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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. Huh? So CMx2 will be CMAK with finite number of fancy campaigns, infinite QBs and no scenarios at all? I do take it the user can make scanrios? Can he also make the fancy campaigns?
  2. CMX2 first release will be modern combat. </font>
  3. There is no shell core in HEAT rounds, the round relies on.. wait for it.. heat!
  4. Better than HL2? I'll believe that one when I see it. Please surprise me!
  5. Never mind, found it now. Its up to the mods.
  6. Hey, here is a novel idea, as your opinions doesnt matter much one way or another, why not let the mods decide, you know, how it works around here. You can always email them and protest.
  7. Due to a more hectic Xmas time than expected (who would have known that the Aussies BBQ so much during the holidays! ) this article has been delayed. Now, in the infamous words of BFC, it will be done when its done!
  8. Compared to what games? Wargames, RTS, FPS? Can you give a example of a current game which is on par with the CMx2 engine?
  9. Heh. Nope. They've got more than enough talent to go around, I'd guess. :-D Cars is looking GREAT, thank you very much! I'm not expecting Pixar-level effects/animation for CMx2, as Finding Nemo takes up 12 Tetrabytes of disk space on the disk farm. That might make it difficult for your average gamer to run a SUPER animated CMx2 from home. Heh heh. Gpig </font>
  10. A month or so ago, one of the BFC employees stated that we could expect an (biggish) announcement regarding upcoming games or sumefink at the end of this year. So.... where is it?!?! Please dont tell me it was that trailer for Dangerous Waters, pretty please! I was expecting something along the lines of a demo of DiF. Yet another Xmas dissapointment? [ January 13, 2005, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  11. Your question (and my response to) was how to recon with vehicles only. What you are trying to do here is to KO AT guns, not recon it would seem. To engange AT guns with vehicles only you need multiple tanks enganging it, at the same time. Preferably from different angles as to force the AT gun to use time rotating. Also, some tanks etc are better suited (but in general, this is not what tanks are supposed to do!) than others to KO ATGs.
  12. It is all relative on the point values of casualties and VP.
  13. Do you mean by auto cowering behaviour? Then, no.
  14. Use S&S or fastmove/reverse order to peak over hills etc to draw fire.
  15. Why the condescending attitude? Why do you care how I play my CM games? </font>
  16. Walpurgis Nacht and another persoan had PBEMs going with him, AFAIK he stopped responding to them at the time he stopped posting on this forum. Which at the same time he was writing his continuous AAR on this board.
  17. There are some AARs with him on this board I believe, you can search for them. As for details, you would be better of asking the people that has played him
  18. Part of the problem writing a tactics guide is the amount of varibles that affect the tactics. So, unless you want to write a monster size book really, you cant cover all the different situation, and perhaps not even then. Which means that you must simplify and generalise to a degree when wiriting. Which in turn, means that people can point at the article and says XXX didnt work in my game, the tactics you write sucks. And, the guy would be right, in the sense that the tactics would not work under his circumstances. A good player understands how the different variables affect tactics used, and adjust accordingly. End of the day, there is just so much you can learn by reading, learning by doing is much better. Articles can help by pointing out mistakes done and come with suggestions on how to improve them. Too bad you cant make movies in game in CM. (without 3rd party programs, that is)
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