and has a flank shot opportunity! "Nice, thats one dead Tiger" I m thinking. My flanking Sherman hunts forward, spots the Tiger and... WHAT?! Reverses away?! Explain this to me, a Sherman vet, 150-200 m with a flanking shot, not being targeted or anything, reverses away, but the other Sherman 600 m away is dueling it out, front to front, and being targeted. Just too add to the injury, the next turn I gave him S&S command and he spent 25 sec looking at the Tiger but not targeting it. SHEESH! Sometimes I ...... get a bit frustrated with the game...
  6. At the end of the day we play for different reasons, but having fun is pretty darn important. Facing PaK fronts on turn 1 make the game LESS fun for me, so I have the towing as a house rule. If my opponent does not agree upon that, fine, no problem, we can play some one else. That way, we *both* can have fun. I like to set up house rules, because within those, the player can do whatever he chooses. As another poster said, if he had run into a large PaK front he would resign the game because, I guess, he feels it is somehow gamey. If we agree on house rules first, we wont have those problems. If my opponent still wants to buy loads of ATGs, fine, but I know he has to buy the transport, I know he has to transport them. Anyhow, its a double edged sword, the same holds true for me also ofcos, its not like "no Tigers in 43" if I play Allies.
  7. The beauty of a house rule is, if you dont like it, dont play with it. If some one doesnt like my house rule, hey, np, but I wont play ya. If you do agree to play me with my house rules, I do expect you to follow the ageed upon rules. As for the reason for "towed at start", I say its "semi-realistic" in an unrealistic situation In QBs the terrain can be very favourable or unfavourable, you do not know. But if the start up pos has excellent vantage points to the enemy and his lines of advances, lining up cheap ATGs (cos they dont require transport) covering large portions of the map... well, not my vup of tea. And, you can deploy immobile guns which otherwise you couldnt have even brought to the game. For instance, in the early yrs the sovs can buy their dirt cheap 45mm ATGs and 76mm guns in large numbers, and all the axis AFVs are vurnable. Not to mention the HTs! If you think that stimulates a fun game, good on ya, I dont.
  8. Playing against the AI you can win easily in most situations. Played as Finns in May 44, Sovs had 125%, 1000 pts CA, ME. My armour consisted of 2 Bt-42 and a Bt-5 with a coy of inf, a 105mm FO and 2 75mm ATG. I faced (saw this after the game was over ofcos) 4 SU-122s a Battalion worth of Inf and a arty FO. Long story short, I won 100-0. Sovs had over 350 cas and I had 2 or 3.
  9. You can ofcos place them during setup, however, everyone can have house rules. Me for example insist that if I play ME the guns starts towed. This is told before the battle and I expcet my opponents honour all agreed upon rules. This is sadly not the case sometimes. And, on a another note, I grow damn tired of bad losers quitting games on me!!!
  10. Actually I think more people play CMBB than CMAK. Seems people have migrated a bit back to CMBB.
  11. As others have mentioned, it acted like that because 1. It though it was a Stug, which it would be able to penetrate with AP. 2. It cannot learn from the bouncing shells. On another subject, Im pretty tires of seeing ALL the assualt guns IDed as Stugs, just lik eth eT34/85 was always IDed as T34/76s. The spotter must ID the bastard right away once in a while ! (long range)
  12. No, not immune, if the shoot command (fast forward) involved driving for several meters in plain view of the enemy AFV, the driver will cancel the command and reverse after a few meters.
  13. You have no ATG, big mistake. You should get some captured 76 mm (to deal with whatever he got) and/or 50 mm (for T34s and lighter tanks). Remember to try to get flank shot, hold your fire until you either have multiple fire angles (best) or a good shot, (flank).
  14. The article seems to think differently "Main Gun Operation: Cannot be fired until launcher is jettisoned"
  15. Perhaps the problem presents itself when the dust / smoke blocks los to the spotting round?
  16. Im sorry, but have you ever played this game, or just modded it? From the top of my head (so dont trust me) Probe is + 25 %, Attack is + 50 % and Assualt is + 100%.
  17. Try a battle in 41 and see how that goes.. For the Panther/Tiger, they shoulndt be a problem from 44 and onwards if you use proper tactics. See the Tips and Tricks forum.
  18. Ok, just wanting to point out one thing, which doesnt have anything to do wiht the KTII, but JS2 in CMBB. The JS2 can be extremly effective. 1) If it hits a german AFV, its dead. 2) High blast value against soft targets. How to use it: Shoot & Scoot. Try, and you ll be rewarded by many a burning german AFV.
  19. So, I was reading my "Berlin" book by Beaver, good read! (Pretty nasty those ruskies also, eh?) Anyho, it seems firing in the treetops by direct fiire was something that happend quite alot, at least in late war by the sovs, and I can understand that it would be a pretty smart thing to do. We all love/hate the treeburst from arty in CM, but it would be nice if we had the choice of firing into the trees by DF guns also. Waiting for CMX2...
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