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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. That link was very informative and extremly relevant for this topic, NOT! Jeeeesus, if you want to play games (in general) there is no contest between Mac and PC. PC gets HEAPS more games, and even has GOOD gfx cards, which the Mac does not have. Only reason to get Mac is for fashion/publishing software reasons. And even that reasons is becomming a bit long in its tooth.
  2. You do know this info by itself is useless, right? What kind of CPU do you, what kind of Gfx card do you have? A 2.5 Ghz AMD64 is HEAPS more powerful than a P4 2.5 Ghz CPU etc.
  3. My assumption is always that the gear shift has become tangled with the driver's intestines. This will effectively knock out the vehicle until a recovery team with buckets and sponges arrives, which of course is well beyond the scale of CM. </font>
  4. Why shouldn't it? The game has absurd amount of abstractions, why wouldn't a stray bullet hitting something vital not take it out? Chances are so absolutely slim but could be there, especially with the 7/1. Just because something has a snowballs chance in hell of happening doesn't mean it shouldn't IMHO. </font>
  5. It shouldnt be possible, but it will happen from time to time, and the fanbois can give you all sorts of strange explinations.
  6. Some people confuse simplification and "dumbing down" the game. You can have a very complex came and make it *simple* to play via a good user interface. Thats the best games. A good example of a game that are complex with hopeless UI is War in the Pacific. That guarantees that the game will only ever appeal to a few hardcore grogs that are willing to invest the time and fight the frustration in order to play the game. It doesnt even have right click functions for God's sake!
  7. Some people confuse simplification and "dumbing down" the game. You can have a very complex came and make it *simple* to play via a good user interface. Thats the best games. A good example of a game that are complex with hopeless UI is War in the Pacific. That guarantees that the game will only ever appeal to a few hardcore grogs that are willing to invest the time and fight the frustration in order to play the game. It doesnt even have right click functions for God's sake!
  8. I think its pretty safe to say that it wont happen.
  9. I think its pretty safe to say that it wont happen.
  10. Well, you could be right. Then again, I thought CMBB was a bit frustrating in the beginning also, but then I came to love it and much prefer it to CMBO. Its all what you are used to I think.
  11. I challange you to meet me on the battlefield, I'll bring a t-34 and you can bring a t-38. Or, Im in a Tiger and you in Sherman, you could never win then! Oh wait... that did happen.. wonder why..
  12. Nonsense. How can you alienate anybody by including more -options-? As mentioned, the first game wont have multi multi, but perhaps the second? I for one would love to see it!
  13. Nonsense. How can you alienate anybody by including more -options-? As mentioned, the first game wont have multi multi, but perhaps the second? I for one would love to see it!
  14. I agree! I for one am happy to see that the game wont be held back by a shrinking customer base with ancient computers.
  15. And, oh, I doubt any computers with a integrated gfx card would be able to run it particularly well, except perhaps fro the new ATI one.
  16. Indeed, but it seems that CMx2 is aiming for a larger market than CMx1, as it should do. And Steve has said eye candy will play a larger part in CMx2 than in CMx2, for whatever reasons. An example is 1-1 representation, which is important for a realistic sim, but also from a eye candy POV. They are thus removing CMx1 "abstractations" and replacing it with specifics. to a lesser or greater extent. Thus, aiming for a bigger market and removing some CMx1 abstractations seems to imply that the gamer they are aiming for may not be very forgiving on fading units (abstractations). In the end, this is a different topic than 1-1 scale, its the borg spotting. And If Im not mistaken, there already is a thread about that?
  17. Following your logic, the unit should then disappear on a number of various occations, unit break down does not only limit itself to CC situations. While this may be realistic one can ponder of the wisdom of such a move in terms of gameplay. Wonder how appricated it would be by the player to see his units fade in and out of vision all the time..
  18. Not true. A M10 in HD pos will bounce 75L48 shots from around 600-700 m. As the 75L48 cannon (in form of the Stug) is the most numerous armoured enemy you will find, I think its safe to say its not a "relativly moot" point.
  19. It could take awhile now as we are both very busy IRL. We'll see what happens.
  20. The driver. The Archer could have been good, but after I had 3 of them cower from a PzIV, their anti armour role fell apart you could say...
  21. Then I think your better off reading a book.
  22. I have a reference from "Great Battles of the Waffen SS" where the Germans used Recon troops off Motorcycles to good effect, I wonder if it was from Kursk also, Ill see if I can dig it up later.
  23. Re: Answers. Cheers. And thanks for the communication Steve, much appricated.
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