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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. There are no real competitive ladders around anymore, not after TH closed a long time ago. The ladders listed here is nothing more than social clubs with some semi-competitive aspects. Not to say thats a bad thing of course!
  2. If this patch things get people up in arms, then I look forward to seeing the response of the non WWII CMx2!
  3. Could you please edit out your quote from me? Thanks.
  4. [ November 22, 2004, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  5. While I would like to see that happen too, it wont. BFCs attitude towards this is extremely negative, for various reasons.
  6. [ November 22, 2004, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  7. Im sure you can find many useful hints in the Tips and Tricks forum.
  8. [ November 22, 2004, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  9. [ November 22, 2004, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  10. Ok, so the community raises alot of issues they want to see improved upon or fixed in the 1.02 patch, since BFC said it would be the last. BFC says the pacth will be comprehensive and complete as it is the last one and time pass, and pass.. and pass... Finally, after god know how long, the patch is ready, which you would assume is the most tested patch in BFC history since its the last AND they had all this time. And we end up with THIS? A elementary bug which should have been discovered by a 10 year old playing the game. And no game fixed except the bunker firing slit. Rest is TO&E. This is the first time BFC really has dissapointed me. I hope it is not a sign of future service and support from BFC..
  11. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! You do realize that this means I have to pick T26s vs Tigers, dont ya?!
  12. I always thought it was mounted on a tractor, and thats why it had tracks instead of wheels. If it was towed, why use tracks?!
  13. No. Lack of ammo was the only reason for doing so in game, had this been done in RL they would prolly be reprimaded for wasting C ammo.
  14. Do you think we will see it before or after the infamous CMAK patch?
  15. Being a foreginer living in Oz, is it far form Brisbane? Just checked the map, doesnt look far, could prob bicycle down there in a few hours. Well, its gonna be tiresome, but I ll be there. Perhaps 15 min late or somefink, but nuffin major.
  16. Remember that RL data about turret size etc has nothing to do with how CM models hit chances for the different parts of the tank. No matter if the turret of the tank is small (PzIV) or large (KV2) it has the same probability of hitting the turret. If it hits at all that is. This further complicates the issue with the vulnerable PzIV turret.
  17. We can all relate to that! Or, at least the latter </font>
  18. We can all relate to that! Or, at least the latter
  19. So did Erwin Rommel, what is your point? </font>
  20. This is the same scen were most people complain that their Nashorns never hit anything and dies fast.. This is a subjective thing, and from reading rexfords posts about hit probability it seems clear to me that the hit chances, especially first round ones are too LOW in the game. This is my subjective opinion after over 4 years of playing this game on a regular basis against other human opponents, take it for what its worth.
  21. I know he has played a few top dogs and lost. Take it for what you want.
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