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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. On defence, pretty decent. On offence, out right bad. Play versus humans, the AI is only good at learning you the game. But dont learn too much or you will be picking up some bad habits
  2. Why on earth would you include CMBO in this tournament? You should, imho, only have ak and bb, preferable as seperate tournys.
  3. This always surprise me. I prefer playing as Russians, and I love their armour. They have a difficult time in 42-43, but other than that, they beat the germans hands down. And in 42-43, get a 57mm ATG or two, or even better, a captured Stug And, ofcos, flank. The problem for a player that has always played with the "uber" axis armour is that they dont know to handle the russian armour. The same people have probably never used a PzIV. For tips, go to, (taaadaaaa) the tips and tactics section, you will find plenty of useful posts there, and even here, if you search.
  4. AFAIK, none of this happens. Only way you would know is the AAR.
  5. I wouldnt say that, I prefer playing the Soviets. They have better infantery and they generally have on par armour. On top of that they get more armour points in a combined arms setup. In terms of arty the Germans has the upper hand, but its not a make it or break it issue. The Sovs have afterall the 120mm mortar FO which is pretty damn handy.
  6. Its a hate or love thing with the desert. I generally dont like it, but small battles (1000 pts) with heavy trees and med hills can be fun. The "problem" is the lack of features in the desert, its just plain boring.
  7. Its bit of an urban myth about "flag rushing" in MEs. There will usually be multiple flags anyway, and a good player knows where to consentrate his forces. People that keeps on hymning to this tune are usually players that swear to "authetic" OOBs, plays PBEM and ponders each turn for an eternity, thats my 4 yrs of experience anyway The differeance between a good player and a great player is how good they are in reading the terrain, ME or no ME. The real achilles heel of MEs is the predictable OOBs. As there are some combination of forces that simply are much more "bang for the buck" than any others.
  8. I am just wondering, is it only the Tiger of the german AFVs that used the 3 man estimate procedure, and if so, why?
  9. I think you are the one that is found lacking Tittles. I rather take his word over yours, seeing he has written a book on WWII armour etc. What are your qualifications again?
  10. I fancy myself as a good player, so I had to have a crack at it. Read no spoilers, stuck to AI setup, + 3 experience, first try: Can I have the KC now? Had more problem holding the inf at bay. Lost one of the Stugs to track hit and then gun damage. Good scenario though, pretty hectic.
  11. There are several AAR's here, including a really thrilling one, namely mine http://forums.mzocentral.net/index.php?showforum=96
  12. There are several AAR's here, including a really thrilling one, namely mine http://forums.mzocentral.net/index.php?showforum=96
  13. If the 56k person is only downloading and not uploading the turn, there shouldnt be too much of a problem.
  14. FM Paul Heinrik, do disrespect, but as a new player, you are talking about things you dont understand. If you want to learn more about this particular subject, you can do a search on this forum.
  15. Also note what is stated on the battlefield.ru site: "Also, it is important to understand that realistic penetration values in 1941-1943 was reduced significantly due to low quality ammo."
  16. Phil, with that rig CM should be a piece of cake. Unless you are playing HUGE battles that is. (5000-10000)
  17. It does follow as you made a blanket statement about Stug buying is cherry picking with no reference to date. Anyho, I agree that the ponit model for AFVs atleast should be modified. Regardig the Stug VS T34 issue, you have discussed this heaps of times (people, search the Forum) and you never had any evidence to back up your claims. Only what you thought was correct. Im not saying that T34 ammo is not undermodeled, it may very well be, but you have not proven so.
  18. Yes, yes, Oddball, but that still doesnt explain the point made, the vehicles turn too slowly. At least some of them.
  19. I recently watched footage of a KV2 roatating in place, on frozen snow. It took it approx 15 sec to turn 45 degrees. The same feat in CMBB takes approx 40 sec, on open ground no less. A differance of almost 200%! To see how it worked out in CMAK I used captured Shermans (75 and 76) and rotated them 45 degrees, it took them a bit over 30 sec. In CMAK, the Sherman A1 and A3 uses a few seconds less. This seems to indicate that CMs modeling of AFV turn rates are pretty far off the mark. But how can this be, I mean, would it be pretty easy to for instance get real life turn rates for common tanks like the Sherman? Or is this a consequence of engine limitations where the turn rate is simply a function of the top speed?
  20. As the Stug was one of the most numeorous german AFVs during WWII, buying them doesnt excactly amount to cherry picking.
  21. The problem lies also in the fact that the small turret size is not factored in. CM does not account for the size of any turrent and treat them all equal. BFC has not given any comment that would suggest that these issues will be corrected in a patch.
  22. I have played all 3 CM games, that means Ive been playing them, and playing them alot, both for fun and on ladders, for over 4 yrs. You reach a point you know. As Moon said, burn out, and he is right, never before has any series hold me for this long. Kudos to BFC. But for me, it still is the case of, the King is dead, long live the King, but where the heck is he?!
  23. CM is dying anyway now. CMBB was the last real new game, CMAK just being an extension, which has a shorter life time too I would guess. Seeing how it is nothing new in the CMBB sense. While the CM series is THE WWII tactical game, I, and it seems like alot of others, are getting tired of the games. I hope CMX2 will come sooner than later, or I suspect it will be a very quiet forum indeed. I am a strong supporter of BFC, but for me anyway, its soon time to put this dog to rest.
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